Who are brachiosaurs

Long before people appeared, the whole Earth was humid and warm, like in the tropics. All continents were covered with dense forests in which huge ferns and conifers grew.
In these ancient times, dinosaurs dominated the Earth. Probably the largest herbivorous dinosaur was BRACHIOSAURUS, which lived at the end of the Jurassic period.
Bachiosaurs belonged to the order Saurishi, suborder Brachiosaurus.
These were dinosaurs with long necks and high, thick legs. The neck bones were hollow, so their weight was light. This allowed the giant's neck to be very mobile. The brachiosaurus used its tail for defense. Directly above the eyes of the brachiosaurus, in the upper part of its head, there were nostrils. Scientists once believed that this was necessary in order to breathe while in water. But scientists now believe that brachiosaurs spent most of their time on land, and their nostrils may have been used to make loud snorting sounds. With their help, animals of the same herd communicated with each other.
Straight thick legs ended in wide feet with exactly five toes. The name itself, brachiosaurus, means “giant lizard.”
These animals lived in family groups or small herds. There could have been 20 dinosaurs in such a herd, they constantly traveled in search of food, feeding on tall fern trees. Bachiosaurs ate leaves from the tops of the trees. And the lower leaves and branches remained for those dinosaurs that were smaller.
After this fossil lizard quickly swallowed food, it also swallowed small pebbles. Nowadays, many birds, such as chickens, do this. This is necessary in order to better grind and crush the eaten plants.
Some scientists believe that brachiosaurs ate not only terrestrial, but also aquatic plants. To do this, they stretched their necks far forward and down, lowering it under the water directly from the shore. They laid eggs in holes and guarded them. They surrounded the masonry and slept around it.
When the babies hatched, they were very small. Their height was the same as that of a modern dog. Their skin was soft. Baby brachiosaurs remained with their parents for 5-6 years. They could not defend themselves against predatory dinosaurs such as allosaurus. Therefore, the parents kept a vigilant watch to see if there was an enemy nearby. Brachiosaurs primarily used a long tail for defense. One blow from the powerful tail or front legs was enough to discourage the predator from attacking the brachiosaurus cubs..
And only after the cubs turned 7 years old did they scatter, forming their own packs and families.
These giant animals became extinct at the beginning of the Cretaceous period. There are several theories about the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs.
Some scientists believe that this happened because the fern trees on which the brachiosaurs fed died due to the toxic fumes of the volcanoes.
There will never be such huge animals on earth as the brachiosaurus. We can imagine them only from the skeletal remains that archaeologists find.
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