Birds in the vicinity of the city of Sevastopol

Birds in the vicinity of human settlements are an adornment of nature and residential landscapes. The birds of the city and its environs are distinguished by their species diversity. It is very important to know what birds sing and how; what birds live in our region, more or less of them than in other regions. Why are there more of these birds and fewer of those, in which year the activity of their singing and numbers increases, and in which year it decreases?
The city of Sevastopol is located in the southwest of the Crimean Peninsula. Due to its strategic importance, Sevastopol is the main naval base of the Black Sea Fleet. The lands and territories adjacent to the city are declared the “Sevastopol region”, which borders on the Bakhchisaray district in the northeast, and on Greater Yalta in the southeast. From the west and south, the region is washed by the waters of the Black Sea, which belongs to the Atlantic Ocean. The region is connected by sea with neighboring countries (Russia, Georgia) and far abroad (Romania, Turkey, Bulgaria).
To carry out the survey, a route is chosen and all birds encountered are recorded. For convenience, use a pre-prepared table. After completing the route, the total number of species encountered, the number of individuals of each species, and the total number of individuals in this area are counted.
The total number of birds encountered during the research was 13 species belonging to 5 families. The dominant bird species are: rock pigeon (336), swift (100), herring gull (89), sparrow (82).
The species diversity of birds living in the city is represented by a large number of swifts, pigeons and sparrows. The presence of a wide range of food allows them to nest in urban areas.
On the territory of the Horizon tourist center, along with the listed birds, redstarts and tits were seen. These birds could be spotted among the trees growing near the buildings of the camp site. Comparing the density data of these birds, we can say that they are less common than pigeons and swifts. Seagulls and crows were seen in the valley of the Chernaya River. In the same area, cormorants were seen in the thickets of cattails and reeds.
The density of dominant birds varies from 125.5 to 803.2 individuals per square meter. km.
As a result of the study, 13 species of birds belonging to 5 orders and 10 families were identified. The dominant species of birds are: rock pigeon, swift, herring gull, house sparrow.
The rock pigeon population density is the highest and amounts to more than 800 individuals per square meter. km. The density of swifts and gulls varies from 132 to 162.8.
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