The LONGEST BIRDS are falcons. They live up to 160-170 years. Other birds are significantly inferior to falcons in life expectancy. So, a parrot in captivity can live up to 135 years. Kites, vultures and vultures live for more than a hundred years. Swans, crows, golden eagles, condors and other birds live up to a hundred years. Among poultry,...
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The fauna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory includes 342 species of birds. The Usinsk Basin is located in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and more than 100 species of birds are found here. The landscapes of our basin are very different. This includes dark coniferous taiga, mixed forest, steppe areas, water meadows, and swamps. Each landscape...
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Red-breasted Goose Rufibrenta ruficollis Pall. Status. Order Anseriformes. Anseriformes. Family Ducks. Anatidae. A rare, dwindling relict goose, endemic to Russia. Included in the Red Books of Russia (II category). Most of the nesting range is located within the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Rare view. Endemic to the tundra of Western Siberia. The...
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For a long time, an interesting and very familiar bird, the crow, has lived next to humans. What is she really like? Why does a person sometimes declare war on her? Why love her? Not long ago, hunters who exterminated crows were paid bonuses. Is this the case everywhere? How can a crow influence other animals, what is its role in the lives of...
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Murinsky ponds are located in the Galyano-Gorbunovsky residential area and are one of the favorite vacation spots of Tagil residents. From books about Nizhny Tagil, I learned that they arose together with the village of Fateyevo in 1665 - the first Russian settlement in the Nizhny Tagil region. Due to their age, they represent a natural...
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The trees in the forest stand like green giants, powerful and strong. And few people would think that every second an invisible war is going on on their powerful trunks and under the thick crowns. Hordes of insect pests attack their bark, leaves, roots, wood, threatening to slowly undermine, weaken, and then completely destroy these defenseless...
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In winter, there are few birds left in our area, so they are of great interest for study. The distribution of birds in the autumn-winter period is mainly determined by the availability of places that can feed the birds and give them protection from the cold. We also decided to compare our data with the results of previous years, since work on...
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The human impact on the animal world began from the moment of its appearance on planet Earth. The scale of this impact has increased with each passing decade. Every step towards progress has been made at the expense of nature. Humanity cannot stop progress, but must be aware of the price it costs. Fauna is an important component of the natural...
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Birds are not afraid of the cold. Hunger and lack of food destroy many birds. Wintering birds need our help! I wanted to help the birds. I took a candy box, tied strings diagonally, hung it in the garden and put food in it. The nimble, nimble sparrows quickly found the treat and pecked off all the food. But this feeder is not convenient, it...
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One of the popular areas of biological research at present is the study of animal behavior. The science of animal behavior is called ethology. Despite the presence of a large number of scientific works on ethology, many issues of animal behavior have still not been sufficiently studied. Biologists receive interesting information when studying...
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Species diversity of birds is one of the important conditions for the existence of an ecosystem. Birds are part of food chains: some species of birds use insects as food - pests of trees, other species prefer seeds and fruits of trees - helping plants to spread, they themselves are food for mammals and predatory bird species. Thanks to this,...
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More than 120 species of birds live in the Chuvash Republic. Birds delight us with their diversity mainly in spring and summer. For the winter, most of the birds in our fields, forests and ponds fly south. In autumn you can see schools of flying cranes, geese, and ducks; flocks of song thrushes, starlings, skylarks, buntings. There is no...
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Sparrows belong to the class of birds. Birds are the most numerous class of terrestrial vertebrates, comprising about 8,600 living species, divided into about 35-40 orders. The birds' body is covered with feathers, and the forelimbs are turned into wings. On the territory of our country, 750 species from 18 orders are found - about 8.5% of the...
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The shore swallow (Riparia riparia L.) belongs to the genus Shore swallows (Riparia Foster) of the Swallow family (Hirundiniada). There are 5 species of this family in Russia. The shore swallow is not much different in body shape from other swallows. The dorsal side of the female and male is brown, the ventral side is dirty white, with a wide...
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From ancient times, man has been interested in the mystery of the seasonal migration of birds. We find fragmentary information about this in the works of the ancient Greek philosopher (IV century BC) From the first naive attempts to explain the “mysterious” disappearance of birds in the fall and their appearance in the spring (for example, they...
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The Great Arctic State Reserve is the largest in Russia and one of the world's largest natural reserves. Its area is over 4 million hectares in seven areas, including about 1 million hectares of Arctic seas. The reserve also includes two reserves - Severozemelsky and Brekhovskie Islands. The territory of the “Great Arctic” is diverse in...
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Corvids are one of the most common and most “intelligent” birds, with very high intelligence. They live next to us, but many people, unfortunately, treat them with prejudice, although they know little about them. Even adults often think that a raven and a crow are “husband and wife”; in fact, the black raven and the hooded crow are different...
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Birds come in all different types and sizes. They live all over the world. Among all animals, only birds have feathers. There are about nine thousand different species of birds. Birds can be very large (ostrich), but they can also be tiny, no larger than a butterfly or dragonfly, which weigh only a few grams (hummingbird). There are also birds...
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In total, about 147 bird species have been recorded in our region. Birds that are listed in the Red Book of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug live here. There are birds that stay in their homeland all year round. The conditions for their existence are suitable for them, so they do not fly. These are sedentary birds. For example, the inhabitants of...
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Spring comes late to Taimyr - the time of violent awakening of the northern numb nature. As soon as the timid breath of spring is heard in the clear, still chilly air, animals and birds hurry north, to their alluring native lands. At the end of April, the first migrants appear - snow buntings, heralds of the long-awaited spring. Eager reindeer...
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The Amur region has a very diverse flora and fauna. Rare plants grow here: black birch, wild rosemary, lily of the valley; rare animals live: Amur tiger, black stork, grouse grouse, Japanese crane, mandarin duck, Far Eastern white stork. The mass of the egg of this bird is 115 grams, and the mass of the bird itself is 3 kilograms. The flight...
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According to its zoological affiliation, the Raven belongs to the family of Corvids, the order of Sparrows. This is the largest bird in this order. Raven is a black bird with a massive beak and a relatively long tail. The length of the raven is 64 -66 cm, wingspan -125 cm. It is distinguished by a hoarse voice, a tendency to soar at high...
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Our region is surprisingly rich in birds. Every year, many birds return home to the swamps and lakes of the forest-tundra and tundra. We, residents of the north, are accustomed to observing birds only during their mass migrations; we often hear the cackling of flying geese and ducks during autumn and spring migrations. One of the first to appear...
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In the context of ever-increasing anthropogenic impact on nature, the issues of protection and rational use of animal resources are becoming extremely relevant. In this regard, timely assessment of the state of the population, identification of the main trends in changes in the animal population globally and regionally are of paramount...
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It was not so long ago. My family loves animals very much. At that time we had two dogs: a big one and a not very big one! We went to walk them in a forest located not far from the house. Dogs are nimble people, as soon as they entered the forest, each wandered off about their business in different directions: as they say, boys go to the left,...
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Many animals live in our corner of wildlife. I often watch, feed and admire our pets. Previously, the city population brought wounded, exhausted rock pigeons or their chicks that had fallen from their nests to our corner of wildlife. When the birds recovered, we released them. It was so interesting to observe the behavior of the released...
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Human economic activity and anthropogenic climate change, disruption of the cycle of substances, and energy transformation inevitably lead to changes in the living conditions of living beings on Earth. Anthropogenic changes in ecosystem components also inevitably lead to disruption of ecological connections and affect the conditions of existence...
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Yakutia is the largest republic in Russia by territory and the most thick and permafrost in the world - from 200 and more than a thousand meters, it occupies about half the area of the country and almost the entire territory of Yakutia. Winter is long and fierce, spring is colorful and stormy, and summer is hot and short. There is no other...
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On the territory of the Amur Region, 326 species of birds belonging to 18 orders and 56 families have been registered. One of the orders with the greatest diversity of species is the Anseriformes order (39 species). Now, one of the most important problems of the Amur region is the reduction in the number of birds. These facts confirm that man,...
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Beautiful birds - waxwings - sit on the tops of tall trees. They are much larger than bullfinches. Their chest and sides are gray, there is a brown crest on the head, a velvety black spot on the throat, and black and yellow edges on the tips of the feathers and tail. With the onset of cold weather, waxwings migrate from north to south, stopping...
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The Russian part of the West Asian white stork population represents an independent group. Perhaps it existed in the area since the end of the 19th century, in a sparse form, or consisted of separately, irregularly penetrating pairs and individuals from Transcaucasia. Currently, only a micropopulation actually exists on the territory of Dagestan...
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The eagle owl or long-eared owl in the Oksky Nature Reserve begins nesting early, sometimes laying its first eggs in late March - early April. One nesting case is interesting. In early April 1961, when the snow was still thick in the forest, an eagle owl's nest with three eggs was discovered in the eastern part. At night the frosts remained down...
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There is no corner on Earth where you cannot meet birds. In total, there are about 8,500 species of birds on the globe, belonging to 40 orders. The fauna of the Stavropol Territory includes 19 orders and 324 species of birds. The fauna of the region is rich and diverse, which is explained by many factors. The main one is the intermediate...
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Birds in the vicinity of human settlements are an adornment of nature and residential landscapes. The birds of the city and its environs are distinguished by their species diversity. It is very important to know what birds sing and how; what birds live in our region, more or less of them than in other regions. Why are there more of these birds...
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The appearance of the first spring migrants of waterfowl is associated with the establishment of stable positive temperatures during the daytime. At this temperature regime, the first thawed patches and temporary reservoirs appear, which determines the possibility of the appearance of the first birds. Mass migrations of birds begin with the...
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The image of a goose is one of the most important “bird” images in the work of E.F. Markin. For Evgeny Fedorovich, the goose is not an ordinary bird. Firstly, it is a poetic symbol of his homeland - Meshchera, the nature of which the poet cannot imagine without geese flying in the sky and their songs. In the poem “River Goose” the poet writes....
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Owls are our neighbors. But not everyone gets to see them. She feeds on mice and stores for the winter. Her life depends on it. Frosty and snowy winters are a difficult test for birds. The long-eared owl is a resident of forests and fields. As various authors write, she eats up to a thousand field rodents a year, saving about half a ton of good...
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Birds are creatures that we know better than others. And this is not surprising: they can be seen and heard everywhere. The relevance of the chosen topic is obvious: birds live next to us in a big city, delighting us with their beautiful appearance and beautiful singing. Since time immemorial, birds have fascinated people and served as a source...
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Birds, like many other animals, bring great benefits to people. The most ancient methods of direct use of birds include collecting eggs, catching ducks and geese, flightless chicks and other forms of hunting. The shells of large bird eggs were used as dishes, and people used feathers to decorate their hair and clothes. Primitive man received...
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The small swan - Cygnus bewickii - is a bird with a medium body size. The weight of an adult bird is approximately 5-6 kg. An adult bird has pure white plumage, while a young bird has pale gray plumage. The paws of the small swan are black. The body is elongated, the neck is very long. The bird's head is directed upward, its beak is held...
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