Variety of birds in Tyumen

Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They are found high in the mountains, in the icy subpolar desert, in waterless sands, and over the vast expanses of the oceans. Birds are always close to humans. They delight us with their swift, easy flight, beautiful singing, and varied plumage colors. A characteristic property of the vast majority of birds is the ability to fly. This ability has always fascinated a person and attracted him to the sky. This is probably why birds are a favorite object of study for biologists and ordinary nature lovers.
Many species of birds are of great importance in reducing the number of insects - pests, carriers of dangerous animal diseases. Birds kill especially a lot of insects during the period of feeding their chicks. The number of insects is influenced not only by insectivorous birds, but also by granivorous birds - siskins, sparrows - since they feed their chicks with insects.
Birds of prey influence the number of rodents. They destroy, first of all, weakened animals, thereby preventing the spread of dangerous diseases whose pathogens are carried by rodents.
Birds are important in seed distribution.
Birds are of great importance in human life. Poultry (chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys) are bred for meat, eggs, feathers and down. Many birds are hunted commercially and for sport. They hunt mainly chicken birds - partridges, hazel grouse, black grouse, and waterfowl - ducks and geese.
Given the enormous benefits that birds bring, people try to protect them. Rare and endangered birds are listed in the Red Book. A special role in the conservation of birds belongs to the protection of territories. Places where rare birds are found are declared protected.
We conducted a study of the species composition of birds wintering in the village of Lugovskoy. Carrying out observations, we found out that birds such as sparrows, magpies, tits, jackdaws, bullfinches, and woodpeckers winter in our village. Most of all sparrows, then magpies, tits. These birds are constantly in the village. Depending on the weather, jackdaws, bullfinches, and woodpeckers fly in in search of food.
Birds are the brightest and most visible representatives of the fauna of any area. At every step they declare their existence, and without them our forests, meadows, and reservoirs look lifeless and uncomfortable. But the completeness of people’s communication with nature is noticeably reduced due to their ignorance of even the most common birds.
The importance of birds in nature and human life is great, so every person should take care of them. Anyone can make a birdhouse and bird feeder.
Birds inhabit all corners of our planet. They are found high in the mountains, in the icy subpolar desert, in waterless sands, and over the vast expanses of the oceans. Birds are always close to humans. They delight us with their swift, easy flight, beautiful singing, and varied plumage colors. A characteristic property of the vast majority of birds is the ability to fly. This ability has always fascinated a person and attracted him to the sky. This is probably why birds are a favorite object of study for biologists and ordinary nature lovers.
There are 216 species of birds living in our district. Of these, 186 nest.
Waterfowl and semi-aquatic birds
In the Red Book of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug we read about the rare birds of our district. Few people manage to see these birds in nature, and we wanted to find out if they are found in the territory of our village. We provide a description of some of them.
The Siberian Crane is an endangered species. Weight - 8-9 kg, height 1.2 - 1.4 m, wingspan 2.3 - 2.6 m. Females are slightly smaller than males. The entire plumage of the Siberian Crane, with the exception of the black tips of the wings, is white. The legs, beak and front of the head are red. Arrives at nesting sites at the end of May. Lives in swamps. They begin to breed at the age of 6-7 years and form permanent pairs. There are 2 eggs in a clutch, occasionally 1 egg.
The red-breasted goose is a rare species. The coloring consists of a combination of black, white and red. The bird is the size of a small goose, weighing 1–2 kg. Nesting habitats are high river bank cliffs and steep bank slopes in the tundra zone.
The lesser white-fronted goose is a species that is declining in numbers. It nests on open banks of rivers and streams. There are usually 4-5 eggs in a clutch. The basis of nutrition is horsetails, sedges, cereals.
The greylag goose is a rare species that is declining in numbers. A large goose, slightly smaller in size than a domestic goose. In spring it arrives early, with the first thawed patches. The nest is located on the ground. There are usually 4 - 6 eggs in a clutch.
Harry birds
The common wood grouse inhabits the entire territory of the district. Weight reaches 6 kg. From October to May they feed on pine and spruce needles, cones and terminal shoots.
The black grouse lives sedentary all year, but if the catkins on the birch trees, its main food, have not been born, then it can migrate over considerable distances. Before the snow cover forms, they feed on blueberries and lingonberries.
White partridge - bird length up to 46 cm; weight 400-900 g. In winter, the paws of the white partridge are feathered down to the claws; in summer, the toes are bare. In winter the plumage is white, in summer it is yellowish-reddish. It feeds on buds, catkins, berries and other parts of plants.
Birds of Prey
The peregrine falcon is the most famous falcon, a species with declining numbers. Length 40 – 50 cm. Females are larger than males. The main food is birds, which it catches in flight. Rare, listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
The osprey is the only species of bird of prey in the osprey family of the order Falconiformes. Length about 60 cm, weight 1.3 - 1.9 kg. The wings are sharp and long. Strong paws with curved sharp claws, adapted for snatching fish from the water. An osprey's clutch contains 2–3 white eggs with brown spots. The eggs are incubated mainly by females.
The white-tailed eagle is noticeably larger than a goose. The plumage is brown, the head and ventral part of the body are lighter. The tail is white, wedge-shaped. Inhabits the shores of large, fish-rich reservoirs. A very careful bird. It rarely hovers in the air; it usually catches prey from a small height.
These birds are rare.
Other birds are often found in our village:
- Sparrows. The top of their head is gray, the throat and upper chest are black, and a brown stripe runs from the beak through the eye to the ear. The back is brown with black spots, the belly is whitish. Female
- Magpies. The head, back, wings and tail are black. The abdomen, chest and shoulder stripes are white. In nature, it is easily identified by its appearance.
- Tits are birds the size of a sparrow. The head, stripe along the chest, throat, back of the abdomen and undertail are black. Cheeks are white. The back is greenish, the underside of the body is yellow, the tail and wings are bluish.
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