Horses are one of the most intelligent and beautiful animals on Earth. They have faithfully served people for thousands of years. These animals come in all sorts of colors! But it’s even more interesting to understand how the names of these same suits appeared in Russian, what they mean, and how to determine what color a horse is by the name of...
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The Yakut tribes, defending themselves from the attacks of nomads, were forced to move from the upper reaches of the Yenisei to the northern territories. Under the influence of the harsh climate, the horses of the Yakut breed gradually changed. At 40-degree frosts, they began to grow long hair, up to 15 cm, which saved the animals from the cold....
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A population is considered to be “a collection of individuals of one species that occupies a certain space for a long time and reproduces itself over a large number of generations” (BES, 1983). The word “population” comes from the Latin “populus” - people, population, livestock. From this we can derive the very definition of this term....
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The organizer of the bison nursery was the oldest employee of the reserve, M.A. Zablotsky, thanks to whose work several nurseries were also created in the republics of the former USSR. Many scientific and practical issues are resolved in cooperation with other organizations and countries. The problems of bison are human problems. Therefore, from...
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Elk have been one of the most important fisheries since ancient times. In the post-glacial era, it became the basis of existence for Stone Age tribes on the vast territory of the taiga and part of the forest-steppe zone of Eurasia. Hunting cave sites and layers of ancient settlements are filled with broken elk bones. Many artifacts made of bone...
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What benefits do pets bring to people, what do they give to the national economy, to every family? It has long been believed that on a personal subsidiary plot they engage in gardening and gardening, raise livestock, poultry, rabbits, horses, etc. In our time, private farming is a significant help in meeting the needs of the population for meat,...
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Mammoths moved north to the shores of the Arctic Ocean and adapted to new conditions. In cold climates there lived woolly rhinoceroses, cave bears, reindeer, polar bears and mammoths. The “king” of animals of that time was the mammoth; the hairy giant reached 3-4 meters and weighed up to 5-6 tons. The tusks of older individuals reached 4 meters...
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If you know how to observe well, you can see animals everywhere. Each animal has its own “address”, you just need to be able to find it. They have adapted perfectly to their living conditions. Pets live with us. Animals feed on plants. They are called herbivores. Herbivores are horses, cows, and sheep. Many animals detect a much larger number of...
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The Greek word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard." Apparently, the first huge dinosaur bones found made a terrible impression on scientists. Still would! Legs the size of a man, teeth the size of a palm, skulls the size of a small car. In the beginning, all dinosaurs were considered “terrible reptiles.” But not all dinosaurs were huge. Among...
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Over a long period of time, some animal species gradually transformed into others. This process is called evolution. Such changes were most often a response to environmental influences. For example, animals that once ate leaves have been replaced by those with teeth and digestive systems adapted to eating and digesting grass. Some animal species...
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A long time ago, many millions of years ago, there was not a single animal on our planet. Almost the entire surface of the Earth was covered with water, it was warm and damp. The first animals appeared in the water. These were bacteria and algae. Then the first fish began to appear. Ocean waves threw algae onto land. Some of them got used to the...
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The fox belongs to the genus of mammals of the canine family. Lives in almost all regions of the CIS. The only exceptions are the central parts of deserts and tundra. She is beautiful and graceful: a red fur coat with a light chest, a fluffy tail, an elongated body on slender legs in black “stockings”; pointed muzzle with brown eyes. But there...
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The wood bison, a unique large mammal, is an endangered species and is under special protection; it is listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The protection of the wood bison is provided for by the International Convention on Biological Diversity, signed, along with other countries, by the Russian...
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If snow is white, then you need to be white in order to be invisible. That is why for many animals living on the surface of the snow, body color becomes decisive. Moreover, body color is of decisive importance both for predators (they need to sneak up on the prey unnoticed) and for other animals (they need to camouflage themselves in the snow...
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Now our Earth is a planet of people. Hundreds of thousands of other species of living beings live next to us. It is difficult to imagine that once on our planet there was not a single one of the animals familiar to us, and it is even more difficult to come to terms with the fact that there were no humans on Earth. 200 million years ago, its...
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After a person switched to a sedentary lifestyle and began farming, he was faced with the question: how to protect the crop from hordes of small rodents? At different times, ferrets, mongooses, and even snakes were used for this purpose. But the cats were out of competition. Cats are born hunters, with whom no one can compare in the ability to...
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Vasily Ivanovich Skuridin was very keen on animal husbandry and loved animals very much. He spent all his time with them. And he passed on all his skills by blood to his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. And already grandson Sergei Vladimirovich, listening to his grandfather, remembered the following words: that a person without...
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In England there is a real cult of animals. Dozens of special newspapers and magazines are published for fans of “our little brothers.” Almost every second home in England has a pet. They breed dogs, cats, horses, cows, sheep and pigs. In first place are dogs (5 million), then cats (4 million), parrots (3 million), rabbits (1 million) and many...
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The diversity of natural conditions in the Samara region determines the richness of the animal world. Among the wild animals there are inhabitants of the taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, steppes, and even more remote zones - tundra, semi-deserts. For example, white polar owl, tundra partridge, steppe bustard, jerboa, corsac fox, mole rat...
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Events from the Khvalyn period to the present day play an important role in the development of modern relief. The level of the Early Khvalynian Sea reached + 49 m from the level of the World Ocean. The entire territory, with the exception of the city of Bogdo, was covered by the sea. There was a connection between the Caspian Sea and the Black...
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Our Earth is a very ancient planet. It was formed about 4,500 million years ago. The first living creatures on Earth were the simplest single-celled organisms - bacteria and algae. Amphibians (amphibians) came to land about 370 million years ago. For some time they remained the rulers of the world. But they could not fully dominate land: from...
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The main link between inanimate nature and animals is plants. Plants are food for animals. But plants also need animals. Animals emit carbon dioxide, which is absorbed by plants. Predatory animals, eating herbivores, save plants from destruction. The great ancient Greek scientist Aristotle first tried to divide the animal kingdom into groups;...
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This year, on April 27, Vladimir Vladimirovich found a second den with eight wolf cubs near last year’s location. He guarded their mother near the den for several days, but she did not appear. The wolf cubs were about ten days old, so their eyes also did not open. Old people say that wolves never hunt in the area where they have made a lair...
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On the eastern coast of the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of Azov, a series of terraces of the Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene (2 million - 10 thousand years ago) is exposed. The remains of many prehistoric mammals were discovered near the village of Semibalki. They were found by a group of students from the Russian State University while undergoing...
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Roe deer are similar to deer, but much smaller and, according to scientists, are representatives of a special genus. The roe deer belongs to the class of mammals, belongs to the order of artiodactyls, to the family of deer, that is, the roe deer is very small in size. The genus of roe deer appeared on earth about three million years ago. The...
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The flora and fauna of our region is very diverse and numerous. This is due to natural conditions, since our Samara region lies on the border between forest and steppe, and its territory is located in two natural zones - forest-steppe and steppe. In addition, in our region there are a variety of natural and artificial reservoirs. These are...
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The local Russian name is Rossomaga, in the Northern Cis-Urals it is Gnusina, among the Nenets it is Inginea, and among the Mansi it is Tulmah. In appearance, wolverines are a little similar to bears, so they were previously considered relatives of them. Currently, the wolverine belongs to the family of martens, in which they are classified...
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The fauna of the area is also diverse. Its territory is home to more than a hundred species of birds, forty-eight species of mammals, two rare amphibians and four species of reptiles. The species composition of birds and mammals varies significantly both by season and between individual landscapes. 43 species of birds live in low-mountain...
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Unfortunately, cheetahs are now in a very difficult situation. After all, the cheetah is the fastest dying species of cat: firstly, cheetahs, although they run fast, get tired quickly; secondly, they only hunt Thompson's gazelles; thirdly, it is more difficult for them to hide their cubs, because they can't climb trees and aren't too aggressive...
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The tiger belongs to the cat family. This is a distant relative of leopards, lynxes, panthers and even the domestic cat. Although its name in Latin sounds like panther tigris, the tiger's closest relative is the lion. There were nine subspecies of the tiger, three of which are now extinct, and one (the South China tiger) may have already...
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The skull, discovered on a shelf in my father's garage, greatly surprised me: what animal could have such long protruding fangs? Maybe it was a representative of the reptile class? But, judging by the presence of a hard palate separating the oral cavity from the nasal cavity and the large size of the brain section, it was not a reptile (they...
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Nature protection, environmental protection is a comprehensive system of measures aimed at preserving, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, including preserving the species diversity (gene pool) of the flora and fauna of the Earth, its subsoil, water resources, atmospheric air in , therefore, to preserve the natural conditions...
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The Khanty and Mansi have the richest oral folk art. For the first time, works of folklore were recorded by Hungarian and Finnish scientists, starting in the middle of the last century. Among them are: Mythical tales. This is a popular worldview about the origin of the earth and life on earth (about people, about the animal and plant world)....
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There are many different animals in nature: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. And almost everyone has tails. They are very different: large and small, fluffy and hairless, with and without scales. We also have a wonderful animal representative at home – the cat Stepan. My mom and dad gave it to me for my birthday three years ago. Then...
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Man is the greatest creation of nature. It came out of the animal world in the course of many years of evolution. Nature taught him to work, think, produce, see beauty, observe and comprehend the world. Man would not become man without nature. Nature is everything that surrounds us: living and nonliving. How much we love to say that man is the...
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In Paris, a mammoth stands in front of the entrance to the Natural History Museum. The huge hall of the museum is full of bones. Only imagination can give an idea of the appearance of their owners who lived thousands and millions of years ago. And the mammoth stands at the entrance as if alive. It is made of plastic and is very similar to the...
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The Red Book is a cry of plants and animals for help, voiced in human language. This cry was truly heard by humanity at the end of the 19th century, when the problem of preserving rare and endangered species of animals and plants became obvious. The first international biological agreement - the International Convention for the Conservation of...
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The tiger is a huge cat. Its length is almost three meters, a little less than a meter is on the tail. If you imagine that such a pussy would stand on its hind legs in an ordinary room, it would almost reach the ceiling. The tiger also weighs impressively - more than two hundred and fifty kilograms. This is the most dangerous and insidious...
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In 1948, 63 years ago, scientists around the world created the International Union for Conservation of Nature. On the instructions of this union, zoologists, botanists, and ecologists began to study which plants and animals of the planet should be helped first. Made lists. Then the lists were published in book form. They called it the Red Book...
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The fauna of terrestrial vertebrates of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is quite rich and diverse, and represents a typical taiga complex, including species of 65 families from 27 orders. One of the objectives of the reserve is to study the species composition of animals and plants. A list of animal species, information about the nature of...
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The wild boar or wild pig is an important biological object in the ecosystem. Red Book animals feed on it: tiger, leopard, and wild boar is an important commercial species. Last year, in our region, game wardens observed the death of wapiti and wild boar after snow fell (information from the media “Local Time”). The reason may be the poor food...
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When escaping from a chase, the animal easily jumps over fallen trees or a meter -long ditch, and in zoos, standing on its hind legs or running, it can climb over a fence 2-3 meters high.Bison, unlike bison, live in very small herds. Matriarchy reigns in the herd: the head of the flock is the elderly, most experienced female, who determines the...
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This massive, heavily built ungulate is the largest living in the forests of Europe. Perhaps, only the elk can be a little taller, but the bison is heavier: old bulls weigh 800-900 kilograms (very rarely, but sometimes up to a ton). It is not very large in length - about 3 meters, but the front part of the body is very massive due to the...
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