The influence of the development of human society on the life of a dog

Over time, human society has evolved. The dog always remained close to people, both in the village and in the city. She could no longer live separately from a person. In practice, the dog has become a member of our society.
But with the development of technological progress, her life becomes more complicated. Increasingly, she has to risk her health, and sometimes her life.
With the advent of transport in cities, many dogs began to fall under the wheels of cars, dying or remaining crippled.
In science, dogs began to be used to conduct various experiments and experiments, during which the animals suffer and do not always remain healthy and alive. In the middle of the 20th century, scientific research into space exploration began in our country. And here dogs again became the first assistants in scientific experiments in space exploration. These were dogs from 5 to 7 kg, some of them had already flown 2 times and scientists received unique materials about the reactions of the animal organism to the factors of rocket flight. These were the very first dogs - Albina and Kozyavka, they even flew in a spacesuit, but to an altitude of no more than a hundred kilometers. And when they tried to touch and stroke them after landing, they backed away and got into the spacesuit.
I think this is because they were very scared.
Then the dog Laika was sent into space. Now it was the first living creature outside the Earth.
After her, Belka, Strelka, and Zhulka also flew into space. 10 dogs were selected for the flight - these were stray dogs. After all, they are the ones who endure all life’s difficulties most patiently.
Specially trained guide dogs have appeared for blind people. In villages, dogs continue to herd livestock. There are dogs that can find people caught in an avalanche or save a drowning person. Dogs began to perform in the circus and act in films to the delight of people.
It is difficult to imagine our existence without this amazing animal. It became not only an assistant, but also a person’s best friend, ready to do anything for him. “Tell a dog to run and he will be the best runner in the world. Order the spoils to be brought, and she will do it. Order her to hunt, and she will never get tired. Order her to guard herself, and she will risk her life.”
Nowadays, people have come up with a new, very cruel entertainment - dog fighting. Dogs are deliberately set against each other, and they fight until there is blood, and sometimes even to death. What will happen if such a dog ends up on the street and becomes a stray? She can attack not only another dog, but also a person. And such animals, as a rule, are caught and euthanized.
But there are people who cannot calmly pass even a stray dog, and take it into their home, and some create shelters for stray dogs, where they provide assistance to them.
In Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale about the Little Prince, the Fox, who became friends with the main character, says: “You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.”
Most of all, a dog’s life, its behavior and health depend on a person, i.e. in general from our human society. And only people have the power to make the lives of our dog friends better and happier. To do this, only a few conditions are necessary: a person’s sense of responsibility for the animal, love and attention to the dog, education and care for its health. If these conditions are represented in the form of links in a chain, then you can see that if one link falls out, the whole chain will break, and the dog’s life will again become harder.
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