Wintering birds of our region and city

In total, about 147 bird species have been recorded in our region. Birds that are listed in the Red Book of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug live here.
There are birds that stay in their homeland all year round. The conditions for their existence are suitable for them, so they do not fly. These are sedentary birds. For example, the inhabitants of our forests: crossbill, nutcracker, capercaillie, hazel grouse, gray partridge, waxwing, long-tailed Siberian lentil, redpoll, bullfinch. Inhabitants of the city: hooded crow, pigeon, sparrow, tit, magpie and others.
“The sounds of nature heal the human soul,” says an old wise saying. Therefore, I want people to notice all the delights in nature and enjoy them. Joy - in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, is a cheerful feeling, a feeling of great spiritual satisfaction. I feel joy when my friends and acquaintances are not in trouble, when I feel cared for.
Conclusion: It is necessary to determine the territory in the city where it is necessary to organize feeding of sedentary birds, not excluding birds of suburban forests. In this matter, I am sure I will have comrades with whom I can share positive feelings.
I identify green areas of the city where a large number of wintering sedentary birds are concentrated.
Having examined the topographic map and driving around the city, I can note that green areas include: Victory Park, the area around Komsomolskoye Lake, the territory of the old cemetery in the 10 “A” microdistrict. To green areas: microdistricts No. 6, No. 12, No. 3, No. 1, No. 2, No. 11, area of the old part of the city. Each territory needs aesthetic, environmental and sanitary support!
Conclusion: the area for resident and wintering birds, relative to the area of the city, is small. Feeders are partially placed. Basically, this is the territory of schools and kindergartens. The territory of the microdistricts is littered with food waste for birds placed on the collectors.
Feeding birds in winter is a noble cause. In the city, at the feeder, you can mainly see: tits and sparrows, pigeons and crows, and if you're lucky, bullfinches. Watching them is very interesting, but I always wanted to see an unfamiliar bird. Then there would be delight! That is why the idea was born to pay special attention to feeders and give them a special project.
Tits are the most common visitors to feeders. Eating
cereals, seeds, lard lovers. Sparrows do not master complex feeder designs right away. Rock pigeons fly to feeders, even those that are completely inappropriate in size. It's interesting to watch them fly up. Birds grab the edge of the feeder with their paws, flap their wings to maintain balance and try to get to the food. Those feeders that are located high, like mine on the 4th floor, the pigeons no longer reach them. Hooded crows tear open milk carton feeders and can often be seen at the city garbage dump. Bullfinches are also visitors to feeders, but use them with caution. I have seen them close to feeders, but they eat berries and tree buds.Tap dancers - pick up crumbs and sunflower seeds dropped by tits. They can get food from the feeder itself. Spotted Woodpecker - may be a regular visitor to park areas. Magpies often destroy feeders and turn them over. Waxwings - they suggested it to me, they observed it on the rowan alley on Chapaev Street, in our city. There they ate buds and berries from trees and bushes. Cedar pine is rare due to its small number, but I saw peeled cones under the cedar trees, outside the city park on the side of Pobeda Street.
Random visitors to feedersI can include yard dogs among them, who bask on the warm hatches of the collectors, waiting for the next feeding of the birds. But, unfortunately, they rarely like bird delicacies; they need other feeding.
Conclusion: I urge everyone to feed the birds urgently! Since out of the 10 birds remaining with us to spend the winter, only a small portion survive until spring. The rest die of hunger.
Filling of feeders and approach to them:A feeder on the windowsill is the most convenient way of feeding for humans. Easy access to the patch, food near the window does not freeze and is refreshed.
A tree feeder is good for sedentary birds that are not accustomed to city noise and tend to find food among the trees. The person who hangs the feeders does not always think through the height at which it should hang, how he will approach it in winter, since the trees sink into snowdrifts.
The most accessible and easiest way of feeding is feeding in the snow.
This can often be seen at bus stops, collectors, near houses near benches. But this contradicts aesthetic, sanitary and environmental rules. When exposed to heat, food in wells produces an unpleasant odor. Residents often dump food waste rather than special food!
Shape, size and material for making the feeder.
Practicality: Plastic bottles and standard packaging boxes are very light, so they sway in the wind, which scares away birds! Wooden feeders are more stable, but are often covered with snow. Observations suggested that birds of different sizes can fly to the feeder.
Conclusion: I believe that it is possible to bring the area with sewers near the school into sanitary and aesthetic order.
To prevent food from being scattered, a directional sign is required - “Territory for feeding.” (Appendix No. 3)
In green park areas of the city, increase the number of feeders hanging on trees. Provide access to such trees.
It is necessary to create a dining room for birds. It should be practical to natural influences, easy to use for human feeding. The main thing is that it is suitable for birds of different sizes, and it is taken into account that food can be different and laid out in different ways.
This will make it different from a feeder hanging on a tree.
Creation of a feeding canteen to maintain the aesthetic and sanitary condition of the school district.
Simple feeders can be made from anything - from large juice bags, plastic boxes and bottles. Large feeders can be made from plywood boxes - this was a completed stage of the school action.
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