Pet - cat

Cats are a genus of mammals, the cat family.
The cat family, which includes the domestic cat, has existed for about 10 thousand years. The domestic cat has been living next to humans for 6 thousand years.
There are also wild cats in nature - lynx, panther, leopard, snow leopard, cheetah, jaguar.
Domestic cats live 12-14 years. Their average weight is from 4 to 6 kg. These are most often gentle and affectionate animals that have a tail, paws, mustaches, eyes, ears, claws, etc. They have five toes on their front paws and four on their back paws.
Cats purr, closing their eyes, when they feel good and hiss, growl, squeal when they don’t like something, or when they fight. If they roll over onto their back, it means they feel safe. If they wag their tail, it’s better not to touch them, they get angry. If they look at you and meow, it means they are asking for something. When in danger, cats arch their backs to look menacing and scare their enemies.
A cat walks on its own... It is an independent creature by nature. She goes wherever she pleases, but still returns to people, to the house. This is an indomitable animal - it does not obey commands, like a dog. I also think that the cat walks on its own because it doesn’t have a chain.
Cat representatives differ in breeds, each of which has its own characteristics. There are many different types of domestic cats (about 40 species). Some of them have very short legs and no tail. Sphynx cats have no hair. Siamese cats are very slender, and the forest cat has a long and bushy tail. Most domestic cats are a mixture of different breeds.
Cats have vision 6 times more acute than humans. Cat's eyes glow in the dark. They see much better in the dark.
Cats pick up odors that humans cannot smell. They recognize other cats by smell. When they meet, they sniff and rub against each other. Domestic cats rub against their legs when interacting with people. Cats mark their territory with scents to scare away other cats.
Having lost their sight and hearing, these animals will be able to adapt to life, but having lost their sense of smell, they are doomed to death.
Cats have excellent hearing! They can eavesdrop on the <
Cats are good at recognizing bitter, salty, sweet and sour substances. They are very picky about food. Domestic cats are fed by their owners, but wild cats have to hunt.
Cats love to jump and climb. They have sharp claws that they use to climb. They are good hunters. They catch birds, mice, butterflies, flies, etc. Adult cats, like kittens, love to play. While playing, they learn to hunt.
Cats are clean people. They love to wash themselves with their paws by licking them. They chew dirt out of their fur with their teeth, comb their fur with their tongue, and lick their tail.
Cats spend more than half their life sleeping.
Cats' fur keeps them warm. For some it is short, for others it is long and thick. In summer, the fur falls out to keep it cool. This is molting.
Even one cat can give birth to kittens of different colors. Kittens are born blind. But after 10 days their eyes open. And after 2 weeks they begin to walk. The kittens sleep all the time and suck their mother's milk. At the age of 2 months, kittens are ready for life without their mother - a cat.
My grandmother has 5 cats living in her house (Gavryusha, Timka, Muska, Ryzhka and Vasilisa). I love them all very much! One of our cats gave birth to 8 kittens. In the summer, when I come to visit them, I take care of the little kittens, feed them, change their bed. Cats are my favorite animals!
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