Dolphin is a very beautiful animal. They have a streamlined body shape, so they swim quickly (30 to 60 km per hour) and dive deeply (300 m). Dolphins are very different in size. The smallest is Hector's dolphin. Lives in the Pacific Ocean. The size of a six year old child. The largest is the killer whale, its length is about 10 m. Dolphins have...
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Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), Canadian crab (Rhithropanopeus harrisii) The Chinese mitten crab was accidentally introduced in 1911 to Western Europe. His homeland is the Far East. After 20 years, he populated all of Europe - from the Czech Republic and Slovakia to France, including the Baltic Sea. Now it has spread to the rivers of...
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Looking at the samples in the paleontological museum, we easily found that our shell is a brachiopod, and in sample 1 it is indeed coral. The name of the fossil was given to us by adults - these are bryozoans. Even at the museum, we learned that bryozoans, brachiopods, and corals are only common names for large groups of animals, that their...
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The aquatic environment is the cradle of all life on our planet. Nature has provided aquatic animals with all sorts of devices for their movement. Now we want to identify some types and mechanisms of their movement. Many waterfowl; for example: duck, goose, swan, movement on the surface of the water occurs due to the difference in resistance...
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Once upon a time, people and animals were equal before the formidable forces of nature. But millennia passed, and man was able to subjugate wild nature and master most of the earth. Nowadays animals often cannot live on our planet in natural conditions, and many species are becoming extinct. Over the past 100 years, several hundred animal...
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Last summer I got acquainted with Baikal. This meeting left many impressions and many questions raised by my observations. For example, I was very surprised by the purity and transparency of Baikal water. Even at depth, I could see pebbles and plants at the bottom of the lake. Then I wanted to know: why is the lake, into which 336 rivers and...
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Sharks are fish that live in seas around the globe, and they feed mainly on meat. In total, there are more than 350 different species of sharks of varying sizes - from the huge whale shark to tiny sharks that can easily fit in the palm of your hand. I found out that the shark family includes the largest and most predatory fish in the world. Most...
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Fish are one of the most ancient vertebrates on the planet; they have lived on Earth for millions of years. During this time, all fish have adapted to life in different waters - fresh and salty, warm and cold, in deep and shallow water. Fish are huge and very small, of various colors, but they all have fins and a streamlined body shape so that...
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Birds and animals... It is they who appear before our inner gaze when we hear the words “nature”, “animals”. They are not beautiful butterflies, fabulously beautiful corals or sparkling tropical fish. We keep them as pets, friends and favorites of the whole family. There is no person who does not love animals and birds (although there are, of...
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Bruchiopods, or brachiopods, are solitary marine benthic animals. The soft body of which is located in a shell of two valves, unequal in size and shape. In the Paleozoic seas, animals with bivalve shells, brachiopods, were extremely widespread. They differ from bivalves in the internal structure and position of the shell. In the cavity of the...
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Beaver. Squad Rodents. The beaver family is listed in the Red Book of the Smolensk region. It belongs to category V species status. A restored species, the number and condition of which require constant monitoring. For many years, local reservoirs, in particular the Vedosa River and the artificial lake in the village of Rybki, were polluted by...
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The Shatura region is rich in water resources. Here are the largest natural reservoirs of the Moscow region - lake. Svyatoe near the village of Kerva (1051 hectares with a depth of up to 12 m), lakes Svyatoe and Dubovoe on the eastern border of the district and region. The longest river, Polya, crosses the region from south to north for 92...
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Lake Tore-Khol is located in the Ubsunur Basin, on the border of the Republic of Tyva and Mongolia. The lake lies among a vast sandy massif, the northern end of the Borig-Del sands (Booret Deliin Els). The area of its water area is about 100 square meters. km., height above sea level 1148 m., width - 5 km., average depth - 6 - 8 m., reaching...
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Planet Earth, the cradle of humanity, has the right to life. It was this motto that formed the basis for the creation of a special document. The Earth Charter, or, in other words, the Declaration of the Rights of the Earth, according to its creators, should play a consolidating role for all peoples of the Earth. The principles of the Earth...
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All family members are strongly attached to each other, and always try to hunt together, and they always act agreed.Contrary to its fearsome reputation, the killer whale, like other dolphins, eats mainly fish. It attacks warm-blooded animals - small dolphins and pinnipeds - much less often, but, having burst into a herd of fur seals, it can...
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Among the vast, completely peaceful tribe of dolphins, there is a huge animal that displays such predatory tendencies that sailors from England called it a “killer whale.”The killer whale, and that's what it's called, is actually a dolphin, only very large: up to 10 meters long and weighing up to 9 tons. It is easily recognized by its...
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Although penguins move slowly and look clumsy on land, they are persistent and tireless when walking. They often nest on steep rocky slopes sloping down to the sea , completely littered with piles of debris material. Jumping from rock to rock, squeezing into narrow crevices - sometimes on their feet, sometimes lying on their bellies - the...
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