Distribution and nesting of the white stork

The Russian part of the West Asian white stork population represents an independent group. Perhaps it existed in the area since the end of the 19th century, in a sparse form, or consisted of separately, irregularly penetrating pairs and individuals from Transcaucasia. Currently, only a micropopulation actually exists on the territory of Dagestan (on the lower Terek), reports of nesting in other places are an example of short-term evictions outside the main breeding area. Possible nesting in the 19th century of the white stork along the Terek (Bogdanov, 1879).
In 1929, a white stork was found on the territory of Dagestan in the village of Zrykh (Buturlin, 1935).
In 1996, a flock of 18 birds that migrated high above the ground in a northwest direction (A.N. Khokhlov and others) may well indicate the possible movement of the stork from the river delta. Terek to the northwest along the Kuma-Manych depression. This assumption agrees well with data on a significant increase in the number of the species in Dagestan over the past 10-15 years (V.F. Mamatayeva, T.K. Umakhanova). Only in the Babayurt region and in one settlement in the Khasavyurt region of Dagestan, about 10-15 pairs currently nest, each of which breeds 3-5 young individuals.
The probability of reproduction of individual pairs in other adjacent areas of lowland Dagestan and Chechnya is very high.
On the Dagestan coast of the Caspian Sea, a white stork was recorded migrating on October 23, 1998; a group of 8 individuals, including 4 young ones, was recorded in the area of Kaspiysk (Vilkov).
Bird sightings in North Ossetia may indicate the presence of a trans-Caucasian stork flyway. We can assume a further increase in the number of the species in the territory of Dagestan and expansion of the nesting area in three directions: the valleys of the Terek and Sulak rivers, the Kumo-Manych depression, the lower reaches of the river. Volga.
In the reed thickets of the Agrakhan Bay there are rare birds such as black and white storks (Eldarov “Natural Monuments of Dagestan” 1991). Since 1985, the white stork's nest has been located in the village. Umar-Otar, on a mulberry tree, in a residential yard. Every year, the birds return to their nest, lay eggs and hatch chicks from 3 to 5 years old. The nest has become very large, the birds repair and build the nest every year. The owners treat the birds and those who come to admire them with understanding and kindness.
In 1998, there were 5 chicks in the nest, but 2 storks died on electrical wires near the nest after flying out of the nest.
In 2002, only one bird returned, and there were no offspring; the bird was unable to form a pair. But since 2003, storks have appeared annually, this year there are 4 chicks.
Members of the group “Topolek” and “Berkut” observe birds: the arrival and departure of birds, incubation of eggs3, feeding of offspring, laying out food along the side of the nest, how birds protect themselves from the scorching rays of the sun, how they sing, how they knock with their beaks. Of course, this is of great interest to students and the public. The nest still exists and offspring are hatched in it. If earlier in winter storks flew away and returned after a week, then since 2002 storks do not fly away even in frosty weather. At this time, the birds do not leave the nest, lose a lot of weight, but do not fly away. There are many lakes around, places of flooding and the Aksai reservoir, quite large, overgrown with reeds. In 1999, in Umar-Otar, a second nest was discovered on a haystack in the Bagautdinovs’ yard. Inside, birds were hatching chicks. But in the second year, 4 storks were hatched. One stork was found on the 5th day with a broken head.
That same year, the owner sold the hay, but built an artificial nest on 4 stakes with a crossbar, and threw in some brushwood. The storks returned and took over the nest. Four storks appeared. In 2002, the storks returned, behaved restlessly for 2-3 days and flew away. The artificial nest ceased to exist. Apparently they settled outside the village. Several dozen storks can be seen in the fields around the village.
In 2001, a white stork's nest was discovered in the village. Kazmaaul, located near the Babayurt-Khasavyurt highway, on an electric pole next to an artificial reservoir. The nest is made of twigs on the top of a post. Every year 4-5 chicks are born. The storks did not fly away, they remained for the winter, even when it snowed. They sat in the nests for 2-3 days without flying out, apparently retaining heat.
Our observations have shown that storks have remained for the winter over the past five years. While making excursions in Northern Dagestan, we met flocks of storks of 8-15 individuals near the Terek River bridge along the Caucasus federal highway. A black stork was also observed here several times, according to eyewitnesses, a black stork’s nest in the area of the village. Fishing in the floodplain forest. The black stork can also be found in the forests of the Khamamatyurt reserve. It is necessary to create a micro-reserve to preserve these amazing birds available for observation.
Meetings with them always bring joy to everyone who meets them and a desire to continue these meetings.
A beautiful large white bird with black wings and red legs and beak. Inhabits a wide area, including the Middle East, North Africa, part of Europe (Spain, Portugal, etc.).
The number of white storks in many countries is declining, although their distribution area is expanding.
This bird is a close neighbor of man. White storks often settle near homes, building nests on the roofs of houses, trees, trees with broken tops, supports specially built for birds by people.
Having built a nest, a pair of storks uses it for many years in a row. Storks have a very strong family - spouses, as a rule, spend their entire lives together. The male and female share care for the offspring: they take turns incubating the clutch and feeding the chicks together. In one summer, a family can raise from 3 to 5 young birds. First-year storks differ from their parents in the black color of their beak and legs.
Small birds find refuge in the walls of the nest without harming the storks.
Nests found: between Babayurt and Muzhukay, Babayurt and Kostek in forest belts on a tree.
The population has been notified about rare birds living close to humans.
Many people driving through public transport report seeing storks. A survey of the population was conducted through questionnaires and a telephone survey.
The human factor is very important: it affects wildlife: draining swamps, discharging Terek water into the Caspian Sea (a canal breaking through the Agrakhan Peninsula), providing the southern part of the bay with fresh water.
The discharge of water from the Aktash River into Sulak led to the drying out of the Aktash reservoir; shallowing and overgrowing of the Aksai reservoir. What negatively affects the world of birds, incl. storks.
New nests have appeared in the village of Umar - Otar: on a dried tree (2007), the second nest on an electric pole.
We observed a change of parents on the nest, providing the chicks with water in hot weather; spreading their wings, they create shade for the chicks; distribution of food around the nest (chicks’ choice); tapping with beaks.
To make the chicks fly, parents stop feeding them, they lose weight and fly out of the nest. After departure, the parents continue to feed the chicks for about 10-12 days.
For many birds, a wide flight front can be reduced to a narrow one in certain sections of the route. This is observed when the topography of the earth's surface creates an obstacle to the migration of birds. Such obstacles are mostly mountains or vast expanses of water. In these places, on the shores of the seas and along the outskirts of high mountain ranges, a large number of flying species of both the same and different species are concentrated. As soon as the obstacle ends, the birds change direction and are again scattered over a wide area, restoring their wide flight front.
Ecological chutes or environmentally favorable places can serve as guide lines that determine the direction of migration of migrants. Particularly indicative in this regard are river valleys that stretch in the meridian direction. The guiding significance in flights can be the lines of the sea coast, the outskirts of mountain ranges, chains of lakes on the mainland or islands at sea. These kinds of ecological gutters are really good guides and often attract large numbers of birds.
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