How to save wildlife

Nature protection, environmental protection is a comprehensive system of measures aimed at preserving, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, including preserving the species diversity (gene pool) of the flora and fauna of the Earth, its subsoil, water resources, atmospheric air in , therefore, to preserve the natural conditions for the development of human society.
Some animals are in danger of complete extinction. This happens because people hunt them or destroy their habitats.
When fishermen catch too many fish of one species, their numbers decline. This is called overfishing - overfishing.
If it is not stopped soon, some species of fish will completely disappear. Fishing also harms other marine life. Purse seine nets are like large bags. They catch tuna, but often by accident dolphins also end up there. Rhinos are killed for their horns.
This rhino's horn has been cut off, so hunters will not touch it.
When tropical forests were cut down, golden marmosets and other animals became endangered.
Nature is our common heritage, which today is thoughtlessly wasted and used predatorily. Today, about 14% of the territory of Russia, where about 1/3 of the country’s population lives, are environmentally unfavorable territories. Approximately 30% of the high mortality rate in the country is explained by the extremely unfavorable environmental situation.
The current situation dictates a new order of priorities in environmental policy. It is necessary to achieve:
- ensuring environmentally safe conditions for people to live;
- rational use and protection of natural resources;
- ensuring environmental and radiation safety;
- greening industrial and territorial development;
- improving the environmental culture of society and the formation of environmental legal awareness.
World Habitat Conservation Day is celebrated annually on October 6th. This holiday was approved in Europe in 1979 within the framework of the Convention on the Conservation of Wild Fauna, Flora and Natural Habitats as a way to attract public attention to the problem of conservation and restoration of damaged natural ecological systems.
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