Features of goldfish development

Currently, many residents create a pond in their garden. The pond is one of the attractive places in the landscape. But a pond looks much more effective and organic when it is inhabited by animals. Fish make any body of water lively and interesting, and nothing is more soothing than watching them glide effortlessly between aquatic plants.
When choosing pets for the pond, you need to take into account that, unlike the inhabitants of the aquarium, you can admire them only from above. Therefore, special breeds have been bred for reservoirs, which look more advantageous when viewed from above. The most popular of them are goldfish and Japanese colored koi carp.
Often in domestic magazines on landscape design it is proposed to populate a pond with fish. But, unfortunately, we could not find more detailed information about such work. In our city, we met aquarium enthusiasts Leonid Ivanovich Slepko and Yuri Dmitrievich Kazantsev, who have been practicing releasing goldfish into the pond in the spring and summer for several years now. According to them, fish that develop in a pond grow much faster and look more presentable.
Leonid Ivanovich has been keeping goldfish in the pond for 6 years. The pond is artificial, dug by hand, depth is about 1 meter, approximate volume is about 8 m3. Plants such as duckweed, arrowhead, and yellow capsule grow in the pond. The fish are released in mid-May, when the air temperature does not drop below 10°C, and are caught in mid-late September. In the first 2-3 weeks, the fish are fed with chopped earthworms, and after a while they simply throw small earthworms to the fish. Leonid Ivanovich left one fish for wintering in the pond last year. In the spring, he discovered that she had successfully overwintered, burying herself in the silt at the bottom, but still could not survive acclimatization and died. Yuri Dmitrievich has also been practicing keeping goldfish in a pond for 2 years. He releases them at the end of May - beginning of June and catches them at the end of August. Along with natural food, he feeds his fish with Tetra dry food once a day
We decided to conduct an experiment in keeping goldfish in a pond in order to popularize this phenomenon among the masses of city residents and compare how fish of the same age will develop in an aquarium and in a pond.
To conduct our experiment, we purchased 6 fish of the same age. On June 6, 3 fish were released into the aquarium, and 3 into the pond. We consider this day the beginning of the experiment.
In an aquarium with a volume of 200 liters, along with goldfish, there were also such fish as speckled catfish - 2 pcs., ancistrus - 1 pc., swordtail - 3 pcs. The water temperature was 24 °C, water changes were carried out weekly by 1/3. Feeding 2 times a day - morning and evening with Tetra dry food (the food contains natural ingredients gammarus, tubifex, bloodworms, seaweed, minerals and vitamins) and raw beef heart, grated.
In the fish pond there were natural inhabitants of an open reservoir such as swimming beetles, smoothies, and rowing beetles; the water temperature corresponded to the ambient temperature. The fish's diet consisted of natural food - daphnia, small insects, aquatic plants (duckweed, cattail roots, arrowhead).
On September 14, the fish were caught from the pond. We consider this day to be the final day of the experiment.
The fish from the pond and aquarium were then weighed on scales and their height was measured. We would like to immediately make a reservation that when measuring the physical parameters of fish, errors in the values may have been made. The data was entered into a table. Then the average value was found for fish from the aquarium and fish from the pond. The color intensity was determined visually, because We did not find any relevant methods.
In our opinion, such a clear advantage of pond goldfish in physical parameters is quite understandable. Since the fish were bred specifically to be kept in a pond, they feel much better there than in an aquarium. After all, the aquarium was equipped with all the necessary equipment, and the fish’s diet consisted of high-quality branded food. In our pond, all the necessary conditions were created for the development and growth of goldfish. The pond was located in a well-lit and warmed place, but part of the pond was always shaded by a linden tree. Various plants grew in the pond (arrowleaf, cattail, duckweed, parasol), which replenished the water with oxygen through photosynthesis.
The fish food consisted of various foods of animal and plant origin (small crustaceans and invertebrates), and it was always available. The presence of food was determined visually.
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