Cats are amazing creatures

The first domestic cats appeared in Africa, like the first people on earth. Thus, we can assume that humans and cats have the same homeland and for many millennia they coexisted peacefully. Ancient Egypt is considered to be the place where the history of the domestic cat began. This was in the third millennium BC. The Egyptians considered the cat a sacred animal and revered it as a deity. In the pantheon of Egyptian gods, the goddess Bastet (cat goddess) was one of the most revered. Her images could be seen on the walls of temples and in ancient papyri. During excavations, many mummified cats were found. After the conquest of Egypt by the Romans, domestic cats came to Europe, where they also became one of the favorite pets. But people fell in love with cats not only because they are beautiful and affectionate. Cats helped people. Cats were especially revered in Venice, as cats saved the city from rats. In the mythology of the Scandinavian countries, the goddess Freya (goddess of love, beauty and fertility) travels in a chariot drawn by two cats. In Japan, there is a temple built in honor of a cat that saved the life of a feudal lord. In Thailand, it is believed that the soul of the deceased emperor moves into a cat.
In the Middle Ages, cats were often persecuted by the church. Cats were even considered servants of the devil and assistants to sorcerers and witches. There are many superstitions associated with cats. Various magical qualities were attributed to cats.
Nowadays, cats are one of the most popular pets. She lives with a man who dedicated a huge amount of works of art to this amazing creature. In ancient Persian miniatures we can see beautiful Angora cats. In England, a medieval monk wrote poetry to his cat. The great composer D. Verdi dedicated several bars in the opera “La Traviata” to his pet. E. L. Webber created the musical "Cats", which is very popular all over the world.
But most often cats appear in children's poems and fairy tales. Let us remember Kipling and Perrault, who immortalized cats in their works. In Russian folklore there are many sayings and nursery rhymes about cats.
In this project you will find several characters from various children's films and cartoons, many of which are familiar to everyone. The drawings were prepared by Vladislava Sashchenko, who is the author of this project.
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