A dog is man's friend

The dog has been a friend since ancient times, faithful and devoted. She brings love and affection to the house. But recently, the media have often begun to raise the issue of the relationship between a person and a dog, touching on the tragic side of this issue. Man's unreasonable attitude towards dogs has led to the formation of an entire "army" of stray dogs, which are a threat to human life.
There are also frequent cases when a dog - a silent, dependent creature - takes out their anger on someone or something, “gets it out” for their failures in life, satisfies their base feeling of tormenting someone, mocking someone . Soulless, callous people are capable, having played enough with a donated or picked up puppy, to throw it out into the street, dooming it to hunger and cold. They throw out old, sick, simply bored dogs. After all, these dogs are already accustomed to their owner and love him. Soulless, callous people do not understand that dogs have a heart, that it is alive, it is capable of shrinking in sadness and aching with grief!
“... How many stray dogs there are in the vicinity of the central park! And who will like it when it’s not light, not dawn, or in the middle of the night not one, but several dogs bark at once? And everything would have been fine if they hadn’t swooped in and accompanied passers-by, scaring them. What can you expect from a pack of stray dogs when they are the majority and you are walking alone? ..." Newspaper "Chistopol news" 2006.
Stray dogs are dogs that do not have an owner and get their own food. They are usually without collars, have a pitiful appearance, beg near shops, canteens, cafes, look for food waste in garbage containers and landfills, and gather in flocks for hunting.
The question of the fate of stray dogs in the city is not only relevant, but also topical “...over three months of this year, about 90 people who suffered from dog bites turned to the city trauma center, and what’s especially scary is that there are many children among them” - the words of the head of the plant utility companies.
In 1998, 342 people were injured by stray dogs in the city of Chistopol, in 1999 – 365 people, in 2008 – 326 people.
From a sanitary point of view, stray dogs pose a great danger because... among them there are many sick and infected animals, which can contain from one to four pathogens.
Scientific evidence shows that dogs can transmit about 45 diseases to humans. As practice shows, the role of dogs and cats in infecting humans in cities is more significant, because stray dogs come into contact with humans when feeding them.
There is a significant infection of dogs with blood-sucking parasites, which can also be carriers of dangerous infections.
In addition, a dog attack may result in the victim becoming infected with rabies. Rabies is a terrible viral disease characterized by severe progressive damage to the central nervous system, fatal to humans.
When attacked by an aggressive dog, a person can suffer mental and physical injuries that can lead to disability.
A dead stray dog continues to be a source of infection; when decomposed, it releases cadaveric material, and the environmental situation worsens.
“Great attention is paid to improving the sanitary and environmental situation in the Republic of Tatarstan. Among others, the issue of constructing biothermal pits (the so-called Beccari pits) in the areas was raised.
This is a structure made of moisture-thermal material buried in the ground with a lid and air supply holes for the destruction of animal corpses; the decomposition process lasts 30-40 days.
At the end of November 2008, such a biothermal pit appeared in the Chistopol region and became the sixth in Tatarstan. It's no secret that there are many corpses of dead animals in our ravines. Now the workers of OJSC "MPPBiO" will take them here, which will improve the environmental situation" based on materials from the newspaper "Chistopolskie Izvestia" 2008.
Dogs are undoubtedly afraid of humans. But when stray dogs gather in a pack, they become especially dangerous because they feel their strength.
But, according to animal rights activists, thanks to stray dogs, the number of rats in cities does not increase, which are competitors for dogs at garbage cans and the dogs destroy them. Mauled rats near garbage cans - the work of stray dogs.
Humane treatment of animals is based on compliance with the rules for keeping dogs in the city and attentive attitude towards your neighbors. It is in the name of humanism that all kinds of decisions and decrees of state federal and regional authorities on the protection of human health should be made. That is why stray dogs are caught and destroyed.
“Year after year, stray animals are poisoned. Organizing a catch is a troublesome task and requires costs. But for now our authorities prefer to save money. So it turns out that the whole dog problem in the city of Chistopol is opposed by one person - such a unit is in the staffing table of OJSC MPPBiO.
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