In our country, there are mainly two types of pets - Djungarian and Syrian. Djungarian hamsters can be easily distinguished from Syrian hamsters: they are much smaller and have a gray color with a longitudinal black stripe on the back. This species also includes dwarf hamsters, sometimes called Siberian. But it is very difficult to distinguish...
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I have a little friend - this is my cat Sima. She has been living with me for a long time. When I was 2 years old, my dad brought me Sima. She was born on March 1, 1998 in Vitebsk, Belarus. I have a Persian cat. The Persian cat is a breed of long-haired domestic cat. Türkiye is considered its homeland, although it came to Europe from Iran. The...
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A dog is a man’s faithful friend and helper, loyal to him by its very essence. Human qualities are manifested in the attitude towards dogs: love and affection, in other cases indifference and cruelty. Some people believe that love for animals, in particular dogs, gives rise to sentimentality and weakness, and we should raise strong, brave, firm...
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The origins of the commonwealth of man and cat are lost in the sands of the Egyptian deserts. Among the hieroglyphic inscriptions in the pyramid-tombs of the pharaohs of the V-VI dynasties (c. 2700 BC) there are already hieroglyphs with the meaning “cat”. In ancient Egypt, cats were especially revered; special temples were built for them....
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The topic of interaction, the relationship between man and nature has always attracted the attention of both writers and readers. For Russian people at all times, nature is not only a landscape that forms aesthetic taste, an idea of beauty. As a rule, the writer also reveals a certain version of man’s relationship to nature; in a work of art,...
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Found on almost all continents, wild cats have always attracted human attention with their behavior. The cat family has about 35 species. There are 12 species of wild cats living in Russia. Domestic cats were domesticated in different ways. And although millions of cats currently live at home, there are many stray ones. This often results from...
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Lepidosiren is a strong fish. In nature, it is found in the central part of South America. They live in small rivers, which dry up in the hot summer. In the hot summer they burrow into the mud and wait there for rain. When there is little air in the water, they rise to the top and breathe atmospheric air. Therefore, they have lungs and gills,...
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In our harsh conditions of the Far North, where winter is all the seasons that children see, and the color of white snow is the only color of nature, we considered it necessary to present the city residents with the variety of colors of the flora and fauna of both the planet and Gubkin . Our children cannot directly communicate with living...
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In Djungarian hamsters, all male individuals practically do not store food for future use, and females constantly arrange large storage rooms in the corner of their home. In the Syrian hamster, both males and females always make reserves. The guys and I decided to learn more about these interesting animals from books, find out why Syrian...
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Over time, human society has evolved. The dog always remained close to people, both in the village and in the city. She could no longer live separately from a person. In practice, the dog has become a member of our society. But with the development of technological progress, her life becomes more complicated. Increasingly, she has to risk her...
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I really love pets: cats, dogs. They are very affectionate, they are happy when you return home, and they are also true friends. But I had a dream to have a hamster and now my dream came true, I got a hamster. From the first days he became my favorite! My beauty's name is Jenny (I heard this name in a cartoon). Jenny's color is brownish-gray,...
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Many people have already gotten used to the idea that man is the king of all living things. However, it is not. Man is a child of nature, its integral part. Animals are ½ part of nature, the most important link, without which a person could not live a single day. Domestic animals evolved from wild ones (more precisely, man himself gradually...
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The first domestic cats appeared in Africa, like the first people on earth. Thus, we can assume that humans and cats have the same homeland and for many millennia they coexisted peacefully. Ancient Egypt is considered to be the place where the history of the domestic cat began. This was in the third millennium BC. The Egyptians considered the...
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Before bringing budgies into the house, we read literature about these birds. There were a lot of books. Evgeny Zakharov gives good information for readers in the book “Budgerigars”. He tells in detail how to distinguish a young parrot from an adult, a healthy one from a sick one, how to choose the right cage, care for the birds, and what food...
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Evolution of the dog, Spitz breed. (the word evolution means development) The red color on the map indicates the territory of distribution of prehistoric wolves, in the same territory the remains of an ancient peat dog were found, from which Spitz-shaped dogs originated. The dog was the first animal to be domesticated by man. After many...
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In Russia, a cat has always been the personification of home comfort and well-being. We have always loved the animal and respectfully called it “the mistress of the house.” When moving, the cat must be the first to cross the threshold of the new home, otherwise there will be no comfort and happiness in it. Popular belief states that a tricolor...
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A cat is a fluffy and very affectionate animal. She creates peace and prosperity in the house. Very often, a cat alleviates illnesses for sick people, and fills life with meaning for lonely people. It’s rare that a house doesn’t have cats. I have three living with me. Their names are Snezhanna, Surprizka and Dymka. While caring for my cats and...
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To create a rabbit farm, you need to choose the right place. It should be placed in a dry, elevated place. Away from residential premises and other outbuildings. Lowlands, where there is often fog, are contraindicated for rabbitry. When building rabbit hutches, you should think about how to protect rabbits from sunlight. Rabbits do not tolerate...
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In the tropical forests of Australia, South America, South Asia and Africa, in the dense tangle of trunks, vines, aerial roots or in the continuous cover of foliage, you will not immediately notice the inhabitants of the tree tops. During the day there is deep silence here, it seems that the forest is empty. But in the evening, when darkness...
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An ancient belief tells that the wise King Solomon lived in the world, and he had a magic ring that gave him power over all animals. He knew how to understand their habits and communicate in animal language. Is it hard to believe? And I really want to be in Solomon’s place! The idea of pets and the place they occupy in people's lives has a...
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Michelle is my dog. They called her that because she is a French breed - a toy poodle, and her name is also French. When I was about to start first grade, my dog died. We all cried and worried for a very long time, but one day we came to visit our old friend, at that time her dog gave birth to two cute puppies, we really liked one of them and...
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The cat is a beautiful, intelligent and amazingly intelligent creature. She is gentle, affectionate and devoted to her home and person. A cat is a clean, friendly and so calm animal that we sometimes forget that we are facing a real predator. The cat is my favorite animal. In the order of carnivores there is a family of cats, which includes more...
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The question of the origin of the dog remains open to this day. It is not precisely established from which ancestor and in which part of the globe the dog originated. Some scientists suggest that the ancestors of the distant ancestors of dogs could be wolves and jackals. Proof of this is the biological proximity of species, the similarity of...
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Currently, many residents create a pond in their garden. The pond is one of the attractive places in the landscape. But a pond looks much more effective and organic when it is inhabited by animals. Fish make any body of water lively and interesting, and nothing is more soothing than watching them glide effortlessly between aquatic plants. When...
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Wild animals are not only objects of hunting and the economic basis of human existence from his first steps on our planet. Animals are part of our life, part of our history, inexhaustible springs of culture and art, numerous hobbies, scientific research, creativity and new discoveries. Communication with wild animals and the need to hunt them as...
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The history of mankind dates back more than tens of millennia. And for many centuries, four-legged friends – cats and dogs – have been walking next to us, “paw to paw”. It's no secret that these cute creatures occupy a large place in the life of human society. The relationship between animals and humans has always been potentially mutually...
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I live in a village, and almost everyone who lives in a rural area has pets - cows, horses, sheep, cats, dogs... I also have animals at home, and almost all of them have nicknames. For example, we call our calf February, because she was born in February, and the kitten is called Fluff, since he is very fluffy. We choose the nicknames for our...
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During the period 2007-2008, we examined 105 chickens. The chickens were divided into two groups: the first group grazed near a pond, and the second group grazed in the meadow. The first group of chickens had the nematode Ecoleus annulata 60%. The second place in distribution was occupied by Capillaria columbae, also from the nematode class,...
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A hamster is a small mammal, a surprisingly attractive, mischievous animal from the order of rodents, the suborder of mice, and the family of earthmovers. Rodents make up 45% (by number of species) of all mammals. And this family includes about 390 species, including the South African hamster, Syrian golden hamsters, Russian dwarf hamsters,...
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The red-eared turtle is the most common species of aquatic turtle found in home aquariums. A distinctive feature of red-eared turtles is a pair of red stripes behind the eyes, which are located on the sides of the head near the ears. The hard shell of turtles consists of bony plates that are fused with the ribs. The shell of red-eared turtles...
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A cat is a highly developed animal. Communication with a person is a very serious factor influencing both sides. Man experiences a lack of communication with animals and nature. Therefore, it is necessary to use any experience of the positive results of raising and communicating with cats. Animals and people are one world. And the simplest rule...
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All cats are wonderful hunters. Despite her long life next to humans, she has not lost her wild habits. How cleverly a kitten catches a piece of paper on a string! It hides, sneaks up, instantly jumps - and the toy is in its claws. And cats have retractable claws: when creeping up, they tuck them into soft pads, but if they launch them into...
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Every person dreams or has dreamed of someday having a dog. And it’s not surprising - after all, everyone wants to have a faithful and devoted friend, but this is also a very big responsibility. Parents believe that a puppy is another small child who requires attention, love, additional material costs, and he also needs to be given a separate...
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A person does not always live in one house; sometimes he moves, changes his place of residence. And of course, a pet – a hamster, a cat, a dog – moves with the owner. Residents of Magadan living in the North are familiar with the situation when the whole family goes on vacation for the summer, but there is no one to leave the cat with....
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Man tamed the dog a long time ago. Researchers believe that the entire canine genus came from wolves, which were domesticated by people living somewhere in China about 15 thousand years ago. It was there that people managed to breed wolves without aggressiveness. Perhaps these she-wolves lived in the same pack. In a study conducted in the USA,...
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Cats are a genus of mammals, the cat family. The cat family, which includes the domestic cat, has existed for about 10 thousand years. The domestic cat has been living next to humans for 6 thousand years. There are also wild cats in nature - lynx, panther, leopard, snow leopard, cheetah, jaguar. Domestic cats live 12-14 years. Their average...
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Pets are human constant companions. Many children want to have a pet. If a child happens to be left at home alone, so that he does not feel lonely and not be alone. The hamster is quite common as a pet. Rodents have lived alongside humans since ancient times. On the one hand, they spoiled crops and grain reserves and spread diseases. On the...
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In 1930, a zoologist from Jerusalem found a female wild hamster with twelve cubs in a hole. He sent several of them to London, where they subsequently began breeding them. It is from these animals that millions of domestic hamsters originated. I have two hamsters: Djungarian and Siberian. “Dzungarik” is a female named Kuzyozya, Siberian is a...
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There are 324 known species of parrots, of which about 150 live in Australia and its adjacent islands, 140 species live in Central and South America. The rest inhabit the countries of Southeast Asia, Africa, and the island of Madagascar. Most species live primarily in countries with tropical climates; some parrots, such as cockatiels, can live...
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Pets are known for their loyalty, playfulness, attractive appearance, and communication with their owner. Pets provide their owners with excellent opportunities to improve their health: they help relieve stress, do morning exercises in the morning, and breathe fresh air. It is a known fact that people who have pets have a lower risk of heart...
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The cat is not only a graceful and beautiful animal, but also the most mysterious. With her independence and independence, she always attracted the attention of people who tried to conquer the cat and make her a faithful servant. However, the proud animal condescended only to friendship with humans and is still a cat, rather a companion than an...
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Cats are small, shaggy (sometimes hairless) creatures, wild and very cunning. Usually they do not build their own house, but live in people's houses. For some unknown reason, people began to attribute supernatural powers to cats, ranging from healing properties to misfortune if a black cat crossed the road. The domestic cat is a domesticated...
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In encyclopedic publications, domestic animals include “all animals bred by humans to satisfy various needs, primarily for food, industrial raw materials, and also used as vehicles.” But can this be said about pets? After all, people keep them not for practical reasons, but out of spiritual need. They are cared for and loved, regardless of...
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All dog breeders believe that if a dog is going to live on the street, a good kennel is a must. A dog house should be proportional to the size of the dog. In our case, it was spacious because we understood that Jack would grow up to be a big big dog. Our kennel has double walls filled with heat-insulating material, with no gaps. After...
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One day, when I was still little, dad came home from work earlier than usual, and he looked mysterious. He came up to me, squatted down and pulled something out of his bosom. The small dark lump deftly rolled off his hands. This is how I first saw Casper, a West Siberian husky puppy. He was very handsome. His brown fur shimmered and glittered...
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The prerequisites for high growth rates, reproductive capacity and meat productivity of fattening pigs are created in the early period of their life. Savings on raising piglets result in an inevitable decrease in efficiency and deterioration in the economic indicators of the industry. The formation of an animal with high productivity and a...
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Type Mollusca, or Soft-bodied, is a large group of ancient inhabitants of our planet. They appeared about 450 - 500 million years ago. Fossil mollusks have been known since the Paleozoic era; in those days, brown, red and green algae dominated the Earth, and the first plants on land were just beginning to appear. There are several points of...
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Dogs and cats are the most common human companions in rural areas. It’s wonderful when they live like family members, bring joy, brighten up loneliness, and heal their owners with their communication and love. But we are also well aware of the problem of homeless animals. Where do they come from? The first way is a puppy or kitten, taken into...
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Dogs…. How many there are, and how different they are! There are very small and giants, long-legged and short-legged. There are shaggy ones and not so shaggy ones, fast ones and clumsy ones. And all of them are our most faithful, most devoted friends, carefree serving people. After studying the sources of information, I learned that there are a...
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The first who came up with the idea of dressing their dogs were the Eskimos and Samoyeds. They dressed the dogs in leather boots with deer hair inside. Such boots were needed to prevent the paw pads of sled dogs from cracking and freezing while running in sleds. There is information that during the Renaissance, noble ladies decorated their...
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The dog came to man in ancient times. Dogs helped people hunt and guarded their caves. The wolf is considered the ancestor of dogs. Over the millennium of its existence on Earth, man has tamed and domesticated many wild animals and birds, while reaping considerable benefits for himself. But he gave only one dog a special place among his...
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Purchasing a cat. The easiest way to adopt a cat or kitten is from a homeless animal shelter. There they will always tell you how to care for her. When choosing a kitten, check whether it is healthy and whether its ears, eyes and teeth are clean. The baby should be cheerful, brave, keenly interested in what is happening around him and play with...
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Many books and scientific articles have been written about dogs. This animal is the first one domesticated by humans (according to various sources, from 20 to 50 thousand years ago), so familiar to each of us, it still remains a mystery to scientists. There are many assumptions about the origin, domestication of Canis Familiaris, and so far...
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Cows live on a dairy farm in a barn, usually divided into small spaces called stalls. In summer they eat fresh grass, hay, and food plants, and in winter they eat mostly hay. On farms, cows are milked by hand, while on farms they use milking machines that transfer the milk through long tubes to a cooling tank. It is then sent to factories for...
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Cats are known and loved for their independence and spirit of freedom. When they decide to communicate with us, we also try to show back all the best feelings that we have. We would like to speak their language so we can ask how they are feeling or find out why they do what they do. However, until a great scientific discovery is made or we learn...
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The speckled catfish belongs to the family of armored catfish or Callichthidae. These are small fish that live in the waters of South America. Speckled catfish have been kept in aquariums since the second half of the 19th century. The length of the fish is 5-8 cm. Males are slightly smaller and slimmer than females. The body and fins are covered...
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“Semi-domesticated” or city pigeons belong to the species “Rock Pigeons”. Body length is about 30 cm, weight 400-450 g. This species originated from the wild rock pigeon. The color is bluish-gray, the rump is white, a wide stripe at the end of the tail and two transverse stripes on the wing are black. There are variegated, dark gray, chestnut...
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We have a big, fluffy cat living at home. His nickname is Maxik. Our cat Maxik is a Persian breed (so my mother told me). I like to play with him. I had a problem: there are a lot of cats, but I know little about the Persian breed. A hypothesis has been developed: cats are the most popular pet. Almost every family has or has had a cat of one...
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Cats and cats are respectable animals. Respect for them on the part of man has been observed for a long time. Pussy is a completely mysterious and incomprehensible beast. Cats and cats are familiar to any person from early childhood. At the same time, not many cat lovers and connoisseurs can boast that they know everything about cats. We can...
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According to their purpose, domestic dogs are divided into hunting, herding, service and indoor-decorative dogs. I have a Chinese Crested dog at home. In the period 900-1200. AD they were treated with respect. They were considered one of the ten symbols of goodness. The naked dog represented love. The ancient Toltecs considered the love of this...
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Probably, there is no person who has not seen squirrels at least once - while walking in the park or in the forest. Many people feed squirrels, especially where they are accustomed to humans and do not hide from them in the treetops when they appear. Squirrels appeared on our home territory a long time ago. At first, the squirrel chased the...
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The living world around us is very interesting and has many faces. Mammals (or Animals) are the highest class of vertebrate animals, crowning the entire system of the animal world. The structure and appearance of mammals is diverse. Body sizes also vary greatly - from 3.8 cm with a mass of 1.5 g - to 30 m and even more with a mass of about 150...
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Birds have a number of biological features: a) rapid growth b) high fertility c) physiological precocity d) high body temperature (42 C). A beautiful bird species that is identified as the object of study is the quail. Quail farming has recently become increasingly widespread. Quails are bred at home and on large farms for dietary meat and...
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Once upon a time there lived a gray bird. Her name was Bullfinch. One summer, in the forest, she met a bear. They argued whose forest it was. The bear decided to catch the bird and eat it, but only wounded its chest with its claw. Since then, the bullfinch's chest has been red. And the bullfinch began to fly to these regions only in winter, when...
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Cats are easy to train. Our cat loves to play and have fun. When playing, our cat rarely uses her claws, but if she gets angry..... Of all the qualities that admire me in our cat, most of all is her independence and independence. If she herself wants to play with me, then she plays. When I want to play with her, she would rather run away or...
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Bats are the only mammals that can fly. The leathery membranes between their long fingers form wings. The surface of the wings is covered with fur fibers. Body length from 3 to 40 centimeters, wingspan from 18 to 150 centimeters, weight from 4 to 900 grams. Throughout the history of our planet, only three groups of animals took to the air. In...
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We are accompanied in life by a huge number of living beings. We love a kitten or a puppy, but a cockroach or a spider is disgusting to us, and we don’t even think about whether they are useful or harmful. We won’t say anything good about a cockroach, but let’s try something good about a spider. They live everywhere - high in the mountains, in...
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Tits and sparrows willingly eat sunflower, hemp, and melon seeds, but watermelon seeds - only the former. If you collect at least part of the watermelon seeds, which are thrown out in tons every year during the watermelon season in all cities, you could easily feed all the city and suburban tits. If there is a shortage of food, so that the fed...
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When I was given a turtle, I didn’t know what to do with it, how to care for it, what to feed it. I was interested, and I needed it. This was the goal of my work. I tried to cover everything you need to know about having a turtle in your home. I am sure that she is interesting not only to me, but also to my little sister. When she grows up, she...
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Lumberjack beetles, or longhorned beetles, have been studied much better than many other families of Coleoptera. Barbels are intensively collected by amateurs - collectors attracted by their beauty; this family is dealt with by practical foresters, since longhorned beetles are dangerous forest pests; utility workers also know the longhorned...
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Hamsters belong to the rodent family. These are nocturnal animals. The hamster is small in height, about 10 cm. An adult golden hamster reaches a length of approximately 12 - 15 cm and weighs up to 150 grams. Hamsters are mammals that have incisors - teeth adapted for gnawing. They give birth to numerous offspring several times a year. Cubs are...
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You can learn from books that a cat is a hunter. If a dog, for example, exhausts its prey with long running, then a cat is not a runner at all - it sits in ambush for a long time, sneaks up on its prey and jumps on it. In this case, the smell can give away the cat, which is why there are no fatty or sweat glands on its body, and it carefully...
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All hamsters are herbivores. And the domestic hamster is no exception. Winter reserves in burrows of hamsters often amount to up to 50 kg of grain. Typically, females store much more food than males, who rarely collect more than 4-5 kilograms. It seems that the female hamster takes care not only of herself, but also of her future offspring. When...
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Emotionally evaluative words and epithets are used to reveal the character of animals. For example, it is said that the dog Valdai is loyal. About the cat Ryzhko - that he has a “impudent”, “independent character”, and the bull Roma is “restless”, “lonely”. V. Belov in “Stories about All Living Animals” tells how humans and animals live...
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One of these unique places in Central Asia is the Ubsunur Basin. Enclosed by mountains with a large salt lake, Uvs-Nur is an amazing collection of natural systems representing almost all natural zones of the earth, which makes it a kind of model of the world - a “small biosphere” that lives according to all the laws of the big biosphere of the...
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It turns out that the hedgehog belongs to the hedgehog family, which is one of the oldest families of insectivores on our planet! This means that the hedgehog eats insects, not apples and mushrooms! And during hibernation in winter, it survives on subcutaneous fat, which, as you know, cannot be accumulated on apples; you need to eat something...
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Since ancient times, rats have accompanied people. Unlike rodents related to rats in the wild, the entire life of rats is closely connected with the life and development of humans. Man tamed wild animals in the hope of receiving benefits from them, but in addition to tamed animals, untamed animals also followed man. These are, first of all,...
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I love animals very much. At home we have a cat Ryzhik and a dog Dozor. I love them very much, play with them, feed them, watch their communication. I especially like the fluffy, affectionate Ryzhik. Cats are a special and mysterious world, amazing, sometimes incomprehensible. I imagine how one day my pet, sitting on my shoulder, will speak in a...
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Overproduction - an overabundance of pets as a problem came into view in 1960. Until 1960. there have been hundreds of articles published on the mistreatment of horses and dozens of articles on cruelty to dogs and cats, trapping, rabbit pounding, hunting, and the suffering of farm animals, but very few articles on the overproduction of cats and...
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Birds are the most attractive and noticeable creatures of our country. In the vast expanses of Russia, far from the bustle of people, you can observe a real kingdom of nature, and birds are among its many inhabitants. The voices of birds sound over the eternal ice of the northern seas, in the arctic tundras, in the endless steppes and deserts....
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Turtles belong to the class Reptiles and are included in one of the four orders of reptiles. These seemingly clumsy and unsightly creatures are fraught with many mysteries. There are many legends associated with turtles. One of the most famous is the legend that the Earth rests on three elephants, located on the back of a huge turtle. It...
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Animals... Who do we imagine as soon as we hear this word? Perhaps your faithful friend - a dog? Or maybe a squirrel or a hare? Or a butterfly? All these are representatives of the animal kingdom. I love animals very much! Is it possible not to love them? I have a parrot Gosha and a guinea pig Dusya at home. Two years ago I got an Irish Setter...
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The cat has long been considered a sacred animal. People became acquainted with the cat in ancient times. This animal was domesticated about 4 thousand years ago. Scientists believe that the first domestic pet was a small dun cat living in the steppes and savannas of Africa and Arabia. The cat has extraordinary abilities. Her big eyes see in the...
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The homeland of rats is the Asia Minor Peninsula. Rats were transported to all parts of the world on ships. In Europe, they appeared during the Crusades in the 11th-13th centuries, when the crusaders (knights from Western Europe) returned from Palestine. After a short period of time, rats spread throughout Europe. Are rats pests? Nobody likes...
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There are different accounts of when dogs were domesticated by humans. But here’s what experts agree on: the first domesticated animal was a dog. As I. Akimushkin writes in one of his books about animals, “this mutually beneficial alliance was concluded... 15 or even 20 thousand years ago.” What did a person need who tamed a strong and brave...
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All cats, regardless of their size, belong to the Felibae family, which is part of the order of carnivores. Domestic cats are believed to have evolved from the wild cat, although their ancestor may also be the Libyan cat. Cats have been living next to humans for many hundreds of years, and during this time, through careful selection, many...
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The ancestors of the pig were wild boars. The history of the domestication of this animal in different countries of the world is described in popular science literature. In Europe, after the dog, the pig became the first domestic animal. Pig skulls with clear signs of domestication were found next to dog bones. Another place where pigs were...
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Birds amaze with the variety of their shapes and colors. Birds are truly ubiquitous. They completely mastered the land and conquered the vast expanses of the ocean. Nomadic birds can be found anywhere on our planet, with the exception of the interior regions of Antarctica buried under the gigantic glaciers. Throughout the long history of...
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The image of a bird could acquire both similar and different features in different cultures, and also in many types of art, the image of a bird was revealed fully and multifacetedly. Looking at the winged images-symbols, I cannot help but pay attention to the famous buildings and monuments of our city. One can note among the sculptural and...
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Now let’s look at the other “dark” side of the fur industry. When buying fur products, people do not think at all about the torment animals experience before their fur is used to make clothes. On fur farms, fur-bearing animals are kept in cramped cages with a slatted floor that cuts their paws. Their only activity is to walk back and forth,...
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I have a dog named Rex, a spaniel breed. It was given to me for my birthday. He is completely black, only there are white spots on his ears. When they first brought him in, he was so defenseless! The ears were very small, and the spots on them were not visible at all. That day the baby whined all night, and when I put my hand on him and stroked...
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A reserve is a territory (plot) of land or water space within which the entire natural complex is completely (and forever) withdrawn from economic use and is under state protection. In the 70s, the reserve's predators began to disappear: wolves. Voices rose in defense of the wolf. But everyone thought it was unnecessary. Later it turned out...
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Of all the animals that man has domesticated, only one has become his true friend - the dog. No pet can boast as many breed differences as dogs. There are currently more than 400 dog breeds around the world. The friendship between man and dog has its roots in the distant past. The dog knows how to love devotedly, adapts well to different...
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My grandmother, Irina Borisovna, loves to make all sorts of funny things. On a suburban plot in the village of Chernoistochinsk, a wild apple tree grows, and the grandmother wrapped a stuffed snake around the tree trunk, as in the biblical legend. The body of the kite was made from a garden hose, the head was made from foam. The entire snake is...
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At the bird market I saw chicks and nearby there were corrugations in which small, spotted eggs lay. The seller explained to me that these were adult Japanese quails, and next to them was a hatching egg. I asked my parents to buy chicks, but they bought hatching eggs and the necessary literature for study. Keeping any bird at home is a big...
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The domestic rabbit is an affectionate and cute creature. These are cute and smart animals. It would be a good idea to have a rabbit for a child aged 5-12: you can pet the animal and play with it. Caring for a rabbit is not difficult. Watching the cute “bunny” is very interesting. Back at the beginning of the 20th century, lagomorphs, to which...
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Scientists put forward several versions about the very first bird on Earth. I'll stop at one. The very first bird on earth lived simultaneously with dinosaurs 110 million years ago. It looked modern and looked like a duck. Chinese scientists excavated the find 2000 km from Beijing. The first bird was the size of a modern pigeon, and its...
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About 15 thousand years ago, a domestic animal became a dog - a dog. In those days, people began to tame and train wolf cubs. Around the end of the last ice age, wolves became constant companions of humans. Subsequently, these new domestic animals learned to perform various tasks for people - guarding the site, tracking down game and protecting...
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Man is part of living nature, but he does not always remember this. Most often, a person considers himself the King of Nature. When starting to write my work about “our little brothers”, I really wanted my work to be able to convey to my peers, friends, classmates and even adults one simple idea: a person should not separate himself from living...
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The city of Nyagan is located in harsh climatic conditions. There is a long, frosty winter here and snow covers the ground for seven months. It’s hard for birds in winter. It is difficult to live not only because it is cold, but because there is nothing to eat. It is especially difficult to find food during snowfalls, blizzards, and severe...
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Birds are a class of vertebrate animals, the representatives of which are well characterized by the fact that their body is covered with feathers and the forelimbs are modified into flight organs - wings. With rare exceptions, birds are flying animals, and those species that do not fly have underdeveloped wings. To move on hard substrate, birds...
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The dog has been a friend since ancient times, faithful and devoted. She brings love and affection to the house. But recently, the media have often begun to raise the issue of the relationship between a person and a dog, touching on the tragic side of this issue. Man's unreasonable attitude towards dogs has led to the formation of an entire...
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The oldest fossil mollusks, which lived approximately 570 million years ago, belonged to gastropods, monoplacophorans and bivalves. The shells of armored and cephalopod mollusks that lived about 500 million years ago are also preserved in fossil form. Spadefoot animals appeared at least 400 million years ago. Sulcate bellies, which do not have...
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The aquarium fish guppy belongs to the poeciliaceae family; genus of platies. The species was discovered in 1859. The homeland of these fish is Venezuela, Northern Brazil, Guiana, the islands of Barbados and Trinidad. Guppies still live there and in their homeland help fight a very dangerous disease - yellow fever, destroying the larvae of...
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When my mother and I were returning home from my grandfather and grandmother by car late at night, I saw two glowing lights in the distance. I was scared at first, but when we got closer, I saw that it was a cat! I was wondering why her eyes glow so brightly, because human eyes don’t glow in the dark? I began to look for an answer to this...
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A cat is a domestic animal that has been domesticated by humans for a very long time. And these pets are kept in the house more often than others. Why? I think this happens for many reasons. The cat is a small, independent, clean animal; caring for cats does not require any special skills, and communication brings great pleasure. Most of the...
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American ornithologists believe that there are currently 150,000,000 sparrows living in the United States, and there are about one billion of them in the world. Sparrows belong to the class of birds. Birds are the most numerous class of terrestrial vertebrates, comprising about 8,600 living species, divided into about 35-40 orders. The birds'...
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Momsky ulus is unfavorable for reindeer brucellosis. In total, 2 unfavorable points were registered in the ulus. (Sasyr village, Pobeda village). At the end of 2006, there were 9 reindeer herds in the village of Sasyr and 3 reindeer herds in the village of Buor-Sysy. There are a total of 16 reindeer herds in the ulus. Animals reacting positively...
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An aquarium (from the Latin word aqua - water) is, first of all, a small copy of any closed reservoir (pond, lake), intended for keeping and breeding aquatic animals and plants, as well as for observing their life and development, and life it proceeds according to the same biological laws. Therefore, aquarium training is an insight into the life...
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The white wagtail is a small but very slender bird. This graceful bird is distinguished by long thin legs and a very long erect tail: from the tip of the beak to the end of the tail it is about 200 mm, of which about half the length is in the tail. Weighs only 20-23g. It runs very deftly and quickly on the ground, the bird constantly shakes its...
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Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They are found high in the mountains, in the icy subpolar desert, in waterless sands, and over the vast expanses of the oceans. Birds are always close to humans. They delight us with their swift, easy flight, beautiful singing, and varied plumage colors. A characteristic property of the vast majority of...
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There are eighteen species of bowerbirds, or bowerbirds; they all live in New Guinea or Australia. They got their name from their habit of skillfully building huts on the ground under the cover of the forest. The male builds the hut: in this way he attracts the female. Nevertheless, the eggs are not laid in a hut, but in a small nest located at...
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What made me take on this work was a feeling of pity for domestic animals: cats and dogs. I have seen situations where people get animals and then mercilessly throw them away, dooming them to death. Leonid Andreev’s story “Biteer” touched a nerve with me. It tells the story of a dog that belonged to no one; she had no name, she was brutally...
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Cats are small, shaggy (sometimes hairless) creatures, wild and very cunning. Usually they do not build their own house, but live in people's houses. For some unknown reason, people began to attribute supernatural powers to cats, ranging from healing properties to misfortune if a black cat crossed the road. The domestic cat is a domesticated...
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All ants are social insects that live in families. The number of individuals in an ant family can vary among different species from several tens to several million. Typically, an ant family consists of one or several fertile females and a large number of underdeveloped females - working individuals. The ants we usually see are working...
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In the Middle Ages, the most incredible and curious legends about spiders were widespread. It was believed that all spiders were terribly dangerous. But all sorts of terrible stories on this score, as a rule, were shameless deception. People believed that the spider was a rival of the bee, which collected not sweet nectar from flowers, but...
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The cat family is very large, ranging from the large tiger and lion to the domestic cat, they are all related. I wondered if a cat had always lived next to a person. From the Animals Encyclopedia, I learned that the cat was domesticated after the dog, horse and cattle. But even tamed, she retained her independent character. In the house she...
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The crossbill is a bird of the forest and has very interesting biological features. Body length 14-19 cm, weight 30-47 g, wingspan 27-31 cm. The male is carmine or orange-red with a brownish back, grayish areas on the head and sides, dark wings and tail. Young males can be dirty yellow or red. The female is grayish-green with a brighter,...
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Beetles are a well-defined group of insects. Their main common feature is the hard front wings, or elytra, covering the abdomen on top and the hind membranous wings folded on it (and under the elytra). The second pair of wings either retains the membranous structure usual for flying insects, or is reduced; rarely both pairs are absent. The line...
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I really like the iridescent, eye-adorned peacock feathers. In fairy tales there is a similar bird - the Firebird. In our work we compared these birds. The male peacock from the pheasant family is very beautiful. It has a metallic turquoise neck, indigo chest feathers and a shiny green tail. When courting a female, the peacock spreads it like...
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It's no secret that the British love their pets to bits and are willing to do anything to make them happy. But is their love really that strong? It's worth looking for answers to this question. Today, the majority of the UK population (24.2 million) owns a pet. Especially cats and cats are popular among them, since most people live alone and...
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Cats are extraordinary, mysterious animals. Cats are sometimes proud and unapproachable, sometimes affectionate and gentle. We have a cat Tishka living at home. We love him very much, study him, take care of him. I learned a lot about cats and want to share my knowledge with you. Traditional feeding is usually understood as a method of feeding...
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Overwintering adult insects and larvae hide with the onset of cold weather in various secluded places, crawl under the loose bark of stumps and fallen trees, into crevices and cracks in the bark, hide under moss and fallen leaves, and burrow into the soil. The likelihood of finding insects is under the bark. We inspect the snow near trees and...
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In winter, flocks of birds roam widely in search of food. In places that are generous with it, they can stay for the whole winter, or return to them periodically. Winter hardships, of course, do not threaten the extinction of all tits or bullfinches. They will be able to feed themselves in nature. But a significant part of wintering birds die....
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The fauna of small mammals of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is quite rich and diverse and represents a typical taiga complex, including from 52 to 56 species belonging to 16 - 17 families from 6 orders. The uncertainty in the number of species living in the district is determined both by incomplete study of the territory and by the fact...
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Nature provides everything necessary for human life: and man cannot live without it. Previously, it was believed that wild nature is eternal, inexhaustible, and that people can use its riches unlimitedly. But rapid technological progress and mistreatment of nature have a great impact on the environment. She (nature) began to retreat, retreat,...
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Do you know who finches are? There was a time when our family was not familiar with these interesting birds. But one day in the pet store we heard amazing sounds and were fascinated by these cute birds. We immediately decided to purchase these feathered friends. And now in our family there live three cute, charming creatures - finches. We...
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It's good to have a loyal and reliable friend. An ordinary cat can become such a friend. A cat has lived next to a person for more than 1000 years. But to this day she remains a largely mysterious and enigmatic creature. And they even worshiped her, as, for example, in Ancient Egypt, they idolized her and gave her all sorts of honors. Killing a...
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The image of a cat played a huge role in the solemn funeral processions of Ancient Egypt, served as decoration for altars and sacrifices, and was the guardian of the hearth. And how many legends, historical tales and traditions are associated with them, what importance they had in the home and social life of both individuals and entire...
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In December, a guinea pig, MASHA, appeared in the living corner of our environmental center “ECOS”. I was very interested in this extraordinary animal, because I had never seen guinea pigs before. This is how my observations began. General characteristics of guinea pigs According to zoological taxonomy, the guinea pig (Cavia cobaya) belongs...
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Perhaps we will not be wrong if we say that cats are the most popular pets in all countries of the world. Moreover, everyone knows the fact that in Ancient Egypt cats were considered sacred animals, protected and enjoyed universal love. The Egyptians called cats "the sacred guardians of grain barns" and punished with death anyone who dared to...
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At the end of March or mid-April, old acquaintances will arrive - starlings, these cute, cheerful, sociable birds, the first migratory guests, joyful heralds of spring. Starlings live in flocks. In spring and summer they are black, with a bright shine; in autumn, white streaks appear in their plumage. This bird is lively, cheerful, with good...
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Scientists believe that one of the oldest creatures capable of flight was Archeopteryx. It was related to the carnivorous dinosaurs, a group that included Tyrannosaurus. The oldest bird, Protoavia (1984), was found in Post, Texas, USA, with an estimated age of 225,000,000 years. The first birds appeared in the Mesozoic era. The Mesozoic era...
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CATS are pets that personify the comfort and peace of home. They first settled with people, apparently, in the 3rd millennium BC. e. in Egypt and were defined. Cats appeared in Russia in the 9th and 10th centuries. and, unlike Western Europe, were never persecuted, but were not celebrated so often and passionately. They lived peacefully in the...
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CATS (Felis), a genus of predatory mammals of the cat family; includes 30 species: lynx, manul, house, caracal, wild cat, ocelot, puma, as well as all types of domestic cats. Body length 46–197 cm, tail 15–91 cm. Body weight 2.5–105 kg. The body is moderately elongated, sloping from the sacrum to the shoulders, less often the back line is...
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Like any ancient breed, the Central Asian Shepherd was created by the struggle and interaction of two powerful forces - the vital needs of man and the harsh nature of the region. To many, Central Asia seems like a paradise, a kind of Eden, since it is the cradle of the ancient cultures of the East. The region in which the Central Asian...
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According to our observations, they were all once domestic, lived in an apartment, played with children and had no worries. But the “toy” got boring, a smell appeared, or the family members developed an allergy, or they went on a business trip and turned the cat out the door. So that fewer hungry, homeless cats appear on the street, so that...
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Since ancient times, people have domesticated songbirds and exotic birds that brought joy to the home. And over time, the birds became full members of the family. For the sake of fairness, we note that birds should live in the wild, and we agree with this. But children who live with birds from an early age will never harm nature, which is...
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The dove is a close relative of the dodo, which lived on the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius thousands of years ago. Two hundred years later, after the island was settled by people, the dodo bird was completely exterminated. Breeding domestic pigeons has a long history. It is known that in Egypt 5000 years ago there were already domestic...
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I’m still not very familiar with books and the Internet, so I studied popular science literature with my teacher and parents. Here's what I found out. Dogs! How many of them! And how different they all are! There are very small ones - they fit in the palm of your hand and weigh only 500 grams. There are giants whose weight reaches 90 kg. There...
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In the northeastern part of Yakutia there is a small village of Nelemnoye, Verkhnekolymsky district. What is interesting about this village? Nelemnoye is a place of compact residence of the Yukaghirs; they are considered aborigines, that is, the indigenous inhabitants of Yakutia. The ancestors of the present-day Yukaghirs settled in this harsh...
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If a person preserved all the living things that surround him, perhaps all those animals and plants that we would never see again would still live on earth; people destroyed them. Every fifth species of birds and animals, every fourth species of reptiles and amphibians of our fauna is in danger today. 25,000 species of higher plants on the...
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Since ancient times, domestic animals have been constant companions of people. The influence of pets on children's behavior has been known for a long time. Back in 1969, American psychotherapist B. Levinson wrote that animals help break the child’s hostile attitude towards the world around him and establish communication connections. Children...
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Newfoundland or diver. This charming giant will not leave your child indifferent. Super nanny, great protector. As a puppy, it reaches an impressive size, and due to its fur it resembles a small bear cub. This is a dog friend. Walking in nature, especially near a pond, will resemble a little adventure. With it, you can definitely be sure that...
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They are more hardy and differ in their frequency. List of breeds that are most preferable for a baby. French Bulldog. He is cheerful, active, energetic. Mobility and endurance are his second self. The Frenchman is a wonderful friend, an excellent companion. The peculiarity of this breed is that they love children and love outdoor games....
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Your child dreams of a dog. He has been buzzing into your ears about how he wants a furry and loyal friend. But you still don’t dare buy him a dog. All sorts of doubts do not allow you to give in, but the happy eyes of a child are much more important. It’s decided, we’ll buy a dog. However, the question arises about the breed, which breed should...
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Daily cleaning of the toilet. The cat is a very clean companion. And they take the cleanliness of their latrine very seriously. Therefore, daily cleaning of the tray is a mandatory action. You can, of course, forget to clean the cat's litter box, but the punishment will come very soon. The most harmless form of revenge of the offended...
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Below we will consider the main ways to confirm the loyalty of cats.Feeding. Despite the fact that a cat is a predator and should never get food from the table, sometimes it is simply impossible for a tabby to refuse. In the end, the cat is able to get food from the table on its own. Seriously, the issue of feeding should be treated very...
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It's true what they say, if you want to be loved, get a dog, and if you want to love, get red Vaska. Vaska is so homely, and does not quite correspond to it self-conceit. You can also call him a cat, but he gets special pleasure from the full name of his species, namely Felis silvestris catus, because cats are creatures full of dignity and very...
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