According to the Bible, snakes bring evil. The serpent-tempter persuaded Eve to eat the apple of knowledge and treat it to Adam. For this, God kicked them out of Paradise. This is probably why people have a definite opinion about snakes. Which one is well known. At all times, people have been afraid of snakes. In addition to fear, snakes also...
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I have always loved fairy tales and adventures. My mother used to read them to me, later I learned to read on my own. I really liked the descriptions of battles with various fairy-tale monsters, and I always wondered: how real are the events described, where do the plots and characters come from? Of all the mythical animals, I liked dragons the...
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The asp is a poisonous snake related to the cobra. Cobra is a poisonous snake of hot countries of the slate family, with spots below the head. Coral adders are small, spectacularly colored snakes. Reptiles (reptiles) are a class of vertebrate animals that move primarily by crawling or dragging their bellies along the ground (snakes, lizards,...
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These animals raise many questions: how does a lizard's tail come off? How does a chameleon change its color? How can a flying dragon glide? When we studied the topic “reptiles” as a class, I found answers to some questions, but not all. And I decided to get to know the reptiles better and find out more about them. That's why I chose this topic...
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According to the legend of Spider-Man, at the moment of the bite, the spider injected saliva, and DNA was inserted from the spider to the person. And so Peter Parker acquired many of the properties of a spider. I and my friends have never met people with spider abilities in our lives. Neither I nor my friends have ever heard information that a...
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Amphibians are animals that live both in water and on land. These include frogs, toads, newts and salamanders. Amphibians lay their eggs in water, such as a pond or stream. They cannot live in salt water, so they are not found in the seas. Newts and salamanders are amphibians. Unlike frogs and toads, they do not lose their tail when they grow...
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Among the numerous representatives of the terrestrial vertebrate fauna, animals of two classes occupy a special place - amphibians (amphibians) and reptiles (reptiles). It is characteristic of both groups that the temperature of their bodies depends on the temperature of the environment - these animals are cold-blooded, and the possibilities of...
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Long before people appeared, the whole Earth was humid and warm, like in the tropics. All continents were covered with dense forests in which huge ferns and conifers grew. In these ancient times, dinosaurs dominated the Earth. Probably the largest herbivorous dinosaur was BRACHIOSAURUS, which lived at the end of the Jurassic period. Bachiosaurs...
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Life on Earth originated in water about 4.5 billion years ago. However, millions of years passed before the first creatures came out of the water and settled on land. These were primitive invertebrates. These are the most famous of them. Like dinosaurs and their relatives, who once lived in the air, water and on land. They became extinct long...
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The historical world has a long history as the Earth is approximately 4600 million years old. According to scientists, approximately 4,700 million years ago the Earth did not yet exist; in its place, a huge cloud of dust and gas revolved around the Sun. Later it broke up into several small clouds. Ultimately, these clouds apparently formed the...
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Traces of the life activity of belemnites can be found in many places in the Zaraisk region. Very often they are found in natural sections of soil, mainly along river banks. One of these places is located within the city, on the banks of the river. Sturgeon, near st. Parkovaya. Spring waters annually wash away the soil from the shore, and over...
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A turtle is a reptile. She has four limbs, a head, a tail, a shell that contains her internal organs and part of the skeleton. The upper part of the shell is called the carapace, the lower part is the plastron. There are about 220 species of turtles. Turtles are cold-blooded animals and cannot regulate their body temperature themselves....
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Having stuck out its forked tongue and using it to probe objects that come across the snake's path or simply waving it in the air (you've all probably seen on TV how a snake quickly sticks out and thrusts its tongue into its mouth ), the snake inserts the tips of its tongue into the pits, and particles adhering to the tongue are perceived...
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Snakes have very good eyesight, as every snake catcher knows. The snake sees a person from afar and if it does not crawl away, it is only because it hopes to remain unnoticed. Snakes have poor hearing. They do not have an outer or middle ear at all, and snakes, in our understanding, are simply deaf. However, light shaking of the soil under the...
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Essentially, a snake is a lizard that has adapted to hunting mice and rats in burrows and dense thickets of grass. Legs in such conditions are only a hindrance. The bones of the snake's skull are movably connected to each other. This allows the mouth to open wide, and when the snake swallows large prey whole, the jaws “spread” to the sides....
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In total, about 3 thousand species of snakes are known on Earth, of which 300-400 species are poisonous. Snakes have mastered all possible habitats. They are found in forests, mountains, stepspes and deserts, in seas and oceans. Most snakes, of course, are in the tropics. There are burrowing snakes, terrestrial snakes, arboreal snakes that...
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