Nesting sites for various birds

Red-breasted Goose Rufibrenta ruficollis Pall. Status. Order Anseriformes. Anseriformes. Family Ducks. Anatidae. A rare, dwindling relict goose, endemic to Russia. Included in the Red Books of Russia (II category). Most of the nesting range is located within the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Rare view. Endemic to the tundra of Western Siberia. The nesting range covers subzones of typical and southern tundras, and in some places northern forest-tundras on the Yamal, Gydan, and Taimyr peninsulas. The range on Yamal and Gydan is steadily declining; on Taimyr over the past 20 years it has expanded to the east and northeast, but has decreased in the southern part: in the forest-tundra; currently the species does not nest. In general, the nesting area was mosaic in nature. It nests in peculiar colonies of 3-5 or more pairs. Less often in single pairs. Pairs form in wintering areas. Puberty occurs at 3 years. A full clutch contains 4-7 eggs. Only the female incubates for 24-27 days. The nest is located, open and often just a hole lined with down and blades of grass. It feeds on shoots of grasses during wintering and migration – ephemeral cereals, winter cereals, bulbs, tubers, rhizomes of steppe plants. The departure from nesting and molting sites for most of the population is massive and synchronous. During migrations, flocks fly considerable distances without stopping, but have areas (in the Ob valley, in the north of the Turgai plateau) where the birds linger for a long time. The main wintering places are the lower reaches of the river. Danube and lakes in the countries of the western Black Sea region and the lower part of the Danube basin, until 1968 - the southern Caspian region. In small numbers (individuals and flocks) in winter they are found in Western Europe, Greece, Turkey, Iran and southeastern China. Number. Until the early 70s, it was steadily declining, including due to hunting, which, despite strict prohibitions, continues, especially in the southwestern part of the Yenisei Bay. Here, back in the second half of the 70s, in the fall, local residents annually harvested red-breasted geese in large numbers. A sharp decline in the number of the species, mainly due to deteriorating conditions at wintering sites and flight routes, occurred in the early 60s. In the early 70s, the number of the species stabilized somewhat, and in some cases even began to grow. In total, about 80% of all individuals of the species are located within the region (approximately 20% of birds nest in Gydan and Yamal). In 1978-1979 In Taimyr, a census of the number of red-breasted goose was carried out. The total number of birds in the autumn of 1978, which was favorable for breeding of this species, was 19.3 thousand individuals (including 24% nesting, 17% unmarried and 59% young birds). In the fall of 1979, which was unfavorable for breeding, 17 thousand birds were recorded (including 12.7% breeding, 55.1% unmarried and 32% young). In the early 80s. the total number of red-breasted geese on Taimyr in the post-breeding time was more than 20 thousand birds, and in 1992 - no less than 35 thousand. In Western Taimyr, the population density of geese during the breeding and molting period in places of maximum abundance (the middle reaches of the Pyasina, the Agapa, Pura rivers, etc.) was 30-43 birds per 10 km of route; on the rivers Lower Buotankaga, Lyngfada, Kuba and others - 10-25 encounters per 10 km; on the rivers flowing into the Yenisei Gulf, as well as on the Tara, in the upper reaches of the Dudypta and on the secondary tributaries of the Pura, Agapa and Pyasina - 4-8 birds per 10 km. In Central Taimyr, the frequency of sightings is maximum on the rivers Logata, Lukty, Gorbita (15.5-29.5 birds per 10 km); along the Upper Taimyr, 6-7.5 birds per 10 km were recorded, and on its secondary tributaries - 1.8-3 individuals per 10 km. In Eastern Taimyr, the most geese were found on Bolshoi Balakhna (3.5-6.5 birds per 10 km); on the rivers Bikada, Novaya, Zakharova Rossokha, only 1.8-3 birds per 10 km were recorded.
GISKULKA Little White-piscula. Anser erythropus L. Status. Order Anseriformes. Anseriformes. Family Ducks. Anatidae A hypoarctic goose of the Palaearctic with rapidly declining numbers. Listed in the Red Book of Russia. (IV category). Spreading. A characteristic species of forest-tundra and southern (shrub) tundra. It also nests in the extreme northern taiga. During molting, it can also be found in typical tundras. Occurs sporadically throughout the entire breeding range. The northern border of nesting runs approximately along the northern border of the shrub tundra: in southwestern Taimyr about 71° N; here the lesser white-fronted white-fronted lesser species is as rare as in the woodlands near the Norilsk Lakes; in the forest-tundra near the lake. Pyasino and in the upper reaches of the river. Pyasina was ordinary. Along the Yenisei in the mid-50s. Nesting was established in a typical forest-tundra east of the village. Nikolskoye (69° N). In the Putorana Mountains, the lesser white-fronted lesser duck apparently does not nest in the central part; probably nesting in the western foothills in the area of the Norilsk Lakes and Khantai Lake; in the eastern foothills, especially closer to the lower reaches of Kotui, nesting has been established. In Eastern Taimyr in 1933, the lesser white-fronted white-fronted white-fronted white-fronted white-fronted geese were common for nesting and molting in the forest-tundra of the lower Kotui.; individual birds V.N. Skalon was also encountered further north - on Khatanga, at the mouth of the river.
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