Reasons for the appearance of stray dogs in the city

Overproduction - an overabundance of pets as a problem came into view in 1960. Until 1960. there have been hundreds of articles published on the mistreatment of horses and dozens of articles on cruelty to dogs and cats, trapping, rabbit pounding, hunting, and the suffering of farm animals, but very few articles on the overproduction of cats and dogs.
It can be assumed that urbanization, combined with advances in veterinary medicine, created conditions that exacerbated this problem: urbanization concentrated more animals in limited areas, which contributed to indiscriminate breeding; on the other hand, advances in veterinary medicine ensured longer life, healthier animals, and this increased their ability and ability to reproduce.
Packs of stray dogs create obstacles to the normal life of people, breed uncontrollably and disappear uncontrollably, which does not dissatisfy the European standards and requirements for the conditions of humane treatment formulated in the European Convention on the Protection of Animals. “If a State believes that the number of stray animals poses a problem to it, it must take legislative and/or administrative measures necessary to reduce their number in ways that will not cause imminent pain, suffering or mental anguish.” European Convention for the Protection of Animals.
At the moment, the Russian Federation has not signed the Convention. However, according to the agreement signed in 1997. According to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU countries and the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation must follow European standards.
Studying the experience of foreign countries in solving the problem of homeless animals indicates that animal protection programs have been developed there. To solve the problem, a difficult but effective path was chosen: work to educate the population and legislative regulation of the treatment of animals, starting from their birth, living conditions, and until death. The main direction of the Program is the irrevocable capture and placement of animals in shelters: public and private.
The experience of Germany shows that it is impossible to solve the problem of stray dogs in one or two years. A longer period of 5-9 years is needed. This requires the fulfillment of three mandatory conditions:
- Adoption of laws limiting animal reproduction;
- Carrying out sterilization programs and operating the shelter;
- Education and education of the population.
Germany is the first country in the world to introduce animal protection into its Constitution (May 2002, Article 20a). The state protects the rights of animals to humane treatment. What about us?
In Russia, Autonomy, a non-profit organization “Center for Right Animal Defense” proposes a “Three-level model of work to solve the problem of homeless animals in Russia.”
Homeless animals are a problem in society. Together we can change the situation.
Reasons for the appearance of stray dogs in the city
The guys in our yard are friends with the dog family. She lives in a hole under the heating main, which we dug and equipped.
At first there were two of them: mom and dad, then four, and this year six puppies were born. Only one survived, that is, 1:6*100%=16%. And this despite the fact that they are protected by adult dogs, fed, and no one offends them. Many dogs live in worse conditions, which means the number of surviving dogs is even smaller?
Paradox. The number of stray dogs in the city is growing faster than their birth rate.
Regina Ravilievna Shamsimuhamedova, a doctor at the veterinary hospital, helped me resolve the contradiction. She confirmed my observations and helped process them.
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