Interesting facts about wild animals

People should be more careful about natural resources. Every person must learn to protect, protect and care for the animals, plants, fish and birds that live on our planet.
Once upon a time, a countless number of saigas lived in the south of our state. They lead a nomadic lifestyle, gathering in large herds, sometimes more than 1000 animals. These are not very large ungulates. The legs are thin, the fur is reddish, the muzzle is elongated. The long humped nose cools the hot air in summer and warms it in winter. The nose is a device for protection from dust entering the lungs (dust miraculously gets stuck in the nose) and from cold.
All calves in a herd are born almost simultaneously to all females, on a bare, flat plain. If you scare the herd, the females will run away in panic and never return, and the babies will go to predators for lunch. Saigas were constantly hunted for their horns. Chinese medicine believed that saiga horns had miraculous properties, and powder from them was added to any medicine. In the end, the saigas were exterminated. But a miracle happened. Soon after the October Revolution, the government of our country completely banned saigas hunting. In Kazakh songs of akyns, the speed of saigas is praised and equated to the speed of the wind in the steppe. They also glorify the wisdom, cunning, and endurance of these animals.
Once upon a time, a countless number of saigas lived in the south of our state. They lead a nomadic lifestyle, gathering in large herds, sometimes more than 1000 animals. These are not very large ungulates. The legs are thin, the fur is reddish, the muzzle is elongated. The long humped nose cools the hot air in summer and warms it in winter. The nose is a device for protection from dust entering the lungs (dust miraculously gets stuck in the nose) and from cold.
All calves in a herd are born almost simultaneously to all females, on a bare, flat plain. If you scare the herd, the females will run away in panic and never return, and the babies will go to predators for lunch. Saigas were constantly hunted for their horns. Chinese medicine believed that saiga horns had miraculous properties, and powder from them was added to any medicine. In the end, the saigas were exterminated. But a miracle happened. Soon after the October Revolution, the government of our country completely banned saigas hunting. In Kazakh songs of akyns, the speed of saigas is praised and equated to the speed of the wind in the steppe. They also glorify the wisdom, cunning, and endurance of these animals.
Flamingo is an amazing bird - <
The nesting grounds of these birds are very vulnerable, and the clutch is only two eggs. If a person visits the nest, the birds leave the nest.
These are large and strong birds, very similar to domestic turkeys. Their weight reaches 16 kg.
The plumage is red and white, and whiskers extend from the chin - tufts of elongated thread-like feathers. The bustard is very careful and silent. Well developed vision. It feeds on seeds, shoots, insects, and sometimes rodents.
The plumage of pelicans is loose and does not fit tightly to the body. Feathers quickly become wet, and birds often “squeeze out” them with their beaks. The color is light - white, grayish, often with a pink tint. The flight feathers are usually dark. The beak and bare areas of the <
Lamprey is a very interesting animal that looks like a fish. The body is naked, without scales, up to 55 cm long, and weighs 200-250 grams. On each side of the front part of the body there are 7 holes through which water flows to the gills. For this, the fishermen nicknamed her “seven-hole”. It feeds on vegetation, invertebrates, and fish, drilling through it with its tongue and sucking out blood. Instead of a bone skeleton, she has cartilage and no bile. Body fat when entering rivers reaches 36% of body weight, so dried lamprey replaced a candle in fishermen’s houses.
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