Wintering birds of the village of Kamenka, Atyuryevsky district

In winter, there are few birds left in our area, so they are of great interest for study.
The distribution of birds in the autumn-winter period is mainly determined by the availability of places that can feed the birds and give them protection from the cold.
We also decided to compare our data with the results of previous years, since work on the study of wintering birds has been carried out for 3 years.
Exploring overnight sites
Rooks, crows, jackdaws and magpies roost in groups.
Hooded crows spend the night in trees, and rooks go with them.
The overnight location is located near the village; this place has not changed for several years. Only magpies spend the night separately from other bird species.
Jackdaws, pigeons, and sparrows spend the night on cattle farms. And also many sparrows were found in the attics of houses.
Tits found refuge in birdhouses.
Interspecific relationships of birds
From their observations, we found out that birds of the following species get along quite well with each other:
- House Sparrow
- Field Sparrow
- Oatmeal
- Rook
- The Gray Crow
- Jackdaw
- Dove
All these birds get along well with each other, however, they have never been seen in the company of a magpie.
The work made it possible to find out the species composition of birds in the settlement in winter. The main factor limiting species diversity, as well as the number of birds, is temperature - the lower the temperature, the fewer birds.
The relative species diversity is explained by the availability of accessible food for birds, since without food it is difficult for birds to survive even not very low temperatures. The main food supplies are cattle farms, which also serve as shelter for birds.
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