Features of feeding cats

A cat is a fluffy and very affectionate animal. She creates peace and prosperity in the house. Very often, a cat alleviates illnesses for sick people, and fills life with meaning for lonely people.
It’s rare that a house doesn’t have cats. I have three living with me. Their names are Snezhanna, Surprizka and Dymka. While caring for my cats and observing their behavior, I came to the conclusion that raising cats must be taken seriously and thoroughly. Yes, cats need to be educated, not just fed and petted. I set a goal for myself: to study the habits, character, and lifestyle of cats. Find out why one cat is given different “food” all the time, while the other quickly gets used to the same food.
To answer these questions, I turned to articles from the encyclopedia “Cats, cats and kittens” by the Czech expert on these animals Albert Pintera, set out in the magazine “Young Lady”, to the collection “Living Corner” and articles from the magazines “Svirelka”, "Young naturalist."
I have three cats at home: the tabby, gray-brown Surprizka, the snow-white Snezhanna, and Dymka, whom we named for her smoky coat color.
Watching my pets, I noticed that they differ from each other not only in coat color, but also in character. For example, Dymka looks with very pitiful eyes, as if he wants to say: “And don’t forget to pet me!” Snezhanna is a terrible bully, constantly provokes other cats into a fight, bites their ears or hits them with her paw. Surprise - a big sycophant and beggar, even if she is full - will still beg for food. But she is also a gaper: often the impudent Snezhanna takes away her delicacies right from under her nose.
My cats have different tastes when it comes to food. Surprise simply loves to eat sweets: gingerbread, buns. Any fresh cucumbers. Snezhanna prefers fish and meat food. Smoky is almost omnivorous; it does not eat only cheese vegetables.
You can learn a lot of interesting things by watching cats!
Wild animals know exactly how much they need to eat. And pets lose this instinct and often overeat. They get fat, become lazy and sedentary, and start begging.
General rule: feed cats twice a day, morning and afternoon
- I prepare food for cats specially; the food must be fresh.
- Give meat, raw and cooked. Raw meat contains natural vitamin B, but cooked meat destroys it.
- Raw fish should not be given, although cats love it very much. There are many parasites in fish, and also dangerous bones that a cat can crush. It is better to boil the fish.
- It is useful to feed bread and cereals because they contain carbohydrates.
- Feeding scraps from your table is not recommended, because some foods may be harmful to them.
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