Features of the life of sharks

Sharks are fish that live in seas around the globe, and they feed mainly on meat. In total, there are more than 350 different species of sharks of varying sizes - from the huge whale shark to tiny sharks that can easily fit in the palm of your hand.
I found out that the shark family includes the largest and most predatory fish in the world. Most sharks have a wedge-shaped, pointed head, a long body and a sharp, triangular dorsal fin that sometimes protrudes above the water. The shark's skeleton is not made of bones, but of flexible cartilage. They are classified as cartilaginous fish. Most sharks live in warm seas. They differ greatly in size from each other. The smallest of the sharks, the catshark, reaches a length of only 15 cm. The largest, ocean sharks, such as the whale shark, reach 15 meters - longer than a bus.
Sharks live in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans, as well as in the Mediterranean and White Seas.
I learned that whale, basking and deep sea sharks are not dangerous to humans because they feed on plankton. But there are killer sharks that attack people. In the stomach of these sharks there are also remains of large animals, such as dolphins, seals and even other sharks. About 50 species of sharks attack people. Sharks are most dangerous for swimmers, divers and surfers. Scientists believe that such attacks may be the result of a mistake - sharks mistake people for seals or large fish. The most dangerous shark is the great white. These fierce and strong hunters can be over 6 meters in length, and their teeth are large and razor sharp. She is also capable of swallowing her prey whole. The white shark usually catches prey with a lightning-fast throw from below. Sometimes the speed is so high that both predator and prey jump out of the water. Having inflicted a fatal bite, the predator often releases the animal and waits until it weakens, and then finishes off the victim.
I found out that sharks see, hear, smell and taste food, feel touch - just like people. The hammerhead shark has very good vision, it sees perfectly in the dark at great depths, and it also sees everything around, since its eyes are located at the ends of its head. And the head itself looks like a hammer. Sharks don't complain about their hearing either. True, they only hear low sounds, but these are the sounds that travel well under water.
I also learned that most sharks give birth to live young. The egg with the fetus fully matures inside the mother’s body, and a living young shark is born. But some sharks, such as dogfish, lay eggs. Then they immediately swim away, leaving the cubs to their fate
After reading and studying various literature, I learned that other types of sharks dangerous to humans are blue and tiger sharks, as well as the leopard shark, which received its name for its spotted coloring. Sharks are attracted to the smell of blood, and when they smell it, they attack anyone nearby, including other sharks.
I found that all over the world people have come up with many ways to benefit from sharks. They are caught and used for shark meat, skin, teeth, fins and even liver. Sharks are eaten, their skins are used to make leather goods, their teeth are used for jewelry, and the fat rendered from sharks is used to make skin creams, lipsticks, and medicines. Shark fishing is a popular sport on the islands and coasts of the Caribbean, Australia and North America. The main enemies of sharks are people. Sharks are killed for their meat and oil and just for fun. It is possible that people are exterminating sharks too intensively, so that some species of sharks may disappear completely!
After reading, studying and analyzing books by different authors, I found out that there are approximately 100 SHARK ATTACKS on people around the world every year. Many victims survive but are horribly injured. Some behavioral features of large sharks still remain a mystery.
I also learned that stingrays also belong to the family of cartilaginous fish. Stingrays are flattened sharks that have a 10-centimeter sting located in the middle of a long, whip-like tail. Stingrays usually do not attack a person, unless, of course, he himself provokes them. The stingray is an extremely peaceful creature, however, its bite can be fatal. If he senses danger, he will use his terrible weapon. The sting contains venom glands and a hook. When attacked, they remain in the victim's body, releasing poison. If the victim is not given immediate medical assistance, he will die. A stingray bite is even more dangerous for small children. Even sharks are afraid of stingrays. They never attack them.
I read that people are afraid of American stingrays: their tail is armed with two sharp, poisonous spines. There is a fold of skin on the underside of the tail. The stingray spends most of the day buried in the sand in shallow lagoons and near beaches. At night, these rays feed by digging into the sand and extracting bivalves from it. The eyes are on the top side of the head, so the predator does not see its prey. He finds it by smell or electromagnetic field.
Another species, the common spotted eagle, leads a solitary lifestyle, but sometimes you can see a flock of up to a hundred individuals. Unlike most other rays, the common spotted eagle is a good swimmer and can often be seen near the shore. The stingray flies in the water by flapping its enlarged pectoral fins like wings. The back of this fish is covered with an unusual, beautiful pattern of spots. Another species is the giant manta ray, or sea devil, which is an extraordinary sea creature. The size of the manta reaches 7 meters and weighs 2 tons. Manta has never attacked a person without reason. This is explained by the fact that a person is not on her “menu”. Manta ray, like a whale shark, feeds on tiny crustaceans that it catches from the water.
I found out that like sharks, rays have different methods of reproduction: some species lay eggs, others are viviparous. Stingray eggs can be found on the North Sea coast. Baby stingrays inspire fear even in sharks, which do not touch young stingrays.
Having read, studied and analyzed a large amount of different material, I came to the conclusion that the last secret of these amazing animals has been revealed. A complete picture of the life of the World Ocean opened before us, a bright and thought-provoking life of the mysterious world of the underwater kingdom, invariably exciting and amazing.
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