The meaning of a dog for a person. Main dog breeds

According to their purpose, domestic dogs are divided into hunting, herding, service and indoor-decorative dogs. I have a Chinese Crested dog at home. In the period 900-1200. AD they were treated with respect. They were considered one of the ten symbols of goodness. The naked dog represented love. The ancient Toltecs considered the love of this dog for its owner to be the most perfect manifestation of selfless love. When the owner died, his dog was buried with him. According to legend, the spirit of a dog followed its owner, and when the owner had to stand trial and account for all his good and evil deeds, the dog testified in his favor. Later, the Aztecs ate animals as sacred food in festivals. In China, they were used as food by smoking and roasting. Hairless dogs were also believed to have medicinal qualities that alleviated asthma and other illnesses and suffering. They were also used as a body warmer. For us, this is a pet, funny, loyal, friendly, playful. This dog is smart, brave and sweet, extremely affectionate and able to express this affection (she hugs me with both paws, kisses me, will jump around until you pick her up and kiss her). The secrets that she possesses have not yet been fully comprehended, but it is already known that communication with her is healing: asthma attacks disappear, oncological processes slow down, heart rate and blood pressure normalize, allergies and a number of other skin diseases disappear. Oculists consider the hairless dog to be a creature not of terrestrial, but of cosmic origin, brought to our planet by some space aliens.
In Australia, many sheep farms are sparsely populated. As assistants, farmers use a specially bred breed of dog, the Kelpie, which was imported from Scotland. Kelpie can replace three workers. She skillfully manages the herd, but will never harm the sheep. Over many years of working as shepherds, these dogs have developed a reflex to bite animals on the legs in order to force them to walk faster and not stray from the herd. They sometimes transfer this habit to people.
A year ago, a spaniel dog lived in my house. The name was Chernysh. This is one of the breeds of hunting dogs. She is a very diligent, intelligent dog with excellent instincts and a clear voice. A talented, brave and passionate hunter, he skillfully flushes out game and brings back killed birds, although we did not use it for its intended purpose. For us, he was a cheerful, funny friend who loved to fool around, run, and frolic. The character is balanced, agile, cheerful. Well amenable to training. Dogs of this breed are distinguished by a unique ability to communicate with humans, a reliable companion and friend.
American Staffordshire Terrier. This, at first glance, scary dog lives with my godmother, and when I come to her, I like to play with Nika. This breed of guard and hunting dogs belongs to the terrier group. Famous for courage, self-will and stubbornness. It enters into battle decisively and without commands with other dogs and, as a rule, gains the upper hand over everyone. In a number of countries in Western Europe and Latin America, killers and other lawbreakers specially train and train such dogs on people dressed in the uniform of the police or tax inspectorate, and other law enforcement agencies. It is almost more difficult for an enraged beast to rip out a person's throat than a rat, of which these animals are great hunters. It is no coincidence that their breeding has been prohibited in the UK since 1991.
The Great Dane, also known as the Mastiff, is an ancient breed of working dog. His ancestors, the powerful Molossian Great Danes, fought in the arenas of Ancient Rome with gladiators, lions, tigers, bears, and took part in the military campaigns of the Roman legions, with whom they came to England. In the Middle Ages, these dogs were used in hunting large animals and as reliable guards. The mastiff surprisingly combines fearlessness and gentle good nature. This formidable watchman is infinitely loyal to his master and distrustful of strangers.
The Boxer is a typical representative of dogs that in ancient times were used as fighting and hunting dogs. Currently, representatives of this breed are used for police work, as bodyguards, guard dogs and guide dogs for the blind. However, boxers have earned the greatest popularity as companion dogs. The Boxer is extremely brave and devoted to his owner, ready to selflessly protect all family members. He is straightforward and affectionate, cheerful and funny, and retains his puppy character longer than others. Easy to train, intelligent, but sometimes stubborn and even malicious. He is not averse to fighting with other dogs, but he never offends those who are shorter than him.
The Bobtail is an Old English Sheepdog, a breed of decorative dog that has long been used as a herding dog and guard dog. It appeared in Russia recently, but every year it is gaining more and more popularity due to its remarkable qualities: calm character, cheerful disposition, exceptional intelligence, easy controllability, and innate sense of duty. This is a devoted friend and protector of children. Given the bobtail's extraordinary ability to get along with children, they are used abroad in schools for children with developmental disabilities.
Bullmastiff is a breed of working dog. Previously, these dogs were used as guards during hunting, in the army, and in the police. In South Africa, the Diamond Society used bullmastiffs as guard dogs in the fight against poachers: the dog would knock a person down and, without causing bodily harm, keep him with his entire mass on the ground until the owner arrived. Thanks to its acute hearing and excellent sense of smell, the bullmastiff is a reliable watchdog. Now representatives of this breed are most valued as watchmen and bodyguards. Bullmastiffs love to live in a family and quickly find a common language with all its members.
East Siberian Laika - widely used for hunting animals and birds in the forest and forest-tundra zones of Eastern Siberia. The dog has a good orienting reaction, and going with it into the forest to pick mushrooms is a reliable thing, it won’t let you get lost, and, meandering between mushroom pickers and trees, it will show you both a squirrel and a bird hidden among the branches, filling the forest silence with a flood of sound that requires attention. barking. A dog can run all day long in deep snow, hunt or pull sleds, sleep buried in the snow, and remain well-fed.
The Dalmatian is a service and at the same time quite decorative dog, known in Europe for over 300 years. In the 18th century, dogs of this breed usually accompanied the carriages of noble nobles, for which they were nicknamed “coach dogs.” Distributed throughout Europe, they became especially famous as signal dogs during the war in the Balkans. The Dalmatian has a cheerful disposition, a pleasant, even temperament, is not pugnacious, understandable, easy to train, devoted to his owners, and relates well to children. Excellent watchman.
The Irish Wolfhound is the national pride of the dogs of Ireland. They were used to protect settlements and hunt large animals: wolves, bears; later - to accompany the carriages of noble nobles, and their puppies were given to eminent foreign guests as a form of special favor and gratitude. Basically, they poisoned wolves, which they dealt with almost without difficulty. For all its power and formidability, the Irish Wolfhound is a gentle and kind giant, becoming enraged only when it or its owners are in real danger. He has instant reaction, strength and visual acuity, and is completely fearless. Exceptionally smart, affectionate with children, absolutely happy with his family.
The German Shepherd is one of the most popular and widespread breeds of working dogs all over the world. Brought out in Germany and intended for service in the army, law enforcement agencies, protection of objects, borders, and service in investigative agencies. Later she became an excellent guide for the blind. Excellent sense of smell, exquisite hearing and acute vision, enormous strength and endurance, selfless devotion to the owner, instant reaction - all this has made this breed a leader among other service dogs. The German Shepherd is not only an excellent shepherd and guardian of livestock in the fields. They took an active part in world wars, performing various military service tasks: accompanying reconnaissance groups behind enemy lines. They were mine detectors and searchers for the wounded. Bombers, signalmen, etc. They serve in the police (these dogs can pick up a scent even after several days), work in the Red Cross, they are used to search for people during earthquakes and landslides, and are used as rescuers on water, in the mountains, and during fires. There is nothing you could ask for in a dog that a German Shepherd couldn't do. These dogs are unsurpassed bodyguards, thanks to their excellent guard reflex and lightning-fast attacks.
The Newfoundland is an excellent swimmer and diver, has the instinct to pull people and any floating objects out of the water - an indispensable lifeguard on the water, which does not even require training. A kind, gentle, loyal and brave animal is a family favorite.
Saint Bernard is an old breed of Swiss working dog. Everyone knows that St. Bernards were previously used as rescue dogs, finding and extracting climbers in distress from snow debris. Some representatives of this breed still work as rescuers in the mountains. However, in most cases, the St. Bernard is a companion dog, although it does not adapt well to urban conditions. The breed was created for difficult, exhausting and dangerous rescue work in the mountains, which St. Bernards have been doing quite successfully for centuries. And in the home, in the family, he is an excellent, generous and devoted friend; sociable. He has a calm and even character. They say that St. Bernards have the ability to foresee an avalanche.
The Shih Tzu is a chrysanthemum dog, one of the ancient breeds of decorative dogs, bred in China. She was revered as a creature that brought happiness and was kept by the Chinese emperors in the palace as a talisman. Their export outside the country was prohibited under penalty of death. Today it is known and popular all over the world. The Shih Tzu is said to have the dignity of a Chinese mandarin, the courage of a lion, and the cheerfulness of an imp. She is sociable, loves to be the center of attention, exceptionally smart, devoted to her owner, loves children.
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