Killer whales

Among the vast, completely peaceful tribe of dolphins, there is a huge animal that displays such predatory tendencies that sailors from England called it a “killer whale.”
The killer whale, and that's what it's called, is actually a dolphin, only very large: up to 10 meters long and weighing up to 9 tons.

It is easily recognized by its powerful build, black body color with white spots and a very high (especially in males) dorsal fin. Her teeth are very hard and sharp. By the way, spell it correctly - killer whale, not orca. Many people are mistaken; a killer whale is something completely different.
Orcas live in the oceans and many seas, both subpolar and tropical. This marine animal is not capable of going under water for a long time, and usually hunts near the surface. Orcas usually live in families consisting of several dozen animals.

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