Features of Siberian cats

The cat is not only a graceful and beautiful animal, but also the most mysterious. With her independence and independence, she always attracted the attention of people who tried to conquer the cat and make her a faithful servant. However, the proud animal condescended only to friendship with humans and is still a cat, rather a companion than an obedient toy.
Nowadays, there are 36 species of cats - from the smallest animals weighing 1 kg to tigers weighing 270 kg. There are 12 species of wild cats in Russia: tiger, leopard, snow leopard, lynx, cheetah, manul, caracal, velvet cat, Far Eastern forest cat, jungle cat, steppe (spotted) cat, European forest cat. Almost all types of cats are listed in the Red Book, and hunting them is completely prohibited.
Cats have been living next to humans for about 6 thousand years. Scientists believe that all breeds of domestic cats, including Angora, Siberian, Bukhara, Siamese and others, were formed as a result of natural selection. It is argued that they all descend from a single ancestor - the North African-Fore Asian steppe cat and their domestication occurred in Egypt about 4 thousand years BC.
There are about 60 cat breeds in the world, about 20 in our country.
The very name of the breed speaks volumes about where this strong, fluffy beauty came from. The homeland of Siberians is Siberia. These cats have been living there with people for many centuries. The first mentions of them date back to a period of thousands of years ago.
Siberians inherited agility and endurance from their ancestors. These are real hunters who are excellent at catching mice.
Siberian cats have an impressive build - the weight of an adult cat can reach 12 kg. They have a strong massive body, large round paws, a short neck, and a wide chest. The head is medium sized, round. The muzzle tapers downward, with a rounded chin. The eyes are large, round, as if lined, and widely spaced. The ears are large and pointed. He usually sleeps on his back with his front paws raised up or folded on his chest, which is funny and touching.
The coat is long, thick, with a dense fluffy undercoat. The outer hairs are lightly covered with fat, so cats are not afraid of rain or snow. They are not at all afraid of water and enjoy swimming. Unlike other long-haired cats, the hair of Siberian cats does not mat. The real decoration of the “Siberian” is a fluffy collar, fluffy “pants” and a luxurious tail. It’s not for nothing that the British say that such a cat can decorate the reception of any queen.
Now let's talk about the “Siberian” character. Cats have excellent health and adapt well to changing circumstances. In addition, they are very patient and picky. Usually these cats do not cause much trouble for their owners. They are affectionate, playful, and have, perhaps, the most powerful purring “motor.” Cats are happy to communicate with their owner, but do not tolerate familiarity. If you tease your pet, you risk encountering a wild, angry forest cat. Siberian cats quickly get used to people, respond with love to their care and affection, and remain faithful and devoted to their owner. They are quite calm, but love to play and frolic. Natural intelligence and intelligence help them remember everything easily, so Siberians are easy to train.
When choosing a kitten, you need to take into account the influence of color on character. Black cats are sensitive and curious; black and white are sociable, easily attached to the owner; striped cats are reserved and independent and have excellent health; red and white-red people value peace, are lazy, but very smart; whites are capricious and touchy.
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