How to care for a cat

According to our observations, they were all once domestic, lived in an apartment, played with children and had no worries. But the “toy” got boring, a smell appeared, or the family members developed an allergy, or they went on a business trip and turned the cat out the door.
So that fewer hungry, homeless cats appear on the street, so that people know their rights and responsibilities towards animals, so that they think about and love them, we wrote this work.
Man domesticated the cat much later than other animals: dogs, horses, sheep. She quickly and firmly became attached to a person, without losing her independent character. The image of this animal can be found on the frescoes and bas-reliefs of Ancient Egypt. There were cats already in the 111th millennium BC. lived in houses, protecting grain barns from rodents.
They were considered sacred animals, and killing them was often punished by death. When there was a fire, the first thing the Egyptians did was take the cat out of the fire, and if it died, all family members shaved off their eyebrows as a sign of mourning.
In Europe, cats were often persecuted as "witches' spawn" due to their mysterious nocturnal lifestyle. They were burned at the stake along with their owners. The Europeans paid for the destruction of cats with outbreaks of plague and other diseases caused by the rapid reproduction of mice and rats.
There is the British Museum in London. It is considered the best museum in the world. There are rich and unique collections on history, archeology, art, and the best library in the world. To prevent mice from spoiling exhibits in the museum and library, a “cat company” of six cats was included in the staff. The state allocates money for them. However, the cats are not fed there every day, so that they do not forget about their official duty - to catch mice. To prevent visitors from touching the cats, they are given a uniform - a lush yellow bow is tied to each neck.
Today, the cat is one of the most popular pets. In 1947, the International Federation of European Cat Fanciers (FIFE) was created, which organizes exhibitions and conducts extensive breeding work.
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