Biology of animals of Siberia

Of course, you know that one billion years ago the entire Siberian platform, including Yakutia, was located near the equator? Yes, it was a bit hot. But nothing stands still - even the continents, which are immutable in human eyes, are moving. In a billion years, we “reached” the Far North “and areas equivalent to it.” Of course, it became noticeably colder.
In addition to the movement of continents, there are other factors due to which the climate changed. For example, since the 20s of the 20th century, the fact of warming of the Arctic has been established. 20-30 years ago they started talking about general global warming (it was recorded using instrumental measurements that have been carried out since 1860). Naturally, with climate change, both the animal and plant worlds change. The environment changed - and those who could not adapt died out. Along with warming, animals and insects that are not very pleasant as neighbors are coming to us. For example, ixodid ticks. Once upon a time there was no trace of it on our territory. In the last 10 years, he appeared in the Botanical Garden of Yakutsk. What is most unpleasant is that these are infected ticks, which are dangerous to humans. In addition, when ticks find a new habitat, capturing new territory, they become even more active than usual.
At the beginning of the 20th century, only single specimens of the Siberian silkworm were registered in our country. There were large outbreaks in the 40s and 50s of the 20th century—hundreds and thousands of hectares of forest were infected. Now we are talking about hundreds of thousands and even millions of hectares. An even more unpleasant neighbor is anthrax. On the territory of Yakutia there are about 240 burial sites of animals that died from anthrax. This disease affected not only domestic animals, but also wild animals. In 1969-1970 there was an outbreak in the Muna River basin (Zhigansky, Oleneksky uluses). Elks, bears, and reindeer died in dozens, and no one buried them. If a warming climate causes drought or flooding, another outbreak is inevitable. The pathogen is stored in the soil. Even if someone treads a path in these places, the virus will rise into the air, infecting everyone around. Recently, scientists have discovered that pathogens of not only simple malaria, but also tropical malaria have appeared in the Far East. With the warming of the climate, tropical malaria can also be expected here. There was no trichinosis in Yakutia for a long time - until 1962. Now this disease is found throughout the territory of Yakutia. We didn’t even have a wintering house mosquito, but for a year now we have been receiving signals from Aldan and Neryungri that this blood-sucking synanthrope has adapted to survive in technical floors, basements of houses, in a word, where it is warm and damp. If 20 years ago there were only a dozen species of synanthropes, now there are four times more.
The immense diversity of insects - currently more than a million species have been registered and described, that is, more than all other animals, as well as plants and other organisms combined - makes their study and the development of technology for their use of paramount importance.
Bioecology is the study of the relationship of organisms with their environment. It is customary to divide it in accordance with the largest systematic categories of the organic world into the ecology of microorganisms - prokaryotes, ecology of fungi, plant ecology and animal ecology. Within these divisions there is a more detailed division. For example: ecology of insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc.
Ecology is a rapidly developing field of knowledge. The word ecology was introduced by E. Haeckel in 1866. The date is even known when it was recorded in the metric book of science - September 14. On this day, E. Haeckel signed the preface to universal morphology, where the science of organisms in their environment was called ecology. The book was published in October 1866.
Ecology, the modest Cinderella, which for a long time huddled somewhere on the outskirts of biology, today has become not just the queen of the scientific ball, the eyes of the general public, many scientists, and political figures are riveted on it.
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