Newfoundland or diver
Newfoundland or diver.
This charming giant will not leave your child indifferent. Super nanny, great protector. As a puppy, it reaches an impressive size, and due to its fur it resembles a small bear cub. This is a dog friend. Walking in nature, especially near a pond, will resemble a little adventure. With it, you can definitely be sure that your child is not in danger.
Labrador. He is an inexhaustible source of energy and positivity. With its acquisition, you gain another family member. He will serve as both a nanny and a friend. He is capable of playing with children for hours without stopping.
At first, do not leave your child alone with the dog for a long time. Let both of you get used to each other. Explain to your child how to handle an animal and what absolutely should not be done. Do not allow your child to put objects (sticks, sharp objects) into the dog's eyes, ears or nose. A well-trained dog that has received the necessary vaccinations will not pose a threat to children.

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