It is noteworthy that killer whales never attack humans.

Contrary to its fearsome reputation, the killer whale, like other dolphins, eats mainly fish. It attacks warm-blooded animals - small dolphins and pinnipeds - much less often, but, having burst into a herd of fur seals, it can swallow 5-6 victims one after another. And a group of killer whales can even attack a herd of swimming walruses in order to beat off one or two young walruses and tear them apart.
It is noteworthy that killer whales never attack humans (exceptions can be counted on the fingers of one hand). In aquariums they are friendly, cheerful and love to perform all sorts of tricks. A skilled trainer, without any fear, saddles the giant black and white “killer whale” and rides it around the pool, and sometimes even puts his hand into its toothy mouth.
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