Origin of dogs. Raising a dog in the family

Dogs…. How many there are, and how different they are! There are very small and giants, long-legged and short-legged. There are shaggy ones and not so shaggy ones, fast ones and clumsy ones. And all of them are our most faithful, most devoted friends, carefree serving people.
After studying the sources of information, I learned that there are a lot of proverbs and sayings about dogs. Books are written about them “White Bim, Black Ear”) and films are made (“Shaggy Special Forces”, “Beethoven”, “101 Dalmatians”). There are even monuments to dogs. This suggests that the history of the relationship between man and dog has existed for a very long time, and from it one can tell what kind of animal a dog is, what it can teach, why a person needs it.
Modern dogs descended from wolves. Gradually they were trained and now these animals have become the most popular and beloved pets all over the world.
Every person dreams or has dreamed of someday having a dog - a faithful and devoted friend. Without these creatures it is impossible to live on Earth. They improve your mood and save you from loneliness. The house is more comfortable when a dog greets you at the door with a joyful bark. To have such a loving and devoted creature is happiness.
The dog in sayings and proverbs acts as a positive hero, because they say: “loyal, like a dog,” “obedient, like a dog.” But the opposite can also be said about a dog. For example, expressions such as “a dog in the manger”, “yells like a dog” are characteristics of the fact that a dog can be both greedy and aggressive.
A dog is very similar to us, people, in this way. After all, we also have both positive and negative character traits. This is probably one of the reasons that man and dog have been walking next to each other for many centuries, raising each other, learning from each other.
All these characteristics are inherent in us, children. And this makes it easier to understand what creatures live next to us and how to communicate with them correctly.
Thus, we have come to understand that dogs and humans are very similar creatures. They can no longer exist without each other, which is probably why a man once brought a dog into the house and it began to live nearby, became domestic, turning from a wild animal into an assistant, friend, interlocutor.
Raising a dog in the family
There are 450 dog breeds known in the world. And all of them, depending on individual characteristics and characteristics, are divided into 3 types: service, hunting, decorative. What breed should you choose for your dog? It is necessary to take into account the behavioral traits of the dog with its capabilities, habits and character. Here are some characteristics of the dog breeds most common in our country.
The English Cocker Spaniel is a typical representative of hunting dogs. Now they have turned him into a decorative, lap dog. He is an ideal pet dog, charming, intelligent, with a cheerful, cheerful and easy-going character. But he requires daily grooming. The character of the English Cocker Spaniel is characterized by energy combined with balance. These are attentive, brave, friendly dogs, whose main character traits are love and devotion to the owner and his family, as well as a passion for field hunting. The English Cocker Spaniel is a great friend for a lonely elderly person. The spaniel has a very sensitive nervous system, which reduces the effectiveness of physical punishment. The reaction may be too strong, so it is best to avoid its use. However, from the very beginning of raising a dog, “strict kindness” is required.
English toy spaniel. These dogs had the status of companion dogs or “couch dogs.” These sweet, kind dogs are always happy to please their owner and usually deserve the highest rewards for obedience. They are distinguished by their friendliness and playful disposition. They are devoted to all family members and are very attached to children, although if the children are too small and noisy, the spaniel quickly gets bored.
Terriers are separated into a separate group. These dogs are extremely self-confident, but at the same time charming, they can become wonderful pets and provide many joyful moments.
Traditionally, terriers were small, aggressive dogs that were kept to hunt animals harmful to farming: rats, badgers and foxes. But among terriers there are also hunting dogs. West Highland White Terriers are primarily known for their work in advertising. The snow-white fur of these animals is a kind of symbol of purity and reliability, which ensures their popularity all over the world.
West Highland Terriers were specially bred so that their light color would be clearly visible against the background of the Scottish landscape and they could be easily distinguished from the game they chase. They get along well with children, are very smart, easy to train and can fit well into family life.
Skye terrier is a short-legged dog. Once upon a time it was used to hunt foxes and badgers in holes. The thick coat hangs to the ground and requires constant grooming. By nature, the Skye Terrier is a calm and self-possessed dog. But if you make him angry, he becomes a ferocious dog. Distrustful of strangers.
Kerry - puke - terrier - requires regular and long walks. At home he is an affectionate and kind dog who gets along well with children. He is intelligent and amenable to training, and swims well. Kerry is suitable for otter hunting.
The Bedlington Terrier looks like a sheep. This dog is silent, but active and inquisitive. Bedlington loves children and plays with them for hours. He is an excellent watchdog and is easy to train.
The Basset Hound belongs to the category of hounds and hunts hares. He gets along well with everyone in the house, but especially with children. Needs long walks. Sometimes he refuses to be obedient if he doesn’t like something in the owner’s behavior.
The dachshund is a long, short-legged dog with a compact body and deep chest. There are six varieties of dachshunds: two varieties that differ in size (standard and miniature), and three varieties that differ in coat type (smooth-haired, wire-haired and long-haired). A standard dachshund weighs 6.5-11.5 kg, a miniature one weighs less than 4 kg. The ancestors of dachshunds were dogs from Ancient Egypt with a long body and short legs. Modern dachshunds are descended from clumsy dogs with bowed legs that weighed about 14 kg.
This breed is a typical hound, but it has also acquired other abilities. In addition to the fact that it can work well on the scent, miniature dachshunds are also successfully used as terriers for hunting burrowing animals, and long-haired ones often bring game from the water, not inferior to setters in this. The dachshund is smart, quick-witted, clean and hardworking. This is one of the most resilient dogs. Now they are increasingly turning into pets: small, smooth-haired, obedient and affectionate...
Poodle. The image of a poodle is familiar to everyone from childhood. It is enough to recall at least the wonderful poodle Artemon from the wonderful fairy tale “The Golden Key”. Or the white poodle from the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. In our country, this decorative dog is loved and bred everywhere. What kind of breed is this and why do many dog lovers - both amateurs and professionals - often choose this particular breed?
The poodle in the full sense of the word can be considered a symbol of a decorative dog. There are 3 varieties of the breed: large (royal), small (medium), and miniature (dwarf). Poodles are sociable, affectionate, playful and at the same time very brave dogs. They are extremely attached to their owners, responsive and excellently trained. Poodles are always ready to perform funny tricks. They are also excellent swimmers. Most poodles have enviable strength of character, endurance, disease resistance and long life. They are unpretentious, extremely intelligent and are also predisposed to friendship with other animals, be they dogs, cats or horses.
Poodles are ideal nannies and partners in children's games and are irreplaceable on walks, where they literally “herd” their owners, especially children. In the home, poodles are playful, obedient, carefree and alert. But at the same time, poodles are very sensitive to pain and do not tolerate rough treatment; they require attention and care, affection, patience and tact from the owner. The poodle clearly owes its excellent hunting qualities to the spaniel. Long hanging ears, coffee color, common in this breed, are clear confirmation of this. In the modern world, poodles are one of the most common breeds.
Collie is a very beautiful and graceful dog, but at the same time strong and agile. The character of a collie often combines opposite traits. On the one hand, the collie is very kind and sensitive, but on the other hand, she is stubborn and lazy. She always senses danger very well, especially if it threatens her owner or children. Collie is smart, loyal and non-aggressive, although she is distrustful of people who for some reason do not like her. These dogs need to be trained gently but persistently, carefully capturing the dog’s mood and condition. Otherwise, she will not be able to learn even the simplest commands. Collie is a strong, energetic and active dog. In some areas it is still used for grazing. Thanks to her intelligence, she is also highly valued as a guard dog, rescue dog (especially on water and in fires), and as a guide dog for blind children. Collie is a very common breed in our country.
Scotch terriers are very popular in our country for their affection, playful disposition, small size and, of course, for their attractive appearance. Scotch has a comical appearance with an extraordinary sense of self-esteem. The emphatically cheerful sticking out carrot tail, high-set, alert ears are funny combined with long eyebrows and a thick beard, giving him the appearance of a wise old man, as well as the famous skirt - the pride of any Scotsman. Scotch values true friendship and knows a lot about it. He is not intrusive and unburdened in his desires, he is ready to wait patiently for you to keep you company on a walk, in a game or in another undertaking.
By nature, Scotch is very curious, and this quality coexists in them with truly English restraint. Scotch is not touchy, but rather condescending to your actions, ready for action at any moment, if, of course, this is expected of him.
In general, the Scotch is a perfectly balanced dog, giving the impression of great strength concentrated in a small body. Despite his short legs, he has surprisingly light, free and confident movements that distinguish a harmoniously built dog. He is as enthusiastic as any terrier, but excessive excitability and aggressiveness are serious faults, just like timidity or cowardice. Scotch is distrustful and suspicious of strangers. He doesn't like children and doesn't get used to them well.
The Afghan Hound is strong, hardy, but not as fast as other greyhounds. In its homeland it was used as a guard and herding dog, as well as for hunting antelope, wolf, jackal and other animals. Self-confident, dominant, sensitive, she does not like to be bothered. Strongly attached to the owner, he behaves aloof and even arrogantly with strangers. Needs persistent, but not rough training.
Pug. Outwardly, the pug resembles a smaller copy of a mastiff, but even some internal character traits, such as a kind of arrogance and independence, reveal in him a real mastiff, only a dwarf. This touching combination of small stature with the surprising courage of a large dog for its size when it comes to protecting its owner has made the pug a favorite of many dog breeders and continues to attract more and more admirers to it. A properly raised pug is a charming lap dog, whose large and slightly sad eyes express a lively mind and constant attention. He is unusually devoted to his owner, loves to play with him and understands him perfectly. Small, but strong, very viable, without the slightest signs of dwarfism or degeneration. So strong that even with a strong desire, a child is unlikely to torture a pug. A bit heavy to carry for a long time. But it is hardy enough to walk long distances on its own. The pug is absolutely not influenced by dog fashion - just as it was born “fully equipped”, with ears and a tail, it lives its entire life. Character - balanced. The psyche is iron. And, at the same time, the pug, like all small dogs, is “a puppy until old age.” Such qualities as playfulness, sociability, inquisitiveness (even curiosity) and endless goodwill towards the entire world around him do not leave him until old age. The Pug is a universal animal.
The English Bulldog is a short but very massive fighting dog. Her terrifying appearance is deceptive. This is a balanced, kind-hearted dog, and also very fond of children. An English Bulldog cannot stay in the heat for long. This is an ideal dog for keeping in a city apartment. She is not picky about food. The bulldog is meek and affectionate with his family.
Pekingese - his look, gait, appearance speak of a proud and independent character. He loves that all attention is paid to him alone, so he treats children with indifference. The Pekingese coat requires daily care. This breed has enviable health.
Thus, getting to know dog breeds expanded my understanding of the character and purpose of a dog. It turns out that dogs, like people, have individuality, which makes their behavior different from each other. I think that when choosing a dog breed, it is necessary and important to take into account the breed and its characteristics. There are playful dogs, and there are serious ones. If you need a friend, any dog will do. It is important to learn to accept his character and personality. To do this, the owner of the dog, that is, we, needs to have such traits as strict kindness, patience, tact.
A dog really is man's best friend
Having a dog in the house makes people more balanced and healthy. There is strong evidence to suggest that petting a dog lowers blood pressure and reduces stress and anxiety. One British scientist found that dog owners are, on average, healthier than people who don't have dogs: they are less susceptible to headaches, colds, stomach upsets and rheumatism. Good health can be the result of the fact that the dog owner often has to walk a lot with his pet, thereby receiving additional physical activity. And perhaps this is reinforced by the fact that a person who has someone to care for leads a much more fulfilling life than someone who has no one to care for.
Wherever people live, dogs are found next to them. Look to the north: dog sleds are running across the snow of the tundra. Eight to ten dogs harnessed to light sledges cover a distance of up to 150 kilometers per day, carrying up to half a ton of cargo.
Who doesn't know border dogs? Day and night they help guard the sacred borders of our Motherland.
A dog makes the hard work of a shepherd easier: shepherds sheep, guards and protects them from predators. For a person who has lost his sight, a dog, as it were, replaces his eyes: he brings him to work and home, protects him along the way. During the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, dogs were successfully used in the destruction of German tanks. Dogs played a big role in the exploration of outer space. Before man penetrated into space, the dog Laika rose to explore the stars. It is difficult to do without dogs when maintaining public order and when fighting criminals. Dogs search for drugs and weapons in public places, especially airports.
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