Selection and maintenance of dogs

The history of mankind dates back more than tens of millennia. And for many centuries, four-legged friends – cats and dogs – have been walking next to us, “paw to paw”. It's no secret that these cute creatures occupy a large place in the life of human society. The relationship between animals and humans has always been potentially mutually beneficial, but a lack of basic knowledge among pet owners can lead to unintentional cruelty, although every owner tries to make the pet's life comfortable and enjoyable. The reasons why animals appear in the house are many and varied. Keeping and caring for pets is a serious responsibility that must be approached with full knowledge of the specific requirements for caring for any animal. But most owners unwittingly “humanize” their pet, which negatively affects the health of the animal. This can be understood by analyzing the attendance at the veterinary clinic in our city. The cause of treatment is foreign bodies in the digestive organs obtained during walking, poor nutrition and handling of pets, diseases of the genitourinary system.
Traditionally, a dog is a person’s favorite companion. There are many breeds of dogs, but in general, every dog needs exercise, training, regular veterinary checkups and attention. The large number of homeless and abandoned puppies shows that many people find compliance with these conditions a burden. A dog in the house is a responsibility that you take on for the rest of its life - and this is sometimes more than 15 years.
A dog is one of the types of domestic animals that have become human companions, primarily because of their loyalty and affection for their owner. It is believed that in Europe the dog was domesticated back in the Stone Age. The Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans kept dogs as pets and household helpers. There are currently more than 500 different breeds of dogs on Earth, and, apparently, they all descend from the same two types of common ancestors. Thanks to long-term cohabitation with species of the canine family, man acquired a devoted and intelligent assistant in hunting and herding, a traveler and protector. Dogs are naturally sociable creatures and easily adapt to life among people, but keeping a dog as a pet requires some effort and commitment. The reward for hard work is well known, which is why the dog is one of the most beloved pets.
Dogs are one of the first domesticated animals. This old companionship between man and dog is reflected in various works of art.
Choosing a dog
Every year thousands of dogs end up thrown onto the streets. Their former owners were often not prepared for the amount of hassle and financial costs that keeping a dog requires.
Such mistakes can be avoided by taking the time to imagine what it means to be the owner of a dog, and choosing the most suitable breed. All dogs need exercise, may not be cheap to feed, and they also need at least the basics of training. All dogs require veterinary care, including vaccinations. Luckily, dog breeds come in a variety of sizes (and therefore appetites), temperaments, and coat types. You need to choose a dog responsibly, buying the healthiest and most cheerful puppy and only from trustworthy owners. Dog breeders can often give good advice on keeping a particular breed.
Feeding dogs
Dogs are predators, but, like their wild relatives, they eat more than just meat. Wild dogs eat the stomach contents of their herbivorous prey to obtain all the necessary vitamins, minerals and plant components of their diet. Nowadays, feeding a dog has ceased to be a difficult task, as many ready-made food mixtures have appeared. Dry dog food is highly nutritious and helps keep teeth and gums in good condition. And also, to make your dog’s food less dry and more appetizing, you can add canned food. Dogs do not need to be overfed or fed with handouts or treats. There is no need to suddenly change their diet or feeding times. Dogs do not need bones as food, but once a week a large brain or femur bone will do no harm so that the dogs can exercise and chew on it. There should always be fresh water in the drinking bowl.[2]
In the first 2 weeks of a puppies' life, the only food is mother's milk. Feeding begins at 2 weeks of age.
The amount of food needed depends on the age and breed of your dog; To determine this indicator, you need to consult a veterinarian. Puppies need frequent feeding - four times a day, from the moment they are weaned from their mother. Adult dogs are best fed once a day. Older dogs can be fed twice a day. Overweight dogs are prone to various diseases and have difficulty living a normal life. Unlike cats, a dog eats as much as it is given. You need to watch your dog and if he has gained excess weight, reduce the amount of food. Many owners feed the dog as usual, and then feed it from their own table. By doing this, you are not only overfeeding your dog, but also, by accustoming it to handouts, you create unnecessary inconvenience, for example, when receiving guests.
Dog walking
When walking a dog, you must follow the rules stipulated by the “Rules for keeping dogs and cats in cities and other populated areas” (Appendix III). An adult dog must be walked at least three times a day, and one of the walks must last at least 2 days. 2.5 hours so that the dog can satisfy the need for movement. In addition, during a walk you need to very carefully monitor your pet’s play to prevent foreign bodies from entering the esophagus. A dog is an omnivore, so leftover food, excrement of other animals, food waste can be attractive to them and swallowed with pleasure.
Keeping cats
Cats are easy to keep indoors, but it would be a mistake to assume that they can take care of themselves. Cats need regular, balanced nutrition, even if they hunt. They also need care and training.
The worship and reverence people have for cats can be seen in images of cats. The first cats were probably domesticated in Egypt about 5,000 years ago, when wild cats began to settle near barns, eating rodents. The ancient Egyptians revered and mummified cats, punishing anyone who was responsible for the death of cats. Cats, introduced to China, were used mainly to protect silkworm cocoons from rodents. In Europe during the Middle Ages, cats were persecuted and killed by the thousands as servants of Satan. Only after the 19th century did they again become popular pets.
Cats are much more independent than many other pets. Under favorable circumstances, they can live independently of people, and even as pets, many of them thrive in the wild.
Cats are predators and belong to the cat family, which has approximately 40 species. In terms of body structure, ancient breeds of domestic cats differ little from wild species.
Choose a cat
You can buy a kitten from a breeder, at a pet store, or adopt it from a friend or neighbor whose cat gave birth to babies. Visit the kittens of the breed you like when they are 6 weeks old. Choose one that is neither shy nor aggressive. Take him in your arms - if the kitten cannot calm down, it is better to choose another one. Kittens should be curious, playful and easily calmed down by sudden movements and sounds. It is better to wean a kitten from its mother at the age of 8 weeks.
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