Fur-bearing animals of Yakutia

The Republic of Sakha Yakutia is famous for its very harsh climatic conditions. Winter in Yakutia is very long and cold. In winter, the sun rises slightly above the horizon and sets quickly. Very short days and long nights are coming. And in the Far North in winter the sun does not appear at all; the polar night lasts for about three months. In winter, frosts reach -60 degrees.
Despite the bitter frost, many fur-bearing animals live in Yakutia, such as fox, arctic fox, otter, and sable. They are accustomed to the harsh winter and get their own food. Beautiful, very expensive warm fur coats and hats are made from the skins of fur-bearing animals.
The arctic fox is a close relative of the fox. A somewhat stocky animal with an elongated body and a bushy tail. The muzzle is short, the ears are small and rounded, the fur is soft and fluffy. The Arctic fox lives in the tundra. There is often not a single tree or bush for many kilometers. And every animal is visible from afar. The arctic fox would disappear if it were as red as the fox. In summer, the Arctic fox has fur like the color of the earth, and in winter, it’s like the color of snow. You won’t even see such an arctic fox, if it hides, even close up. Occasionally, dark brown, so-called “blue” Arctic foxes are found. The male and female are similar in color, but the male is somewhat larger. Their favorite food is mice. In winter, catching a mouse in deep snow is not very easy. It's easier in summer. But in the summer he needs to catch a lot more mice. In the summer he has ten, and sometimes fifteen tiny gray animals in his hole. First they suck milk, and then they need mice. The Arctic fox moves at a trot or gallop and swims well. And the Arctic fox runs slowly, the dog can often catch up with it. Under different circumstances, it produces a voice similar to the hoarse yapping bark of a dog. In winter, the Arctic fox rests in the snow. And in the summer, on a dry, elevated place on the hills, it digs complex burrows with many chambers, entrances and exits. One hole lasts for many years. The lifespan of arctic foxes in captivity reaches 20 years, in the wild – 8-10 years. The main enemy of the Arctic fox is the wolf. The Arctic fox is one of the important commercial fur-bearing animals. According to the hunting rules of the Republic of Sakha Yakutia, the maximum permitted hunting periods are from November 15 to March 31. The main methods of hunting are catching with jaws and traps, using bait. Currently, due to high yield, less waste of time and money, trap fishing is becoming the main one.
The fox is a close relative of the arctic fox. It differs from the Arctic fox in its red color and large size. The fox's body is slender, elongated, its tail is long and fluffy. The muzzle is very narrow, pointed, the ears are pointed and high. The hair is soft and fluffy. The chest and belly are usually white. The back of the ears and the front of the legs are black, the tip of the tail is white. Foxes are distinguished by color into 4 types - this red fox - the general color tone is reddish - red with a yellowish tint. Gray fox - the upper body is darker than that of the red fox, often with a silvery tint. Krestovka - distinguished by an even darker color and a pronounced cross-shaped pattern on the back. The upperparts are black and brown, often with a silvery tint. The black-brown fox is black in color, often with a silver tint. The cross-shaped pattern is less pronounced than that of the cross and the sivodushka. The fox lives in the forest. But it avoids continuous taiga, mainly staying in river and stream valleys and sparse forests. In foxes, the male and female are similar in color, but the male is larger. Their favorite food is hare. But foxes have a varied diet. These are muskrats, mouse-like rodents, birds, fish, eggs, insects, berries, and fruits. And in winter it doesn’t even disdain carrion. They lead a solitary lifestyle. It hunts mainly by stealth followed by throwing over short distances in jumps up to 3 m in length. During the hunt and in cases of being pursued by a person, the fox shows intelligence and caution that is rare for animals. Before giving birth, she digs a burrow herself or uses caves and crevices. From two weeks of age, the cubs begin to see and hear. The mother feeds them milk. Both parents participate in feeding and raising the young. Potential enemies of the fox are the wolf, lynx, wolverine, and golden eagle. However, foxes very rarely become their victims. A fox lives in captivity for up to 15 years. Moves at a trot, less often at a walk. The fox's footprint is very neat. When trotting lightly, she places her right hind paw exactly in the place of her left front paw and her left hind paw in the exact place of her right front paw. In this case, it seems that a two-legged animal has passed, leaving a chain of tracks. The fox is a valuable fur-bearing animal. According to the hunting rules of the Republic of Sakha Yakutia, the maximum permitted hunting periods are from October 15 to the end of February. Fox skins are subject to mandatory surrender to the state. The main methods of hunting are trapping for tracks.
The otter is a medium-sized predator adapted to living in water. The head is flattened, the muzzle is short, the neck is thick, the body is elongated and flexible, the limbs are very short, and the tail is long. The eyes are big. The ears are small and almost do not protrude from the fur. The toes are connected by swimming membranes. The fur is smooth and shiny. The color of the fur is uniform brown or grayish-brown. Lives in forest rivers and streams rich in fish that do not freeze in winter. Swims and dives beautifully. Can stay under water for about 3 minutes. On land it moves at a walk or trot, and in case of danger it jumps away. When walking in the snow, the otter drags its tail and leaves pronounced imprints of its swim membranes between its toes. His voice is a loud and sharp whistle, published more often in the spring. The otter makes its home near water. The entrance of the hole is near the water. It feeds mainly on fish. In summer, ducks and ducklings, waders and their chicks, mollusks, frogs and mouse-like rodents are often caught. Sometimes he stores food supplies. They do not reproduce annually, but intermittently. Danger for the otter can be posed by wolves, wolverines and lynxes. In the past, it was a commercial fur-bearing animal. Currently, according to the current Hunting Rules of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the otter is not considered a hunting object. In the 1970s, 30-40 otter skins were handed over to procurement organizations annually. The main methods of hunting were trapping and gunshot.
Первое место по ценности шкурки среди обитателей нашей якутской тайги занимает соболь. Это небольшой хищник из семейства куньих, который издавна преследовался человеком из-за своего дорогого меха. В Древней Руси шкурки соболей заменяли деньги и имели большое значение в международной торговле . Соболь – с гибким телом и пушистым хвостом . Морда острая , уши большие притупленные . Конечности сравнительно короткие и толстые , подошвы сильно опущены . Окраска от желтовато- бурой до черной. Встречаются особи с разной степенью седины. Голова светлее спины. Горловое пятно желтоватое или желтое , иногда оно отсутствует . С типичным местом обитания соболя являются лиственницы вперемежку с другими породами деревьев или чистая лиственничная тайга . Ведет одиночный образ жизни . Передвигается прыжками длиной , обычно 50 -80 см , но при необходимости по неглубокому снегу совершает прыжки до 160 – 180 см. Хорошо лазает по деревьям , однако ведет наземный образ жизни . Следы соболя отличаются от следов других куньих широкими и круглыми формами . Соболь ходит «чисто» , не оставляя поволоки на снегу . Убежища и места отдыха устраивает в дуплах , полых стволах , щелях корней деревьев , скалах , под упавшими стволами , редко – в гнездах крупных птиц или на толстом слое лесной подстилки у основания ствола . В непогоду или очень сильные морозы соболь не выходит из убежища по нескольку дней. Питается соболь самыми разнообразными кормами, т.е. он – всеядный зверек. Основной его пищей служат мелкие млекопитающие – полевки, мыши, землеройки, пищуха, бурундук. Белка, горностай и ласка – случайная добыча. Из птиц часто в его пищевом рационе встречаются рябчик и белая куропатка , которых ловит во время их ночёвки в снегу. Нападает и на глухарей. Особенно упорно преследует зайцев. Помимо животной пищи, этот зверек охотно питается ягодами брусники, рябины и особенно любит голубицу. В местах, где растёт кедр и кедровый стланик, соболь ест их орешки, причем вместе со скорлупой. При избытке кормов зимой делает небольшие запасы, складывая их поблизости от добытой жертвы, обычно, в дуплах упавших деревьев, под валежником, в щелях корней или зарывая в снег. Соболь охотится на земле, но в случае опасности легко вскакивает на дерево и часто спасается от преследования, перепрыгивая с дерева на дерево, и уходит, как говорят охотники, «верхом». Размножаются в возрасте 10-11 месяцев. Гон проходит в июле. Молодые появляются в апреле – мае. Детеныши глаза открывают на 30 -36 сутки. Из гнезда соболята начинают выходить в возрасте 45 суток. Мать кормит молоком около 2 месяцев, но уже с 50-52 суточного возраста начинает детенышей подкармливать мясом. В воспитании молодых самец участия не принимает. Врагов у соболя в природе мало, и к ним можно отнести орлана – белохвоста, филина, ястреба – тетеревятника, лисицу, волка и рысь. Соболь – объект охоты, добываемый по лицензиям как пушной зверек. Согласно действующему Правилу охоты РС (Я), предельные разрешенные сроки охоты с 15 октября до конца февраля. Шкурки соболя подлежит обязательной сдаче государству . Основные способы охоты – промысел ружьем в начале зимы при помощи собак – лаек, загоняющих соболя на дерево , и отлов капканами у приманок , остатков очередной жертвы или на следах зверька.
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