The role of cold in the life of mammals

Yakutia is a country of cold, severe cold winter. Many animals and birds behave differently in such harsh conditions: some species of animals and birds migrate to warmer countries, others lead a snow-covered lifestyle: thereby they use the protective properties of snow cover. Still others grow fluffy fur or down and lead an active lifestyle in the snow. The fourth go into hibernation for the winter. The most interesting phenomenon in mammals is the state of hibernation or winter sleep. During hibernation, a decrease in body temperature occurs. Metabolism slows down and the animal's energy is saved. Gophers, chipmunks, and marmots fall into this state. Their body temperature drops to 0ºС +1ºС. Respiration rate up to one every few minutes, heart rate up to ten per minute. The brown bear also falls into a state of sleep because it is difficult for him to get food in winter. His body temperature drops to –28ºС –30ºС. It remains in this state from October to April and May of the following year. Animals that hibernate retain a lot of energy in their bodies and wake up in good condition in the spring.
Animals of the north are adapted to living in harsh cold conditions. For example, the white arctic fox endures a long hunger strike because... he has a reserve reserve of fat, and he can also sleep peacefully in strong winds, when the temperature is -55˚C. Because he doesn't feel the cold. He has fluffy fur, this fur protects his inner warmth. Since the thermal conductivity of fur (down) is low. The white hare also has fluffy fur; in cold weather it buries itself in the snow, moves little, and uses the heat-insulating properties of the snow cover. Its thick fur also helps protect against the cold. As scientists have established, in the direction of the North, snowshoe hares shorten their legs, tail and front part of the head compared to hares living to the south. For example. The ears of southern hares are longer and slightly drooping, which allows more heat to be emitted from the fur, thereby cooling the body. The white hare has a shortened muzzle and short ears covered with fluffy fur. This allows you to keep warm.
Wintering birds, for example, hazel grouse, roam in the snow in winter, digging long tunnels with turns and snow jams. Even in frosts of –40˚С –60˚С, the temperature in such a “house” is approximately 0˚С, and the bird’s body temperature is about +41˚С. Birds use the protective properties of snow cover. Many mammals have very fluffy fur that they hardly feel the cold. The onset of winter frosts in the North suppresses the daily rhythm of many birds. Thus, hazel grouse, black grouse and wood grouse at a temperature of –50˚С –55˚С fly out to feed only once a day for 2-3 hours, the rest of the time they are under the snow. On warmer days (-25˚С – 35˚С) they are active from early morning and lie down at night before sunset. Thus, daily activity is not the same at different ambient temperatures. For example, gophers are active only during the day in cold weather, and in warm weather in the morning and evening. In nocturnal and twilight animals, body temperature rises at night and decreases during the day; they are active at night and passive during the day.
The cold, harsh climate of Yakutia greatly affects the lifestyle and living conditions of many animals and birds. Many of them get used to such cold, even change. The climate of the North greatly affects them, especially temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to study the behavior of animals and birds, take care of them, and protect them.
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