Mythological images and their connection with animals

Who among us is not familiar with the world of animals not only from books, TV, but not many of us know that they do not have Russian names. Such animals are called by their scientific Latin name, but they are only written in Russian letters. For example, crustaceans - cyclops, fish - chimera, butterflies "Apollo", "swallowtail". Where did such names come from? It turns out that they were taken from ancient Greek myths, and the German scientist Carl Linnaeus assigned such names to animals.
The study of the Red Book is of great importance when studying different regions, using the example of the phylum Arthropods, the class of Insects, the order of Lepidoptera representatives of Mnemosyne, Hera and Hebe.
Why is the black Apollo named Mnemosyne? This is simply a translation of it from the Latin name Parnassius - Mnemosyne, the name of the god of light Apollo.
Mnemosyne was considered the daughter of Uranus and Gaia. The children of the two supreme Deities were called titans and titanides. These are the Deities of the older generation.
Once upon a time, the titans rebelled against Zeus sitting on Olympus, but were defeated and were cast into the underworld of Hades, into the lower part - Tartarus.
In Ancient Greece, Mnemosyne was worshiped as the goddess of memory. The word "mnemosynon" means "memo", "memento".
Hence the words “mnemonics” and “mnemonics” in the Russian language, meaning a set of techniques that make it easier to memorize a large number of information and facts. The goddess Mnemosyne was depicted surrounded by her daughters, she had 9 of them, the daughters were called muses.
The muses, the goddesses of singing, poetry and the arts, were associated with Apollo, who was also called the leader of the muses (Musaget).
The vast majority of Apollo butterflies are recognizable from a distance by red spots on the hind wings. But the most widespread Ossetian species in Europe, Mnemosyne, does not have such spots. For this he was called the black Apollo.
Mnemosyne caterpillars are covered with velvety black hairs. There are 2 rows of yellow-red spots on the sides of the body, and behind the head there is another yellow spot.
Mnemosyne caterpillars feed only at night, unlike adults. They feed on the leaves of plants - corydalis, just as black Apollos disappear like clouds. But no one specifically exterminates them.
Hera and Hebe
The father of many gods living on Olympus was the fierce god Cronus, the son of Uranus and Gaia. From his mother, Cronus learned that he would be defeated by one of his children. Since then, the bloodthirsty Kron has swallowed his children, who were born to his wife Rhea. Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Hades, Poseidon - all were swallowed by the cowardly father. And only Zeus managed to hide Rhea. Time passed, Zeus grew up, rebelled against his father and forced all the swallowed brothers and sisters to return, they were born beautiful from the mouth of Cronus.
Little Hera was taken by her mother to her brother, the solitary gray Ocean. The Nereid Thetis raised Hera in peace and quiet. Zeus saw the beautiful Hera, he stole her and offered to become his wife. The marriage of Zeus and Hera was hidden for 300 years, the secret was revealed and the wedding took place on the top of Olympus. Each of the gods wanted to present the best gift to the wife of the great Zeus, the Thunderer. But her grandmother, the goddess of the earth Gaia, surpassed everyone, collecting all the best that was in her depths and growing a miracle - an apple tree with golden apples. Hera had never been so happy when she sat on the golden throne next to Zeus, dressed in magnificent clothes and shining with youthful beauty.
The ancient Greeks revered Hera as the goddess of marriage, guarding marital love, preserving its holiness and inviolability. People approached her with requests for the birth of a child, for numerous offspring. She herself gave birth to Zeus 3 children - Hebe, Eilithia, Ares.
Strong and powerful, Hera, striking anyone with thunder and lightning, controlled all the forces of nature. Only Zeus is not subject to Hera. He is often attracted to beautiful goddesses and mortal women, so she becomes angry and vindictive, pursuing her rivals. She turned the nymph Callisto into a bear, and the beautiful Io into a cow. Hera, majestic, tall, slender, with a proud posture appears at the feasts of the gods. In a magnificent outfit he comes to the golden royal throne, the gods rise from their places and bow in bow before Hera, Hera rides out from Olympus in a chariot with 2 immortal horses. The golden wheels of a chariot seem to cross the sky, giving off the silver shine of the carriage, leaving a fragrant trail.
Hebe is always young, frivolous and charming. The daughter of Hera and Zeus, Hebe is present at the feasts of the gods, offering them ambrosia - food that supports immortality and eternal youth, filling the goblets with a divine drink - nectar, the sweetness and fragrance of which makes you dizzy. Her ancient images are with a bowl in one hand and an amphora in the other.
When Zeus took Hercules to Olympus and granted immortality, Hebe was given to Hercules as his wife. Hera, who did not love Hercules, blessed the marriage. Hebe had two children.
Hebe's duties included caring for her father's sacred animals; the famous eagle of Zeus, which appeared to the chained Prometheus and tormented his unhealed wound.
There are few butterflies as variegatedly colored as the bear butterflies. The front and rear wings do not have the same color; each wing also has its own completely unique pattern of multi-colored spots and stripes.
White, black, and yellow spots are fancifully scattered across the yellow, black, red or brown background of the wings of female bears. The bright, motley abdomen of these butterflies. Dippers are a favorite among collectors and will truly enhance any insect collection. Their coloring is designed to attract attention. Just not people and, especially, collectors, but enemies.
Many insects are distinguished by their bright, conspicuous colors: ladybugs, wasps, toy soldiers (“firemen”). All of them have poisonous glands or a disgusting taste, and are therefore inedible for birds. This coloring is called warning. Butterflies are very poisonous to birds and lizards - bears take full advantage of it.
The British call them tiger butterflies. The word "tigros" means "striped" in Latin. Why are such colorful butterflies called bears?
It's all about the caterpillars of the bears, their appearance. The body of bear caterpillars is covered with long, dark, “shaggy” hairs. In caterpillars, the hairs sit on special projections - warts - and are grouped into bunches - tassels. Because of this “fur” on the caterpillars, the butterflies were called bears.
Butterflies fly at night and live on a variety of plants: willow, oak, rowan, raspberry, blackberry, plantain, dandelion, yarrow, nettle.
Two species of bear butterflies received names taken from Greek myths. Ursa - Hera and Ursa - Hebe.
Ursa - Hebe is common. Flies during the daytime. Distributed in the European part of Russia, in Crimea, the Caucasus, and in the mountains of Central Asia. The caterpillars are omnivores and live on beeches, oaks, plantains, clovers, Ivan - tea, nettles.
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