Pets in people's lives

In Russia, a cat has always been the personification of home comfort and well-being. We have always loved the animal and respectfully called it “the mistress of the house.” When moving, the cat must be the first to cross the threshold of the new home, otherwise there will be no comfort and happiness in it. Popular belief states that a tricolor cat brings happiness to the house.
There are more than 100 cat breeds in the world. Persian cats are widespread; they have long, thick hair and tassels on their ears, like a lynx. Persian cats are slow and lazy, they are so pleasant to squeeze and hug.
In Turkey there lives a species of cat called Van. Its white fluffy representatives are able to swim in the lake for hours. They never catch mice, preferring shellfish and fish, which they catch successfully.
A cat is both trusting and cunning, affectionate and predatory, domestic and wild, very clean. I watched as the cat stepped its paw into the mud, then shook the dirt off its paw for a long time and washed itself.
The Siamese cat Vaska lived with my grandmother. He was very attached to his grandmother, went out with her for walks, and lived peacefully at home with his dog Anton. When Vaska went outside, he did not approach Anton, as if they did not know each other, he was probably shy of other cats, and did not want other cats to tease him.
According to the observations of West German professor Helmut Hemmer, the character of domestic cats is influenced by their color. Black cats are very nervous, sensitive, curious, and love affection. Black and white cats are sociable, easily become attached to their owners, and quickly find contact with children. Striped animals, on the contrary, are secretive, withdrawn, value freedom and independence, and avoid contact not only with humans, but also with relatives. Red-haired and white-red-haired people respect peace, home comfort and, as a rule, are phlegmatic. Whites are capricious, touchy and more susceptible to infectious diseases than others.
The observations of scientists should be used when choosing a kitten, so that the pet is psychologically compatible with our own character.
Of all the birds, parrots live in houses the most. About a hundred species of parrots are bred in our country. The most common are budgies. They were brought to Europe one hundred and seventy years ago and are still loved by people.
Many families have mice, rats, hamsters or guinea pigs.
There are many species of rodents in the wild. As a rule, wild rodents cause a lot of trouble for people. They spoil the crops. They eat crops and carry diseases.
And now townspeople are not afraid to have mice, rats, hamsters, and guinea pigs at home. These small funny animals bring a lot of joy from playing with them; they are affectionate, playful and funny.
Observing aquarium fish is of great educational interest for both adults and children. By caring for fish and observing them, people acquire research skills, skills for regular work activities, they develop ethical needs to care for living beings, develop positive emotional contact and psychological comfort.
Aquarium fish also play an important role in conducting research in genetics, biochemistry and bionics. The study of aquarium fish itself brings a lot of pleasure. To achieve success, you need patience; it is impossible to quickly master absolutely everything related to keeping aquarium fish.
Other pets are companion animals that occupy leisure time and give pleasure from communicating with them. For us city dwellers, the concept of “pets” has merged with the concept of “pets” or “pets”. Animals of the same breed can be both producers and pets. For example, rabbits are bred on a farm for meat and fur, and decorative rabbits are kept at home as pets.
The guys want to keep animals at home because they want to be closer to nature. Every living creature is a piece of wild nature.
During the study, we found out that pets are the most important means of learning about nature.
Pets help promote mutual understanding in society
The opportunity to talk, complain, caress with pets is necessary for children, especially when there are no parents nearby who are busy at work and no one to pay attention to their children.
For some children, a hamster, cat or dog even replaces a friend: they are trusted with secrets, sorrows and joys. By existing next to a person, animals smooth out his loneliness, especially when those around him are busy with their own lives.
Pets help you learn to communicate without words: a kitten meows at a bowl - it’s hungry; the puppy jumps up, pulls towards the front door - wants to play outside.
Caring for pets requires doing housework. We learn about living conditions in nature and at home, and caring for pets helps us avoid becoming selfish.
We experience positive emotions when interacting with pets. Looking at pets, we see their natural beauty.
We learn to show a careful and caring attitude towards our pets, and therefore towards the entire animal world. Pets are part of human culture.
Pets help in artistic creativity. Essays, stories, and poems are written about them. They are depicted in paintings. And often they themselves are sources of inspiration for a person.
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