How to save the environment

I live on our planet for so long, but I consider myself the rightful owner of the places where my feet have set foot. And together with everyone else I bear a moral responsibility for the preservation of cultural values. It is not necessary for a person to oblige himself for everything that happens thousands of kilometers away from him. The main thing is to set yourself the task of protecting those boundaries of residence that are available to you. Let's take your neighborhood, yard, entrance as an example. And let's start with ourselves. You need to lead a healthy lifestyle, do not smoke or drink alcohol. One non-smoking person already brings enormous benefits to the people around him.
And if we always remember about future generations, we will certainly stop being selfish. There is no need to live by the principle, and tomorrow the grass will burn. The most important task facing humanity is to preserve the forest and water reserves on our planet. Without these two whales it is very difficult for humanity to survive. And for this it is necessary to pay attention to the inhuman destruction of forests. Unreasonable logging, arson, extermination of animals, improper processing of minerals and subsoil of our land leads to an inevitable disaster.
Currently, millions of pipes around the world are processing stockpiles intended for future generations. These are unreasonable expenses, personal enrichment of individuals who want to quickly accumulate capital. There are no articles convicting such people, and sometimes even entire cities and countries, of these crimes.
Heat has reached the reserves of the world's oceans. Glaciers are melting, lakes are drying up, marine and forest fauna are dying.
Let's imagine for a second a forest without ants, without frogs. He will die, because our smaller brothers are doing a great job - cleaning the forest. And we are people who are ordered by the Almighty to protect them, when we come to the forest, we burn anthills, after the feast we throw bags, bottles, the remains of unburned trees, young trees are cut down in villages near the forest. And if we or one individual stops doing this, he will retain an incredible amount of oxygen for his descendants. So let's start with ourselves. We need to stop neglecting the covenants of our older generations. I understand that it is very difficult to change people who are accustomed to living at someone else’s expense and using what does not belong to you.
Land is not a place for bargaining and should not be auctioned off for individual crooks. My generation now has to think about its future and the future of its children. We will have to live in the twenty-first century. And only we must now put barriers to careless entrepreneurs and government officials. We must ask them, what will remain for us and our children? You should not be allowed to engage in hunting, I would say killing animals and animals in the forests. After all, hunting grounds are separate training grounds for the illegal extermination of animals. How can we kill bears if we have almost none left?
And in twenty years we won’t be able to see them in zoos, because... Will lead to their disappearance. I urge everyone who adheres to my concept of preserving the animal world to stand up for it. To promote in every possible way the development of lawful use, in civilized ways, some culling of animals and beasts.
Now, we live, everyone says, in a civilized world. But that's a question. And I question these statements. Firstly, people's life expectancy is not increasing, but the mortality rate is the opposite. The environment is approaching critical levels due to greenhouse emissions. People suffer from heart and respiratory diseases. They are poisoned by products purchased in supermarkets and markets. Therefore, fish are initially caught from polluted waters, livestock are fed with unsuitable additives - this leads to various cancers and poisoning. Where is the control? When will you and I turn our faces to our health and directly tell the state - save the planet! Don't chase petrodollars. Stop this terrible machine on the path to the destruction of all humanity. After all, if there are statements that a person lives much further and gets sick less where he is surrounded by a healthy, natural climate. In the village, in any abandoned collective farm, located far from a large city, people eat what God gives them. They plant potatoes, greens, and care for livestock. They don't eat the sausage and fast food that we eat. And by our civilized standards, I feel sorry for them, because they cannot use what we use. But on the other hand, I envy them, white envy, that they do not consume what we consume every day. Therefore, they are cheerful and healthy from their healthy food and living environment.
Let's all together, our senior comrades, look into each other's eyes. Look at your child who will continue to live tomorrow, after you. Well, don’t mix different chemicals and dyes into your food. Do not allow the forest to be cut down and taken abroad for profit and enrichment. Leave the taiga alone, it will still bring many benefits to future generations. Do not pump out the last drops of oil and gas reserves that belong not to you, but to all generations. Don't kill whales, without them the ocean won't be an ocean. Let all processing enterprises and factories disappear from residential areas and do not harm the environment.
I also wanted to swim at least once in the Moscow River in the Brateevo area, where I live now, and come out clean, without fuel oil and other sewage that teems with our entire river.
Thank you in advance to everyone who is at least indirectly involved in protecting the environment on the planet. And I promise, for my part, to help you with all my might in any endeavor in the fight against all addictions and to protect all living things from the unlawful actions of others. My first steps will be my example, my schoolmates and friends. I have never smoked or drank alcohol. I don’t understand people who, for the sake of their new fur coat, are ready to kill an innocent animal that also has its own family, its own shelter. I myself have never worn things made from natural animal fur and I consider this a humiliation of my own dignity. When buying fur products, we often don’t think about the torment animals experience, shedding their blood for the sake of fashion, before their fur is used to make clothes...
If every woman, throwing on her fur coat, heard the cry of suffering and pain of an animal gnawing off its paw clamped in the vice of a trap, if she felt the crunch of the joints of a caught animal being finished off by a hunter, saw how a picture of the life of creatures unfolds before her who remained disabled after their captivity…. Perhaps, after this, there would be no need to write me this appeal: “Let the cold of indifference not freeze your heart.”
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