It is noteworthy that killer whales never attack humans.

All family members are strongly attached to each other, and always try to hunt together, and they always act agreed.Contrary to its fearsome reputation, the killer whale, like other dolphins, eats mainly fish. It attacks warm-blooded animals - small dolphins and pinnipeds - much less often, but, having burst into a herd of fur seals, it can...


The snake sees a person from afar and if it does not crawl away, it is only because it hopes to remain unnoticed

Snakes have very good eyesight, as every snake catcher knows. The snake sees a person from afar and if it does not crawl away, it is only because it hopes to remain unnoticed. Snakes have poor hearing. They do not have an outer or middle ear at all, and snakes, in our understanding, are simply deaf. However, light shaking of the soil under the...
