Raven sightings

According to its zoological affiliation, the Raven belongs to the family of Corvids, the order of Sparrows. This is the largest bird in this order.
Raven is a black bird with a massive beak and a relatively long tail. The length of the raven is 64 -66 cm, wingspan -125 cm. It is distinguished by a hoarse voice, a tendency to soar at high altitudes and aerial “acrobatics”. The raven walks along the ground with ridiculous importance, sitting on a branch, holding itself horizontally, or completely straight. The crow surpasses all its relatives in its caution.
Spends the winter near populated areas and can often be seen in our city. In the central park and in the park on Boldyreva Street, a raven builds nests on larches and hatches chicks. Raven is omnivorous. During the snowless period, it feeds on insects, mollusks, crustaceans, small mammals, birds with their clutches, chicks, and fish. In autumn, carrion, mammals (voles, gophers, hares), and dwarf pine nuts are eaten. In winter, checks landfills, traps, traps.
It is not difficult to tame not only a young, but also an old raven. This intelligent bird can be trained like a dog; You can even teach a crow to fly out of the house and come back, but giving him more freedom is dangerous: he can peck heavily, steal and hide stolen goods.
In a living corner I met a raven, his name was Carlusha. At first I was a little afraid of him, because he has a big beak, and he screamed loudly, so he attracted attention. Karlusha is used to people; he has been living in the living area for three years now. He arrived as a very young chick and his teachers fed him. He doesn't know how to fly because he lives without his parents, and only they could teach him.
The raven is cocky and will never miss an opportunity to peck its neighbor, the rooster, showing that it is more important.
The raven is released from the cage, and then he walks around the offices with an important look, looking into all the corners and bedside tables. When I came to the corner for the first time, Carlos wanted to peck me too, but I raised my legs while sitting on a chair, and he lost interest in me. Carlusha loves cheese, sausage, meat, porridge, cookies and even berries. When he is fed, he screams and flaps his wings, and he also stores, hiding tasty pieces in the cage.
The next time I came, I was no longer afraid of the raven. I gave him fish and he ate it with pleasure. Carlos likes bright shiny objects. I threw him a ball and a golden glasses case. Carlusha chose the case and began to peck at it.
Then I gave him a pencil and he carried it like a twig.
Everyone loves to swim and ravens are no exception.
We put a basin of water on him and watched. At first he got used to an object that was new to him, then he would come up and look into it, then he would run away. Then he began to drink water from the basin. Realizing that no one would scare him, he jumped onto the edge of the basin. He dipped his head into the water and fapped his wings. Emboldened, the raven jumped into the basin and began to swim. Having taken water procedures, Carlusha sat down on a high threshold and began to clean his feathers. It was noticeable that Carlusha was tired and wanted to take a break from the walk. Then we took him home to his cage.
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