How to properly care for and treat animals

Many people have already gotten used to the idea that man is the king of all living things. However, it is not. Man is a child of nature, its integral part. Animals are ½ part of nature, the most important link, without which a person could not live a single day. Domestic animals evolved from wild ones (more precisely, man himself gradually began to domesticate domestic animals). But still, we should treat our pets with love and understanding and not throw them away for minor offenses.
Stray animals on the streets of villages and cities... Someone feeds them, someone takes them home out of pity and sympathy. And some manage to organize frequent shelters, sometimes with the support of local municipal services. But all this is a drop in the ocean. The problem exists and we need to solve it.
As children, we unconditionally give our hearts to the good doctor Aibolit. He heals animals, helps out those in trouble, he is not afraid of anything, which means he is a real hero. Perhaps this is how the dream of veterinary practice is born. But reality is not like a fairy tale, and although modern “Aibolit” use more powerful means than eggnog, they are not able to cure everyone. In addition, decisions sometimes have to be made when there is a shortage of time or when the necessary information is needed, when the cost of an error is the patient’s life. Therefore, a person who decides to become a veterinarian must not only love animals, but also have self-control and emotional stability.
In the largest Moscow shelter for dogs and cats “ECO”, homeless, crippled and abandoned animals find their happiness. This charitable autonomous non-profit organization has been operating since 1997: it provides emergency veterinary care to animals in trouble, placing them in its shelter in Veshnyaki, where they remain for the rest of their lives. The issue of regulating the activities of shelters is not spelled out in Russian legislation. Capital and regional nurseries can only temporarily improve the situation with homeless animals
Every city has a small shelter or some kind of veterinary center. But in our city there are no shelters, but there is a veterinary hospital. This means that we need to build such a shelter, or more precisely, a Veterinary complex. If such a complex existed, then the issue of locating a shelter, placing animals, and the most important problem - unemployment would be resolved.
The veterinary complex that we want to create is needed by our city, because our city is home to many domestic and abandoned animals. But this complex is needed not only by animals, but also by people, because there is such a problem as unemployment. The relevance of this work lies in the creation of an enterprise that will operate in our city, where teenagers aged 14 to 18, as well as adults, will work.
Of course, everyone wants to have their own pocket money, but not everyone is given it. Our company is interesting because children from 14 to 18 years old and, of course, adults can work in it.
Section 3, Chapter 10, regarding the employment contract, we will act as it is written in the labor code. The work will not be so difficult and not so easy, and will not harm the health of workers. Also, the work will be carried out as follows: Recruitment of workers of one hundred people - for children from 14-18 40 places and adults 60 places (including the director, “deputies” and other personnel). Next, special courses will be held (1 month) for all employees, which will help select the most efficient, and an employment contract will be concluded with everyone who completed the courses. In addition to the employment contract, each employee is required to bring with him a passport, work permission from his parents, etc. documents that allow you to work. After this, each employee receives an advance. And he can start work the next day. Also, each employee receives a special package of documents (pension certificate, work book, health book, etc.)
The services in the veterinary complex are very diverse. This enterprise will have such departments as: a hotel for animals, a shelter where you can adopt an animal, a passport office for processing documents for pets, a veterinary hospital for treating pets, a pet store, a department for euthanasia of animals, a special area for walking dogs, courses for improving worker classifications. Not every clinic can boast such a variety (for example, “Vet for Pets”)
There will be price lists and lists for each service. Services are paid once a month. Naturally, pensioners, disabled people, etc. Preferential categories will receive discounts of up to 80% (if, of course, there is a supporting document). There will also be a special “Home Call” department that responds in emergency situations.
We propose to locate our complex where the ski base is, that is, outside the city. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, there are a lot of violations in the city (especially regarding the release of exhaust gases into the atmosphere)
And this simply does not allow us to position V.K. And the second reason is that in the case of expansion of V.K. (And this will happen sooner or later) A large area is needed for adjustments to the veterinary complex.
The name I propose for our project is “Zoolandia”. I think this name will be a good choice.
Presumably, our veterinary complex will be similar in structure to Secondary School No. 4 and Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 6, that is, our enterprise will have the same problem as these two school institutions.
After we have planned the scope of our activities (that is, created a project), we need to take out a bank loan in the amount of one million to implement our complex. This financial support will be used for the construction of the complex, purchases, and salaries for workers.
In our city there is a great demand for services related to animals, which means that they will be in demand in our city.
So that every citizen of our city knows about our enterprise, we will launch our own advertising. It will be everywhere: on TV screens, ticker tape, posters and booklets, over the speakerphone. The promotional aspects I have done will be detailed in our booklet.
Moreover, we propose to unite all clinics, hospitals, veterinary centers that exist in the city of Langepas, we propose to unite into one, so that our company does not have competition and more. If all these parts are connected into one whole, then it will be a powerful organization that will soon be one big project. I propose that in each microdistrict they build special areas for walking dogs, and veterinary centers instead of slot machines, which will work in conjunction with the large Veterinary complex as a single group.
Presumably this enterprise will be located on three floors. The first floor and basement will be given over to such departments as: Veterinary hospital, passport department for processing documents for animals, shelter for abandoned animals.
In the basement there will be departments for euthanasia and sterilization, and there will also be a department for catching animals. The animal control department is responsible for catching rabid animals. The Animal Neutering and Euthanasia Department is responsible for treating captured animals, but if the animal is not healthy or simply cannot be treated, it is euthanized. And if the animal is completely healthy and suitable, it is sent to a shelter. There is a passport office on the ground floor specifically for issuing documents for animals, vaccination passports, special documents for processing trips with pets, issuing special collars for cats and dogs, special tokens for registering a pet, keeping track of the number of pets in the entire city, keeping a tally of violations concerning , about animal rights. A shelter is a special department where all animals (cats and dogs) are present that have undergone special selection, vaccinations, and these pets are waiting for their owners. As soon as an animal is adopted from the shelter, the owner is given a package of documents regarding the animal and a personalized collar. The hospital involves a full examination of the animal (urology, dentistry and other procedures) plus additionally a hairdresser, manicure, pedicure.
The second floor was built specifically for an animal hotel and a pet store. The pet store sells rats, mice, hamsters, fish and other animals. In addition to livestock, you can buy medications for treating animals, various feeds, cages, kennels and much more. The hotel was built for the event that suddenly someone needs to leave urgently, but there is nowhere to leave their pet. This is why there is a service - Hotel.
The third floor is only for medical personnel and other workers, so in principle there is no need for characteristics for it.
The main financial problems arise even before the construction of the veterinary complex. Therefore, we want to ask for help in sponsoring our enterprise from the administration of the city of Langepas, and from such an important enterprise as LUKOIL
In the distant future, if a veterinary complex exists, then the construction of this enterprise can begin throughout Russia. It is also quite possible that we will find financial assistance from people, that is, through donations. There is, of course, another option - a bank loan.
The income that will come from the enterprise will presumably go towards the sale or completion of our veterinary complex, but also some part will go to help orphans or disabled children. Profits will come from participation in exhibitions for cats and dogs. You also need to take into account expenses such as: medicines for the pet pharmacy, salaries for employees, equipment and much more.
This enterprise will be considered working only if they agree to sponsor it. This complex is necessary for the city in terms of improving the profession of a veterinarian, as well as improving the living conditions of homeless animals.
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