Waterfowl of the Purovsky district

The appearance of the first spring migrants of waterfowl is associated with the establishment of stable positive temperatures during the daytime. At this temperature regime, the first thawed patches and temporary reservoirs appear, which determines the possibility of the appearance of the first birds. Mass migrations of birds begin with the transition of the average daily temperature through 0 ° C. For all natural zones of Russia, significant differences in the development of spring hydrometeorological phenomena are observed between years, and, accordingly, the timing of migrations of waterfowl. In the southern part of the Purovsky district at the latitude of the city of Noyabrsk; migrations of waterfowl usually begin at the end of April-beginning of May, the timing of mass migrations occurs in the 2nd - beginning of the 3rd decade of May. Intensive bird migrations cover a period of about 10 days. The duration of mass migrations of certain species is less long: for geese 3-6 days, for pintails - 2-3 days, for tufted ducks 3-6 days. (Hereinafter, observations of game wardens).
Наиболее массовыми видами на пролете являются белолобый гусь, шилохвость, чирок-свистунок, хохлатая чернеть. Обычны на пролете лебедь-кликун, гоголь, синьга, турпан, луток, краснозобая казарка. Изредка отмечается пискулька, черная казарка. Белолобый гусь мигрирует через южную часть Пуровского района широким фронтом. Крупные места остановок (до несколько сотен тысяч) наблюдаются в «Ханымейской тундре», «Полумейской тундре», «Вынгояхинской тундре». В других же участках юга Пуровского района, например в верховьях Пяко-Пура (район «Юрты»), при хорошо выраженном пролете гуси не останавливаются и снижаются (и добываются) только в периоды «непогод».... Краснозобая казарка отмечается не только при транзитных миграциях, но и как вид, останавливающийся на отдых. Весной наблюдалось около 40 стай краснозобых казарок, численностью по 20-50 особей в каждой. Птицы садились на озера или участки суши, слегка залитые водой.Конкретные места остановок гусей на юге Пуровского района меняются каждый год и зависят от метеоусловий конца зимы-начала весны конкретного года (ветра, температура и осадки в конце апреля-мае месяца, характер снеготаяния и вскрытия водоемов). В частности, длительное существование гусиных судбищ связано с наличием обширных, разнообразных по микроусловиям открытых болотно-озерных пространств. Миграционные трассы уток в большой степени приурочены к долинам рек. Здесь пролетают речные утки (шилохвость, чирок-свистунок), а также гоголь, хохлатая чернеть. В противоположность этому синьга, турпан придерживаются больше озерных систем. В центральной части Пуровского района, на широте г. Тарко-Сале заметно выраженные миграции водоплавающих птиц в разные годы приходятся на начало II –начало III декады мая, массовые миграции отмечаются чаще всего в начале-середине III декады мая, а в годы с наиболее ранним развитием весенних явлений – в конце II декады мая (Материалы учетов Пуровского комитета по охране и рациональному использованию охотничьих ресурсов). Массовые миграции гусей происходят в течение 4-6 дней, а в разных точках на одной и той же широте могут протекать в разное время. Так, в 2008г. массовый пролет гусей на оз. Воен-То наблюдался 26-30 мая, а на оз. Ного-Волк-То – 31 мая-2 июня. Таким образом, массовый пролет гусей на широте несколько севернее г. Тарко-Сале охватил период с 26 мая по 2 июня, составив в общей сложности 8 дней.Пролет уток в центральной части Пуровского района активизируется к середине периода массового пролета гусей, т.е. происходит несколько позднее. Среди гусей на пролете доминирует белолобый, число гуменника не превышает 1,0%. В небольшом числе отмечается краснозобая казарка, черная казарка, пискулька.. Как следует из материалов учета число мигрирующих уток через Пуровский районе невелико. Низкие показатели учета уток связаны с тем, что бассейн Пура не является важной трассой миграций уток, т.к; сюда подтягиваются весной главным образом местные птицы (шилохвость, чирок-свистунок, хохлатая чернеть и др. ) и небольшое количество птиц, пролетающих на север до Гыданского полуострова и Западного Таймыра (шилохвость, синьга, турпан). По наблюдениям в среднем течении р. Пур пролет уток не носит отчетливо выраженного транзитного характера и наблюдался в конце III декады мая. В третьей декаде мая (после ледохода) число встреченных птиц на 10 км маршрута здесь составляло: свиязи -38 особей; хохлатой чернети-24 особей; чирка-свистунка – 11 особей; шилохвости – 9 особей; большого крохаля – 2 особи. Отмечены на пролете синьга, морянка. Характер распределения миграционных потоков гусей на широте г. Гарко-Сале изучен недостаточно. Известно, что хорошо выраженные трассы миграций гусей пролегают через озера Сенму-То, Воен-То, Ного-Воен-То, Лакомбой-То. По наблюдениям на южном Ямале в годы с медленным развитием весенних явлений миграционные потоки гусей приурочены к участкам тундры с проталинами и, таким образом, сильно локализованы в одних участках и отсутствуют на других. В годы с быстрым развитием весны и интенсивным снеготаянием пролет гусей носит более рассеянный характер.
It is likely that in the Purovsky district, the migration of geese according to the nature of their distribution over the territory varies from year to year. This issue requires special study, because is important for adjusting the counting of geese on the spring migration, namely for choosing counting points, as well as when extrapolating counting data to the entire width of the migration front.
The uniqueness of the area in terms of biological diversity and wetland features
Analysis of the species structure of the population of the area shows that it is very different from that typical for the northern subzone of the taiga. In most of the taiga territory of the region - in the Pura basin - the degree of participation of diving ducks is extremely high. Moreover, among the latter, the leading roles are played by tundra faunal elements - long-tailed duck and sea duck. Such a population of waterfowl was noted only in the Pura and Nadym basins and is unknown nowhere else in the taiga zone of the planet. Therefore, the area is of great importance from the point of view of preserving a unique element of biological diversity. The high number of tundra elements is determined by the wide distribution of large-hilly swamps, unique for the taiga zone, representing completely original ecosystems, the preservation of which is also extremely important from the point of view of preserving the biological diversity of the planet. It should also be noted that eutrophic lakes with high reserves of plant and animal food, such as the lake systems of the Chasel-Kharampur province, serve as places for mass breeding of dabbling ducks. Both the very existence of lakes of this type and the fact of mass reproduction of dabbling ducks are not a characteristic phenomenon for the northern taiga, but a unique one.
From the above it follows that the population of waterfowl in the Purovsky district is a unique phenomenon that requires special attention when using effective protection.
Species features of the distribution of waterfowl resources in the area
Ducks are the main waterfowl resource in northern latitudes. Their distribution is shown in (Appendix 3). The Purovsky district is clearly divided into two areas - the Pura basin itself, where diving ducks predominate, and the Chaselki basin, where dabbling ducks absolutely dominate. Probably, the ratio of these two groups, characteristic of the Chaselki basin, also occurs in the Yerkalnadeipur province. The structure of the population of the Pura basin is generally characteristic of the tundra zone, but in the taiga zone it is usually found only in mountainous regions. In the Pura basin it is supported by the above-mentioned system of lake-lined massifs of large-hilly swamps. In the tundra of the Purovsky district, diving ducks account for 70% of the duck population, in the forest-tundra - 65%, in the taiga of the Pura basin - 60%, only in the Chaselki basin this percentage drops to 8%. In the tundra, the basis of the waterfowl population is the long-tailed duck - it accounts for almost 40% of the duck population. Then come (in descending order of numbers) sea duck, teal, pintail, and shad. The high number of teal is primarily due to the fact that in the Purovsky district in the tundra zone, a significant area is occupied by the Pur delta, which is especially favorable for the habitat of this species. The number of ducks for lowland tundras is relatively small; the population density per 1000 hectares was only about 63 individuals on watershed systems, and about 505 individuals in the Pura delta. In the forest-tundra, the most numerous ducks are the long-tailed duck and the sea duck, followed by teal, blue fin and pintail. In the forest-tundra, wigeons are more numerous than anywhere else. The number is relatively small, population density ranges from 25-300 individuals/km2.
In the taiga of the Pura basin, as elsewhere in the northern taiga, the most numerous species of ducks is the pintail (more than 20%) and teal is numerous, the basis of the population here is made up of three species of diving ducks - the tundra long-tailed duck and the sea duck and the tundra-forest-tundra blue grosgrain, They account for half the population. Of course, after obtaining data on the number of waterfowl in the valley complexes, the role of such typical taiga species as the tufted duck and goldeneye will be assessed higher. The taiga of the Pura basin is the zone of the highest number of ducks in the region. The population density almost everywhere exceeds 100 individuals/10 km2, reaching here (in the interfluve of the Pyaku-Pura and Purpe) 4340 individuals/10 km2, averaging 215 individuals/10 km2. The maximum reserves are concentrated in the Pyaku-Pura basin.
The Czaselki basin is an area of absolute dominance of pintail (more than 65%). Of the northern species, the blue hawk nests here only occasionally. Although the province's duck population density is high, especially on some of the larger lakes, the small area of the province means that overall stocks are low.
There are clearly not enough materials to give a fairly complete picture of the resources of geese and swans in the area. Therefore, the results of their accounting are presented below (Appendix 4.5). In total, 477 swans were recorded in the Purovsky district. 27% of this number (130 individuals) were registered in the Chasel-Kharampur province, which occupies less than 5.5% of the district’s territory. The province's rich eutrophic lake systems certainly provide the region's most valuable swan habitat. The data on the part of the Taza basin included in the region is quite complete, but the local grouping of swan, of course, is only the periphery of the powerful Chaselsko-Chertovo swan habitat (in a small area of lakes, 144 swans were surveyed during the aerial survey). 130 swans were also noted in the left bank part taiga zone between the Yamsovey and Tydyotta rivers. In this area, the swan clearly gravitates towards the most remote, undeveloped lake systems. The largest accumulations are noted in the north and west of the site. Probably, this group of swans is only part of a powerful focus, the center of which is the Pur-Nadym watersheds, which have yet to be surveyed. Moreover, this is true not only for the taiga zone, but also for the forest-tundra and tundra. On the right bank there are two other centers of high numbers of swans. Firstly, in the upper reaches of the B. Khadyryakh, where a very small number of lakes were surveyed, 78 swans were encountered. Secondly, 67 birds were counted south of Kharampur, most of them in the very south. These are probably the peripheral areas of two foci. Firstly, occupying the upper 2/3 of the B. Khadyryakhi basin. Secondly, it occupies many lakes between the Yerkaldeypur and Yetypur rivers. In other areas, the number of swans was generally small: 4 individuals were recorded in the tundra, 24 in the forest-tundra, and 15 on the left bank south of Tyda-otta. The resources of the goose are much less well known, which is due to the fact that the bean goose living in the region, within the taiga zone, sticks mainly to the forest valleys of small rivers and only a part of the birds that early come to lake systems are included in the census. The distribution of the goose is shown in Fig. 10, but it says little about the actual distribution of the species. It is possible to obtain data on the real resources of geese in the region only through a large-scale survey of the rivers using motor vehicles, allowing movement in low water, and a mass survey (including questionnaires) of hunters in the region, especially reindeer herders.
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