How to care for a German Shepherd

I’m still not very familiar with books and the Internet, so I studied popular science literature with my teacher and parents. Here's what I found out. Dogs! How many of them! And how different they all are! There are very small ones - they fit in the palm of your hand and weigh only 500 grams. There are giants whose weight reaches 90 kg. There are long-legged ones, and there are short-legged ones. Some are shaggy, and some are completely naked. Some have floppy ears, others stick out. Some are fast and agile, others are clumsy. And all of them are our most faithful, most devoted friends. Especially German Shepherds. They are often recruited to serve in the police.
Dogs were the first of all animals to become domesticated. And no other animal is as devoted as a dog, or serves him as selflessly as this amazing creature. Dogs have many professions. The dog is a watchman, a guide, a geologist, a nurse, a sapper, a climber, an astronaut, a hunter, and a circus performer.
Today you can find many breeds of dogs: any size, any color. There are about 400 breeds in total. There are hunting dogs, there are service dogs, and there are decorative dogs. My dog. As I understand it, it belongs to the breed of service dogs. And indeed, she guards the house in the village. I watch how she growls when a “stranger” approaches the house, and how she wags her tail if “friends” are coming. She always waits for me, greets me, licks me. Dana sits down next to me and puts her head on my lap, looking into my eyes with an almost “human gaze.” She doesn’t leave me a single step: wherever I go, she goes there. My dog has such a happy face. When I'm around. Which makes my soul happy too. Where am I going somewhere? She runs next to me and says something to me like a dog. So interesting! She is very loyal!
I was convinced from my observations that dogs do not get colds, although they live outside in a kennel all year round and can calmly lie in the snow. Wool saves them. People have long noticed that socks knitted from dog hair save people from such unpleasant diseases as colds and rheumatism. My grandmother collects wool, spins it into thread and knits socks and scarves. I noticed that my dog sheds twice a year6 in the fall and spring. After shedding, her fur becomes thicker, so she doesn't feel cold.
I conducted an experiment - I fed the dog only porridge and bread for several days. The dog became lethargic and did not want to play with me. It turns out that meat contains many vitamins and microelements that are vital for dogs. Like this! After all, a dog is a predator!
Like all predators, Dana loves meat. We also give her cereal, milk, water and special food supplements, vitamins for dogs.
And our Dana is also a good mother. When she had puppies, she fed them with her milk, licked them and protected them. She was very sad. When the puppies were taken apart.
Communication with animals enriches the human world, making it brighter and more emotional. And my hypothesis “If I learn as much as possible about dogs, their role in people’s lives, behavioral characteristics, then I will take better care of my pet” was not only confirmed, but also acquired a broader meaning: by communicating with animals, we mutually enrich ourselves. I fell in love with my dog Dana even more. Communicating with me, Dana became friendlier, and I became kinder. I would like every person to have a devoted friend.
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