The importance of a dog in a person's life

The dog came to man in ancient times. Dogs helped people hunt and guarded their caves. The wolf is considered the ancestor of dogs.
Over the millennium of its existence on Earth, man has tamed and domesticated many wild animals and birds, while reaping considerable benefits for himself. But he gave only one dog a special place among his four-legged and winged helpers, making from a wild, predatory animal a reliable and devoted friend, ready to lay down his life in a fight with any enemy for his master. This devotion formed the basis of the friendship between man and dog, the origins of which go back centuries. Dogs are able to understand their owners without words. Some of them understand so quickly what their owner wants from them that a barely noticeable gesture is enough.
For thousands of years, people have bred more and more new breeds of dogs for various services. Currently, there are more than 400 hundred dog breeds in the world that have a wide variety of uses. In our country, it is customary to divide dog breeds into 4 groups:
- Service;
- Hunting;
- Sports;
- Decorative
Service dogs - German Shepherd, Caucasian Shepherd, South Russian Shepherd, Collie, Rottweiler, Airedale Terrier, Black Terrier, Newfoundland, Moscow Watchdog, Giant Schnauzer. Such dogs are widely used in all countries of the world. They guard important industrial and railway facilities, warehouses, bridges, houses, and apartments. They know how to find gas leaks in underground gas pipelines and search for criminals, and act as guides for blind people. Also used for inspection of luggage, cargo and vehicles at customs. Sled dogs are still used to transport people and goods in the northern regions of the country.
Sporting dogs - Great Dane, Boxer, Doberman Pinscher. The group of sporting dogs stood out from the group of service dogs due to the difficulty of using them in service work due to their short coat without undercoat, but these dogs are used by amateur dog breeders for the internal protection of homes and dachas. In urban conditions, keeping dogs of these breeds is very convenient, because... they do not cause much trouble during the molting period, they are reliable guards of apartments and faithful companions in walks in the fresh air.
Hunting - huskies, greyhounds, spaniels, dachshunds, fox terrier, Welsh terrier, Jagd terrier, pointers, hounds. Dogs of this group are used for various types of hunting.
Ornamental dogs - toy terrier, skye terrier, bedlington terrier, chow chow, poodle, lapdog, basset hound, French and English bulldogs, miniature pinscher, Pekingese, Shar-Pei, Spitz, Japanese Chin, Chihua -hua. The purpose of dogs of these breeds is to give people warmth and affection. Communication with animals ennobles a person and brings him joy. It is especially important for children and elderly people to have an intelligent and devoted friend - a dog. Caring for a little friend makes a child attentive and affectionate not only to him, but also to all close people. An elderly person finds solace in communicating with an animal and caring for it.
Dogs forgive us everything: our bad mood, irritability. They save us from melancholy, loneliness, bitter grievances. They generously give us selfless, sacrificial love, demanding nothing in return, except perhaps simple human affection. No other animal is capable of responding to our love like a dog. She unmistakably senses how much we are disposed towards her, and rewards us with devotion, affection, and even willingness to give her own life for us.
Dogs have a particularly wonderful quality - they always respond to kindness only with kindness. Dogs of any breed and mongrel are distinguished by their sincere affection for their owner. And if he repays the dog in kind, then a special kind of feeling arises between them, a relationship in which there is love, loyalty and friendship - in a word, a relationship that can only be ended by death. The ancient Greek writer Plutarch praised the dog Melamphyte, who swam into the sea after his owner and drowned: for some reason the man did not take the dog with him on the ship. In the history of mankind there are many other examples of the amazing devotion of our four-legged friends.
Who doesn’t know about the tragedy of Pompeii, the ancient city buried on the night of August 25, 79 AD during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius under tons of ash?! Centuries later, scientists found voids in the ruins of the ancient city, remaining from the bodies of people and the postures of people and animals at the moment of death. In one of these voids, scientists received the following sculptural image: a huge dog shielded a small child from the ashes and stones with its body, trying in vain to save him.
A dog's devotion to its owner is absolutely selfless. There are many reliable stories where a dog died after the death of its owner from grief and melancholy, and even if the owner simply disappeared somewhere for a while. A dog's behavior is programmed to show unconditional love for humans. Dogs that have studied their owner well enough guess his state of mind and tune in accordingly: happy or sad, thoughtful or anxious...
The Roman philosopher Seneca, two thousand years ago, believed that the main part of a person’s life is spent making mistakes and bad deeds, a significant part is spent in inaction, and almost always the whole life consists of a person doing the wrong thing. A dog is a different matter: its entire life is devoted to serving its owner. No wonder they say: loyal as a dog...
A dog is capable of experiencing all-consuming love not only for humans, but also for various animals. Everyone remembers that in the Berberov family of Baku, in addition to the King lions, there was also a dog, Chap. After the death of King-1, Chap stopped raising his voice and barking. And 20 days later he died of a massive heart attack. Apparently, in Chap's little dog's life, Lion King occupied such a large place that after the death of his friend, the dog lost interest in life. And he died. From hopeless melancholy. Moreover, it is characteristic that in the person of King-1, it was not the owner who died for the dog - after all, L.L. Berberov continued to be him - it was a friend who died. Because of a friend, the dog had a heart attack. Then from L.L. Berberov himself.
I, as I already said, have 2 dogs. One of them, the German shepherd Syoma, is a large, strong and very smart dog. My mother worked with him at the training ground, because... I'm still too young to train such a serious dog. But Syoma and I are great friends, he really loves to play with me. In the summer we kick the ball with him, and in the winter he takes me on a sleigh ride. After studying to take the exam, we went with the whole family. Mom and Syoma followed the judge’s instructions, and dad and I were on the cheering team. The exam was passed successfully! Syoma was given a diploma and a medal.
We recently got a second dog. This is a toy terrier, and his name is Tapik. He is a small but very brave puppy. My cute four-legged pet, mischievous and crafty, he is the only one in the whole world. Not a single thing can be done in the house without him, he is everywhere, he manages to stick his nose into every corner where something is happening.
Walking with my pets, I observed the life of dogs on the streets of our city, the behavior of people, and I am outraged by the attitude of some of them towards dogs. There are people who took a little puppy home, and then, when it became difficult and troublesome with him, they took him and threw him out into the street, let him freeze and starve... And how many domestic dogs are running around the streets of our city without supervision, and how many are stray dogs? You can’t even count them! This is a very serious problem and I propose to create a Club for Young Pet Lovers in our city. It seems to me that children are also capable of selfless love and by attracting adults to our side, we can at least reduce the number of homeless animals.
There is another problem in our city - there are practically no special places for walking dogs. I remember that there used to be such corners, they were marked with special signs, but now these signs have all been broken. People walk their pets anywhere: on lawns, sidewalks and even on playgrounds. But even where they exist, some are simply too lazy to get to the right place and release their dogs almost at the threshold of their home.
It’s winter now – everything seems clean, but when spring comes – what will we see? The dogs, of course, are not to blame for this. We the people are to blame! Each owner can clean up after his dog himself; to do this, you just need to take a bag and dustpan with you on a walk. The trouble is that not every person is neat.
The solution to this problem is to install walking areas, clean and disinfect them, and build a special shelter for stray dogs. As part of my research work, I conducted a survey of residents of the 11th district, where I live. I asked the only question: “Is it necessary to have a specially equipped area for walking dogs in our city?” 100% of respondents answered in the affirmative. I propose that our city administration include the costs of creating a shelter and walking areas. And for a specially equipped area for dogs, people agree to pay a certain amount.
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