Features of the structure of a cat

All cats, regardless of their size, belong to the Felibae family, which is part of the order of carnivores.
Domestic cats are believed to have evolved from the wild cat, although their ancestor may also be the Libyan cat.
Cats have been living next to humans for many hundreds of years, and during this time, through careful selection, many different breeds have been bred. They are very different, although they do not differ from each other as much as dogs of different breeds.
A cat is a very proud and independent creature, but sensitive and responsive to kindness. The attachment to a person in these animals is stronger than the attachment to a place. There is an opinion that the most important thing for a cat is where it is, but it is wrong. A cat may leave an apartment where people who treat it poorly live. In the family, she chooses the main one, and gives all devotion and love to only one person.
Watching the cats, the famous trainer, the only clown performing in the arena with cats, Yuri Kuklachev, noticed that they use various signals to communicate with each other. One of the researchers recorded about a hundred different sound signals made by cats. But it’s not just sounds that cats explain to each other. For example, just by the movement of the tail and ears you can tell a lot about the condition of the cat. If the tail is soft and curls, the cat is experiencing pleasure. The tail whips - irritation. The tail is loose - fear, wariness. The tail is held softly, but with a hook at the end - the cat is in a good mood. The tail is held cruelly behind - a quick attack is possible. Ears turned forward indicate curiosity; ears turned back indicate irritation and an impending attack. An expression of complete friendliness - ears erect, eyes wide open. The cat is also known to people as a “weather station”. Many signs are associated with her, the cat curled up in a ball - in the cold; climbs into the stove - unfortunately; tears down a wall - bad weather; stretched out belly up - towards warmth.
Do cats get depressed?
The answer to this interesting question is positive: yes, it happens. A cat may be thrown out of its mental balance by a change in the daily routine to which it is accustomed, or by a feeling of loneliness. She experiences stress when a stranger appears at home, as well as in any other situation if she feels that she is in danger. The sufferer (unfortunately, cats experience a lot in silence) walks with a vacant look, stops eating and washing, and begins to have trouble finding their bearings even in familiar surroundings.
If you want your pet to be healthy “in body and soul,” you should remember one thing: it’s not the cat that should entertain you, but you, the cat.
“And her green eyes roll around like emeralds,” Odoevsky wrote about cat eyes.
The eyes of all scratchies are beautiful, but can the whiskered and tailed ones distinguish between colors? At the beginning of the century, it was believed that for them the world around them, alas, was in shades of gray. However, recent studies have shown that they, albeit weakly, still see the world in color, but only at a very close distance. Everyone knows “what cats see in the dark,” although this expression is not entirely correct: they need six times less light than we do, but in absolute darkness they cannot see. Another misconception is that “the eyes glow,” for example, like flashlights and fireflies. In fact, the eyes of these animals do not glow, but only reflect light. Nature created the cat as a predator with a nocturnal lifestyle, and she also placed a tapetum under the retina of her eyes (a layer of silvery crystals of the same composition that gives shine to fish scales). This layer can be blue, green, yellow - hence the main eye colors.
Is it difficult to train cats? Not only difficult. It's almost impossible. Performing in the circus is not work for them, but play. But don't think that everything is so simple. Before the reprise “enters” the arena, sometimes years of painstaking daily work pass.
Cats are very honest animals; they never deceive anyone. They stand up for the kids and don’t let them get hurt.
And this is only a hundredth of the interesting facts about our pets.
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