The structure of a cat

You can learn from books that a cat is a hunter. If a dog, for example, exhausts its prey with long running, then a cat is not a runner at all - it sits in ambush for a long time, sneaks up on its prey and jumps on it. In this case, the smell can give away the cat, which is why there are no fatty or sweat glands on its body, and it carefully licks itself after eating. I also learned a lot of interesting things about what helps a cat hunt and I want to tell you about this amazing animal.
Each hunter has his own arsenal. A cat's hunting arsenal includes almost everything it has. The special structure of the body makes the cat an ideal predator.
The skeleton provides the cat with smooth and fast movements. When rushing at prey, the cat pushes off the ground with its hind legs, arches its back and collapses on the victim with its front legs. A flexible spine, strong hind legs - it would seem that all that is needed for an excellent jump so that the prey does not escape. But no, this is not enough, you also need a steering wheel - a fluffy and fairly stiff tail.
Everyone who likes to play with a cat has experienced its sharp claws more than once. Claws, like edged weapons, can cut to the point of bleeding. The cat uses them to capture and hold prey. I noticed that when Murka is calm, his claws are hidden in the pads of his paws. And you just need to hold your hand, ribbon or other object in front of her, she immediately releases them to grab the object.
Cat teeth. A newborn kitten already has a full set of 26 needle-sharp baby teeth. During the first six months of life, baby teeth are replaced by 30 permanent teeth. The upper and lower incisors are used to capture prey, the canines hold and kill it, and the premolars and molars tear and cut the meat.
The cat's hunting arsenal includes excellent night vision. The cat's eyes are bulging. They provide a wide field of view. The eyes seem to be split in the middle, but this narrow slit opens well in the dark, which is what the cat needs for its night hunts for mice. She also has good peripheral vision. This is very important for a small predator, which often runs the risk of becoming prey.
The nose helps you smell food, detect danger, and distinguish friends from enemies. Whiskers or whiskers above the eyes and on the cheeks warn the cat of danger when exploring unfamiliar places.
Nature has provided the cat with excellent hearing, which helps it hunt small rodents. A cat can hear even the weakest and most subtle squeak of a mouse or the rustle of its movements. At the same time, you can notice how the cat’s ears change their position. Hearing helps a cat maintain balance. Cats tend to climb trees and other tall objects; this requires a good sense of balance. The inner ear has a special organ of balance - the vestibular apparatus. With its help, the cat changes the position of its body in space.
The color of the skin and even the stripes on it are intended for camouflage - the victim should not see ahead of time that he is being ambushed. Therefore, coat color plays the role of camouflage. My Murka is a solid tortoiseshell color.
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