Wild relatives of domestic cats

Cats and cats are respectable animals. Respect for them on the part of man has been observed for a long time. Pussy is a completely mysterious and incomprehensible beast.
Cats and cats are familiar to any person from early childhood. At the same time, not many cat lovers and connoisseurs can boast that they know everything about cats. We can talk about cats for hours. It’s really difficult to know everything about cats: different breeds, habits, training options, rules of care - cat lovers want to know this and much more about cats. All our cats, cats and kittens are similar in one thing - they have won the love of their owners once and for all. Since prehistoric times, living with us in the same home, they continue to remain mysterious creatures that never cease to amaze their owners. In addition, they say about cats that in fact they do not recognize any masters over themselves, but continue to live on their own, providing favors to others.
A cat in the house is always a great joy and a good mood. Observing the habits of cats helps people take their minds off various problems.
Two cats and a male cat live in our house. We really enjoy watching them. And it seems that they are the best in the world. Caring for cats is a very responsible matter. Therefore, it is important to always know your pet well in order to understand him without knowing the cat language.
Cat family
The cat family includes wild and domestic cats, tigers, panthers, lions, leopards, and lynxes. And some species are comparable in size to a domestic cat: manul, house (reed cat), forest cat, steppe cat, ocelot, etc. 12 species live in Russia. It has been established that the homeland of the domestic cat is North America. Nowadays, there are 36 species of cats - from the smallest animals weighing 1 kg to tigers weighing 270 kg. 16 species of cats are listed in the Red Book, hunting them is completely prohibited.
The body of cats is flexible, elongated, mobile, with a rounded head. The front and hind legs are long, sharp claws are retractable, most have a long tail, covered with hair. Body color can be spotted, striped, or monochrome. Capable of chasing prey. They hunt alone. They reproduce once a year.
Wild relatives of domestic cats
The forest cat resembles the tabby domestic cat, but it has a more robust build and a fluffy tabby tail. It inhabits forest areas densely overgrown with bushes. The forest cat was once widespread in Europe. Currently, the forest cat is included in the list of endangered species and is extremely rare. Its extermination by foresters and hunters in the twentieth century caused a decline in numbers.
Geoffroy's cat is a forest predator that lives in the thicket of the tropical forest. Cat fur was highly prized in the fur market, causing the species to decline greatly. The demand for the skin of this animal increased after hunting of spotted cats was banned. A cross between a Geoffroy cat and a domestic cat is called a safari cat.
The sand cat is very similar to the domestic cat. However, it is smaller than its domestic relative. A characteristic feature of this cat is its soles, completely covered with thick hair. Thick fur protects her paws from burns and helps her move through shifting sand.
History of cochet
Cats of our family. For a long time, cats did not take root with us. They disappeared somewhere, got sick and died. But this happened not because we looked after them poorly, but for some reason unknown to us.
But 3 years ago a miracle finally happened. We were given a two-month-old kitten. He was a little fluffy ball that quickly settled into our home. he turned out to be surprisingly understanding. Since childhood, our pet has been important, for which he was nicknamed Baron. Baron is a long-haired mongrel cat. From a small kitten he turned into a big beautiful cat. He is fat because he loves to eat, and he is a couch potato because he loves to sleep. Our cat is affectionate. He likes to be petted and looked after. The Baron doesn't really like living in the house. In warm weather, he is more often outdoors.
2 years ago another cat appeared in our house - White. He was given this nickname because he is all white. But everyone calls him Belka. We decided to adopt such a kitten even before his birth from our friends. Ours differs from other outbred smooth-haired cats in its thin, thick, very soft hair. Belka's character is different from the Baron's. But Belka also has similar character traits: he is affectionate, he likes to swim, and does not really like to live in the house.
Quite recently, in July 2008, a mongrel smooth-haired cat began to live with us. We thought for a long time what to name her and gave her the nickname Stesha. She was a sick, unsightly kitten who was severely abused by her other owners. We gave Stesha a bath and treated her sore nose and ear. For a long time, Stesha was afraid of the movements of our hands, because she probably thought that she would be hit. She looked closely at everything in our house with big, curious eyes, and gradually became acquainted with its other inhabitants: a guinea pig, parrots and cats. She is used to eating special dry cat food. Stesha likes to play. But our cat doesn’t really like being petted or bathed. She is afraid of heights.
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