Penguins are seabirds, unsurpassed swimmers and divers.
They come to land only to hatch their chicks and molt. The rest of the time is spent swimming freely, moving hundreds of kilometers from the coast. They live only in the Southern Hemisphere. They feed on small squid, krill, and small fish.
They have forgotten how to fly, because the wings are converted into flippers and are used as the main underwater “propulsion device”. A penguin swimming underwater flaps its wings in the same way as a flying bird does. The webbed feet serve as a rudder. The body is streamlined, the plumage is very dense, providing good protection from cold water.
Penguins’ legs are set far back and are very short, which is why birds move on land in an upright position, resembling short people from a distance. Penguins move in small steps or short jumps, often lie down on the ice and slide along it (or down a snowy slope), pushing off with their paws and flippers - sometimes just for fun.

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