A person learns about the world around him (shape, tone, shades, texture of objects), orients himself in space, in a word, receives the main share (up to 80%) of information from the external environment thanks to vision. Vision is a unique gift, thanks to which a person can enjoy the fullness of the colors of the living world. It's all...
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Kuzbass is a recognized industrial center of Siberia. But our region is not only famous for this; it is unique in its nature. And we have nature to choose from: taiga, steppe expanses, alpine meadows, mountain ranges, rivers and lakes. And all this beauty is violated by man. We are gradually losing some species of plants and animals, so there is...
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I live in the taiga zone in Yakutia, which is famous for its cold winters. The taiga is home to large and strong animals that can withstand the harsh climate. Reindeer live only in the northern taiga and tundra. He has to beware of wolves that hunt in packs. Before the hunt, wolves call each other with loud barks. They follow their leader in a...
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A diverse fauna has formed on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. Its formation took place under the influence of territories adjacent to the district from the east and west, from the south and north. The species diversity of the animal world increases from the northern to the southern taiga and with movement from the Subpolar...
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Eagle—Majestic and free, he looks down on everything. Nothing can escape his watchful gaze. Advice for you: just as an eagle circles over its prey before catching it, so you explore the problem from all sides to achieve your goal. Don't get hung up on the little things, think about the essence of the issue. Dolphin - He is full of life and joy....
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Throughout the 17th century, the main object of hunting for Russians in Siberia was sable. The “Tsar's treasury” was annually replenished with sables and other valuable furs (beavers, ermines, black-brown foxes). The needs of the embassy order were paid for in sables, the value of which was converted into monetary terms. The bulk of the royal...
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Our planet Earth was born 4 billion 500 million years ago. And since then it has been constantly changing. Rivers cut valleys in the mountains, change their courses, rains smooth out mountain slopes, earthquakes split the surface, volcanoes erupt lava. All this suggests that the Earth is a changeable planet. And so I decided to look 5 million...
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The fauna of the region is diverse, which is explained by many factors. The main one is the intermediate geographical position of the region on the border of Europe and Asia. The diversity of landscapes allows animals with different ecological requirements for living conditions to live in a relatively small area. In this regard, in the Stavropol...
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In connection with global environmental changes associated with increasing anthropogenic impact, questions related to the sustainability of various biological systems are increasingly arising. In a sense, the group of mammals can be considered one of such systems. Questions about their sustainability are important because they are a significant...
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I love my Motherland. I was born, live and study in Yakutia. I love the lesson about the world around me. During the lesson we talk and learn a lot of new things about animals and birds that live in our forests. I also enjoy reading various books about animals, I like to draw and sculpt them from plasticine. I would like to introduce you to the...
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Who among us is not familiar with the world of animals not only from books, TV, but not many of us know that they do not have Russian names. Such animals are called by their scientific Latin name, but they are only written in Russian letters. For example, crustaceans - cyclops, fish - chimera, butterflies "Apollo", "swallowtail". Where did such...
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Protecting nature does not mean making it inviolable. Nature is the source of human material wealth, without which he cannot exist. Our Republic is beautiful and amazing. The life and activities of the people of our Tatarstan depend on natural conditions: weather, terrain, soil, flora and fauna, the presence of reservoirs and minerals. To...
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The ability to hold tightly and stay on the surface is necessary for all land animals. We need traction in order to walk on smooth surfaces or handle slippery objects. Indentations in shoe soles and tires, non-slip surfaces on steps, ribbed tool handles and on bicycle handlebars are all designed to provide greater roughness. Look what nature has...
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There is probably not a single person on earth who does not love animals. This especially applies to children. One of a child’s favorite activities is drawing, and it is no coincidence that the main characters in their drawings are animals and birds; interest in them instills a love for all living things from a young age. I'm not an exception....
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Of course, you know that one billion years ago the entire Siberian platform, including Yakutia, was located near the equator? Yes, it was a bit hot. But nothing stands still - even the continents, which are immutable in human eyes, are moving. In a billion years, we “reached” the Far North “and areas equivalent to it.” Of course, it became...
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Currently, the problems of protecting the animal world of the region have expanded and to increase the level of careful and conscious attitude of the population towards mammals, knowledge of their biology and ecology has become an urgent need. I am interested in the life of animals in the wild. I read a lot of books about animals, watch TV...
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The fauna of the Primorsky Territory is rich and diverse. There is a combination of northern and southern species. There was no ice age here, and therefore plants and animals of the pre-glacial, warmer, Tertiary era, which were extinct in other places, were preserved. Gradually, as the climate cooled, the relics adapted and mixed with modern...
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Starting from the late forties of the 20th century, rockets were already powerful enough to rise to a height of several hundred kilometers. It was then that they began to conduct experiments with animals. Four-legged assistants were launched into space, thus trying to find out what awaits man outside our planet. In 1949, Professor Chernov and...
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We very often met animals - representatives of wildlife - in our village and city. These are monkeys, a python and an iguana - circus artists who performed for the children of our school. This is a crocodile and a parrot, with whom everyone wanted to take a photo at the zoo, and the camel Masha, whom we fed at the Ecological and Biological...
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Every year brings significant changes to the population. The number, sex, age composition and many other indicators characterizing the population change. One of the populations living in our village is the domestic cat population, which is a striking example of a group of animals undergoing annual changes. This population was under our...
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Many animals do not build dwellings, but use many natural shelters of all kinds created by nature itself. But not all animals “wait for mercy from nature.” They build their own homes, and sometimes their structures are distinguished by their unique perfection. One of the simplest and most common animal shelters is a hole. Burrows are dug by...
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I live on our planet for so long, but I consider myself the rightful owner of the places where my feet have set foot. And together with everyone else I bear a moral responsibility for the preservation of cultural values. It is not necessary for a person to oblige himself for everything that happens thousands of kilometers away from him. The main...
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There are not many species of large cats. There are only eight species: lion, cheetah, tiger, irbis (snow leopard), jaguar, puma, panther (or leopard) and clouded leopard. There are a huge number of hybrids of these cats with each other. Small cats have a huge number of both species and subspecies. Here are some types of wild small cats: lynx,...
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What organs of fish could perceive even minor vibrations preceding strong shocks? Firstly, the swim bladder, which can serve as vibration resonators. The walls of the swim bladder have a curvature that facilitates the greatest resonance of infrasonic waves, which a person cannot hear. Physicists note that before an impending disaster, infrasonic...
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Yakutia is a country of cold, severe cold winter. Many animals and birds behave differently in such harsh conditions: some species of animals and birds migrate to warmer countries, others lead a snow-covered lifestyle: thereby they use the protective properties of snow cover. Still others grow fluffy fur or down and lead an active lifestyle in...
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Dogs stay with people longer than other species and accompany them on all difficult paths. Scientists, while excavating sites of primitive man who lived about 30 thousand years ago, discover bones that resemble those of a dog in structure. In burials 12 thousand years old, next to human bones, there are bones of a wolf dog, apparently...
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People should be more careful about natural resources. Every person must learn to protect, protect and care for the animals, plants, fish and birds that live on our planet. Saiga Once upon a time, a countless number of saigas lived in the south of our state. They lead a nomadic lifestyle, gathering in large herds, sometimes more than 1000...
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A long plumed tail, amazing red fur, huge lively eyes and a sly look - this is the appearance of the red squirrel, one of the most common inhabitants of our forests. Having appeared on Earth several million years ago, this small rodent is today distributed throughout the world, where there is a forest that provides shelter for it. The order of...
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The common fox lives in the Northern taiga of Western Siberia. From the canine family, the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug is inhabited by: arctic fox, common fox, wolf, raccoon dog. The red fox is a medium-sized animal, from the nose to the tip of the tail its length reaches about a meter, at the withers it is from 30 to 40...
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The Republic of Sakha Yakutia is famous for its very harsh climatic conditions. Winter in Yakutia is very long and cold. In winter, the sun rises slightly above the horizon and sets quickly. Very short days and long nights are coming. And in the Far North in winter the sun does not appear at all; the polar night lasts for about three months. In...
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Foxes now live in cities, they hunt birds in gardens and parks and rummage through trash cans. Lions Lions once lived in southern Europe. They became extinct in Greece and Italy about 2,000 years ago. In 1898, in Tsavo, two lions attacked workers building the Kenya-Uganda railway. They killed and devoured 27 workers, and construction had to be...
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There are approximately 35 species of cats in the world. They are all very graceful and endowed by nature with a hunting instinct; they feed on game, which they kill with their powerful teeth and claws. An important common feature of cats is the structure of their paws. Except for cheetahs, whose paws are more like those of dogs, all cats...
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The lynx is a fairly large cat, it has a large round head with vertically standing triangular ears, decorated with long tassels of black hair, and powerful, thick legs. With such high legs, the lynx appears to be a cat with a shortened body. The Yakut lynx is the largest subspecies. Lynx feels good in our deciduous forests. She is an excellent...
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The fauna of Siberia is diverse, rich, and mysterious. I am a resident of this territory, so I am interested in what secrets Mother Nature keeps, everything that happens around me. There is a huge amount of literature to gain information about the animal world. Nature is full of mysteries; it keeps many secrets within itself. The animals...
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Tundra is the edge of permafrost. The ground, frozen during the long and cold winter, only has time to thaw and warm up a little during the short summer. But still, plants can already live in this upper, slightly warmed layer of soil. The most common species found in the tundra are lichens and mosses. Deer belongs to the class of mammals, to the...
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Living organisms of the community and inanimate nature form an ecological system. For an ecosystem to live, a constant flow of energy is necessary. The energy of the sun is transferred to plants that are eaten by animals, the animal dies, but gives life to bacteria, soil worms and some insects. As a result of their activity, complex organic...
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Reflecting on how to rid nature of “scourge”, human tyranny, malice and cruelty, the writer comes to the conclusion that neither an individual righteous person nor the resistance of the animals themselves can change the situation. The situation of the people is so difficult that it simply makes no sense to fight alone for truth and justice. But...
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Unlike plants, animals respond to various stimuli in a much more complex manner. They react to food, light, temperature and humidity of air and soil, and various odorous substances. They can approach the stimulus or, conversely, move away from it. Earthworms, for example, crawl by smell to places where there are rotting leaves and plant roots,...
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In California, in the United States, there are forests in which the tallest trees on earth grow - sequoias. They grow in a strip approximately 750 km long and 8-75 km wide along the Pacific coast. Trees sometimes grow close to the shore, sometimes they climb to a height of up to 920 meters. Sequoia loves the humidity that sea air brings with...
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