State of the natural environment and environmental problems p. Zonal

Living organisms of the community and inanimate nature form an ecological system. For an ecosystem to live, a constant flow of energy is necessary. The energy of the sun is transferred to plants that are eaten by animals, the animal dies, but gives life to bacteria, soil worms and some insects. As a result of their activity, complex organic substances are transformed into simpler inorganic ones, which are easily absorbed by plants.
In a community, all organisms are objects of nutrition for others. Through food connections, energy is transferred from one organism to another.
Since our region is located in the forest-steppe zone, we have the following natural communities - biocenoses. These are natural - forest, swamp, lake, steppe. And artificial - ponds. Various power circuits are installed accordingly. Residents of the Zonal District are engaged in field farming - they grow wheat, rye, oats and other cereal crops. Accordingly, mice love grain crops, and foxes feed on mice, and ticks feed on foxes. In our area there are many bushes, the young shoots of which roe deer feed on, and wolves feed on roe deer - this is another food chain. This suggests that in nature everything is interconnected and harmonious. These connections cannot be broken, but unfortunately not everyone understands this. Due to unreasonable human activity, many plants and animals are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory. The long-eared hedgehog still lives in our region; it can still be found to the south of the village. Zonal, at the mouth of the Chemrovka River, but its numbers are small. Since the areas of steppes are being reduced due to their plowing, pesticides are used, livestock is intensively grazed, and there are many stray dogs. But the eared hedgehog belongs to the order of insectivores. So is it any wonder why there are so many mosquitoes?! This means the ecosystem is disrupted. It's not just the long-eared hedgehog that is disappearing. Listed in the Red Book are the shrew (order Insectivores), the steppe pika (order Lagomorpha), the jerboa (order Rodents), etc. Many birds, for example, the great egret (order Cioriformes), black stork, swan, etc. Many species of animals are disappearing , so the river otter is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory. The number of lynx, bear, and wolf is under constant control.
State of the natural environment and environmental problems p. Zonal
State of the natural environment p. Zonalny is largely determined by the proximity of the Zonal District to the city of Biysk. The city of Biysk is a developed industrial center with many plants, factories, and boiler houses. The level of air pollution is characterized as high (IZA=16.4). On the territory of the Zonal district, 7 km. from the regional center with. The federal highway Barnaul - Altai Republic runs through the zone - air pollution is associated with heavy traffic. Boiler rooms also pollute the air. Residents of the village Zonal use stove heating. This also does not make our air clean. We don’t even think that we breathe not only oxygen, but also inhale various dioxides, oxides, formaldehydes and dust. This is why the health of the population is not improving, but worsening. Not only the air, but also the water is polluted.
According to the analytical control inspection of the State Committee for Environmental Protection of the Altai Territory (in 1999), the following enterprises in Biysk discharge wastewater into surface water bodies without treatment: JSC "Polyex", Federal Scientific and Production Center "Altai", P.O. "Sibpribormash", JSC "Biysk Distillery".
The main pollutants according to the analytical control inspection are organic substances (BOD), petroleum products, suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen, nitrites, sulfates, chlorides, and heavy metals. The same applies to energy enterprises, with the exception of heavy metals and nitrites. Wastewater from chemical and petrochemical industries and housing and communal services enterprises also contains phenols, nitrates, nitrites, surfactants, acetone, toluene, and phosphates. Our rivers are polluted with everything. There is not a single reservoir with clean water registered in the region (WPI men. 1, CC = 2). But in addition to industrial enterprises, our rivers are polluted by household waste. What kind of garbage is not lying along the banks of rivers?! People create landfills without thinking about the harm they cause to nature. The result of spontaneous landfills, industrial wastewater, and filtration fields is groundwater pollution. There are large livestock and poultry farms on the territory of the Zonal District. The waste from their activities also pollutes the environment. The current situation leads to environmental pollution and poses a real threat to public health.
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