Ecological state of Murinsky ponds

Murinsky ponds are located in the Galyano-Gorbunovsky residential area and are one of the favorite vacation spots of Tagil residents.
From books about Nizhny Tagil, I learned that they arose together with the village of Fateyevo in 1665 - the first Russian settlement in the Nizhny Tagil region. Due to their age, they represent a natural community that has its own life, everything is interconnected, and destroying this ecological system is dangerous, threatening the disappearance of the ponds.
All living organisms in Murinsky ponds are united with each other and with inanimate nature by many connections. When you swim in a pond, you step on slippery stones covered with a green coating. This plaque is algae. Algae and flowering plants that have settled in ponds begin to grow and reproduce. They take minerals from the water and silt at the bottom. Thanks to them, the smallest living organisms (daphnia, cyclops), aquatic insects (water striders, swimming beetles), mollusks and fish settled in the ponds. According to local fishermen, there is significantly less fish than 10 years ago.
Aquatic plants grow and form a green mass, which enriches the water with oxygen, and itself becomes food for animals. Shellfish, fish, and insects eat plants, and themselves are food for other inhabitants of the pond, including birds and predatory animals.
In the summer I watched life in the ponds and noticed a very strange creature with a large head, six legs and a long abdomen. It suddenly grabbed a small bug and ate it. At school they explained to me that this is a dragonfly larva - a terrible predator, a threat to tadpoles and fry. It is this monster that, after some time, will climb out of the water along the plant stem (after all, it cannot get out any other way!) and turn into a beautiful, blue-black dragonfly.
We have a lot of dragonflies, but before, when I was very little, there were small blue dragonflies flying, but this summer I didn’t see them!
I learned that these beautiful air creatures spend the first part of their lives in water, just like mosquito larvae - bloodworms, which we feed aquarium fish. These larvae are very sensitive to changes in the external environment, pollution of ponds, and destruction of vegetation, which is why there are fewer dragonflies. I think in order to preserve such beauty it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the area of the ponds.
Waders and seagulls live on our ponds. Previously, ducks lived constantly, but now they only occasionally fly in, they are disturbed by the proximity of houses and cottages, and vacationers do not give them peace. All these birds find comfortable places on the shore or in the reeds and, without interfering with each other, build nests and hatch chicks. This is very useful for preserving offspring. Brave gulls drive away crows, hawks and other birds of prey from their nests, which steal eggs and chicks. Muskrats and water rats live in coastal waters.
In the newspaper “Tagilsky Rabochiy” for October 10, 1948, I found a note that the Zagotsyryo office released 33 pairs of muskrats into the Chernoistochinsky pond.
Rodent animals very quickly spread along the rivers and ponds of Nizhny Tagil, including the Murinsky ponds. It turns out that in the 50-60s of the 20th century there were so many of them that even hunting was allowed. My grandmother, back in the 90s, took her students on trips to these ponds, including watching muskrats. Now that a cottage community is being built in the area of Murinsky Ponds, muskrats are rarely seen. I'm afraid they will disappear completely.
There are many meadows in the Murinsky ponds area. Previously they were used for mowing. Recently, they are becoming more and more a vacation spot.
The meadows around the ponds are very interesting. They are similar to those that grow in river valleys, because... many valuable herbs: bluegrass, timothy, foxtail, clover, mouse peas. This is an excellent food for animals. Until 2005, there was a farm in the area of Murinsky Ponds, which was maintained by residents of the village of Fateyevo. Now it is gone, although the milk was of very high quality and was supplied to kindergartens and hospitals. A cottage community has been built on the site of the farm, and the meadows are trampled by people and cars.
Insects fly, jump and crawl in abundance in the meadows. When you walk on the grass, fillies and grasshoppers jump out of it every now and then. Butterflies, bees, flies, and bumblebees fly from flower to flower. There is still enough food for all of them at Murinsky Ponds. I noticed that there were a lot of spiders in the meadow, catching unwary midges in their nets. Moreover, hawks fly over the nearby forest, looking for prey. In the meadow there are mounds of fresh earth - molehills. The mole is an insectivorous animal. Moving along dug passages in the soil, it eats insects and their larvae, worms, woodlice, and centipedes. I think that as long as there are meadows near the Murinsky ponds, moles will not bother gardeners whose plots are located nearby.
In the area of Murinsky ponds there are sedge bogs with horsetail grass. Most of the swamps are covered with mosses, dwarf marsh sedge, and wild rosemary. Previously, before the construction of the residential area began, cranberries and blueberries grew. Nowadays it is very difficult to find individual bushes. This indicates that the unique ecosystem of the Murinsky ponds is disturbed.
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