Behavior of domestic cats

Found on almost all continents, wild cats have always attracted human attention with their behavior. The cat family has about 35 species. There are 12 species of wild cats living in Russia. Domestic cats were domesticated in different ways.
And although millions of cats currently live at home, there are many stray ones. This often results from an indifferent and inattentive attitude towards them. A stray cat can become a source of dangerous disease. You can’t have kittens for a short time and then abandon them. It is necessary to fight this attitude towards cats in every possible way.
They say that cats love home more than their owners. But if a person can win their trust, then cats respond to him with devotion and love. They can help in hunting, protect from enemies, and perform in the circus. Cats deserve our love, care and protection.
There are more than 4 million domestic cats in the world. But among them there is one - the only one, the most important - my cat Timka...
I believe that the behavior of domestic cats that live in a family depends on the good relationship between the cat and the person.
The cat tries in every possible way to establish contact with a person, to inform him of his desires, intentions, mood, and to attract attention. If a person understands these signs, then a very close relationship is established between him and the cat, real mutual understanding arises.
As the owner of a cat, it was important for me to build strong and friendly relationships with my Timka. And for this it was very important for me to learn to understand his desires and needs.
Timka the cat appeared in my family 4 years ago. It was given to my mother for Teacher's Day. They brought it to Tim in the box where he slept. When he woke up, he began to walk around my room, sniffing all the corners and looking into all the cracks with curiosity.
His dad is a Siberian breed, and his mom is Half Persian.
Our Timka is very handsome. Coat color ranges from white to dark gray. The body is strong, muscular, the legs are thick, with large rounded paws and thick tufts of hair between the toes. I noticed that he has 5 toes on his front paws, and only 4 on his back paws; each toe has a sharp claw. The head is large and wide. The mustache is long, white, curved downwards in the shape of a “C”. The ears are of a regular triangular shape, located on the top of the head, at the ends of the brush, like a lynx. The eyes are yellow-green, large, and glow in the dark. I noticed that in the light Timka’s pupils shrink into narrow slits. In the dark they expand much more than ours, allowing him to see even in dim light. The tail is long and fluffy. The coat is medium length, soft to the touch, like down, and has a lush collar around the head. My cat is 68 cm tall and 32 cm tall.
A wild cat is, first of all, a predator. The main task of a predator is to obtain live food, which means hunting.
Our Timka spends the summer at the dacha. Most of all, he loves to hunt any moving objects: fluttering butterflies, running mice, buzzing flies. During the hunt, he presses himself to the ground, creeps up slowly and silently, sometimes stops, and then quickly rushes at the prey. If Tim is hungry, he immediately eats his prey, not letting anyone near him. If he is full, he can play with the victim for a long time. One day I watched Timka play with a captured live mouse. He tossed it and caught it with his paws. When the mouse froze, he lay and watched it. But as soon as the mouse began to run away, Tim made a sharp jump, and the prey was again in his paws. Timka played until his mother appeared on the street. Seeing her, he grabbed the prey in his teeth, brought it to her and laid it at her feet. My mother and I quite often found either a mouse or a mole near the bed in the morning. This surprised me very much and I decided to find in books about predators the answer to the question: “why does a cat bring its prey to its owner?” It turns out that Tim brings us captured animals with the best intentions. He wants to give us a gift, to feed us. Unfortunately, his good intentions were not always appreciated, especially when his mother stepped barefoot on a dead mouse.
I was always angry with Tim when he caught birds. Many times, my mother and I had to tear a half-strangled bird out of his mouth in order to release it to freedom. However, it was useless to punish him for this. Even if we fed our cat enough, he still did not stop hunting, because this is inherent in him by instinct; therefore, it is completely useless to punish him for these completely natural habits. It is much wiser to accept it - after all, all cats are like that.
Tim behaves like a hunter in a city apartment. When I had a hamster, Timka lay near the cage and watched over the animal.
First of all, he will sniff strangers, then rub himself against their legs, and only after that will he calmly lie down somewhere nearby. It is rubbed so that its scent remains on a person’s clothes. This was again laid down by his distant ancestors. This is how they mark their territory and communicate about themselves to other animals.
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